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Why is the presidential election so close? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2012
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The answer is two-fold. The first reason is really not the economy, but some people believe it is because of the absolute hatred certain segments of society have for President Obama. What we are looking at are of course the plutocrats-the RP, the wall streeters, the bain capital type people, people who have lots of money to throw around for political purposes. They see Romney as the guy who will do their bidding because they believe him to be one of them.

Obama is only ahead by a thin margin. Will he have inspired enough people to vote for him? That is the key. Get your people out to vote. The RPs have the money and probably the discipline to get their people out to vote on election day. It remains to be seen if the Democrats can outdo the RPs in getting the vote out AND to overcome the voter suppression ploys as exhibited by the likes of Jon Husted of Ohio and Gov. Scott of Fla. both Republicans oddly enough. These guys should be charged with voter suppression crimes.
The answer is two-fold. The first reason is really not the economy, but some people believe it is because of the absolute hatred certain segments of society have for President Obama. What we are looking at are of course the plutocrats-the RP, the wall streeters, the bain capital type people, people who have lots of money to throw around for political purposes. They see Romney as the guy who will do their bidding because they believe him to be one of them.

Obama is only ahead by a thin margin. Will he have inspired enough people to vote for him? That is the key. Get your people out to vote. The RPs have the money and probably the discipline to get their people out to vote on election day. It remains to be seen if the Democrats can outdo the RPs in getting the vote out AND to overcome the voter suppression ploys as exhibited by the likes of Jon Husted of Ohio and Gov. Scott of Fla. both Republicans oddly enough. These guys should be charged with voter suppression crimes.
Actually there's 3 more reasons.
1. Obama's been a terrible President.
2. He's spent 1 billion dollars and an entire campaign attempting to personally destroy Romney while keeping the focus off his record.
3. The vast majority of the American media is dishonest and has attempted to suppress negative news about Obama and his policies. If the Amertican press were playing this election fair Romney would have won in a landslide.
it's close because americans have notoriously short memory spans, and because obama is generally an average-below average president mainly because his backbone is made of confetti.
The election is so close because the nation is nearly equally divided on the direction it should go.
Setting aside all the facts and the record of the last 4 years that we all know, the phenomenon, and spell “hope and change” that was placed on many people including many conservatives and independents that voted in 2008, has finally worn off.

The president’s style, charisma, speaking skills and especially likability that resulted in an easy win in 2008 have been diminished by a more negative, divisive and aggressive Barak Obama.

However, he has stayed on course, made headway and followed an agenda that most liberals believe in. He very well may win this election based on that agenda and his accomplishments.
Setting aside all the facts and the record of the last 4 years that we all know, the phenomenon, and spell “hope and change” that was placed on many people including many conservatives and independents that voted in 2008, has finally worn off.

The president’s style, charisma, speaking skills and especially likability that resulted in an easy win in 2008 have been diminished by a more negative, divisive and aggressive Barak Obama.

However, he has stayed on course, made headway and followed an agenda that most liberals believe in. He very well may win this election based on that agenda and his accomplishments.

I think theres at least some truth in that.

Obama was over-hyped in 08 & its close as much for the ground he's lost as for any gains made by the right.

In 08 we heard some talk about the "black Jesus", it was ridiculous & over the top, but in 12 we've seen a fundemental shift in attitude to a more realistic appraisal of the guy.
The election appears to be close because there's really very little difference between Obama and Romney and really very little difference between the Republicans and the Democrats.

Both parties have become fairly watered-down entities that offer up very little in terms of substance or confidence.

I think most people are starting to get rather tired of being handed pathetic choices for leaders and when the vast majority of people are voting on "the lessor of two evils", it's going to be close no matter how you slice it.

Why is this election so close? It's because neither candidate/party inspires confidence or trust in what they have to offer.
The election appears to be close because there's really very little difference between Obama and Romney and really very little difference between the Republicans and the Democrats.

Both parties have become fairly watered-down entities that offer up very little in terms of substance or confidence.

I think most people are starting to get rather tired of being handed pathetic choices for leaders and when the vast majority of people are voting on "the lessor of two evils", it's going to be close no matter how you slice it.

Why is this election so close? It's because neither candidate/party inspires confidence or trust in what they have to offer.

I think you hit the nail on the head.

I read somewhere that only 40% of eligible voters actually bother to vote. Thats pretty bad when you consider some other countries that almost double that even when their lives are at stake just by voting.
Linear time and a fixed election date? :)

The result will be so close because there is no fundamental difference between either candidate (or indeed most mainstream politicians) which means elections are run on highly variable spin and marketing rather than any actual policies or principal.

The US also seems to have a highly partisan sense of membership of political parties - so many people consider themselves Republican or Democrat rather than individuals making an informed choice and will vote that way almost regardless of the candidates or the campaign. You see to have so few true independent citizens that the overall result will be close regardless of what they choose to do.
The election is so close because the nation is nearly equally divided on the direction it should go.

It's much more fun to just say the other side is immoral or misinformed.
It's divided because having a big entity to fix your bad choices for you and blame your bad choices on is really attractive to half the population.
It's divided because having a big entity to fix your bad choices for you and blame your bad choices on is really attractive to half the population.

And having a candidate who changes his position every five minutes based on who he's talking to is attractive to the other.

Yay go Bears woot!
The election is so close because the nation is nearly equally divided on the direction it should go.

I'm convinced that a good number of Obama voters love America as much as Romney voters do, and in the same way we Romney voters do. But they actually do not understand the danger Obama poses. They don't understand it because they didn't and don't know his real history (because he has kept it hidden and because the media is in collusion with his reelection campaign just as it was in 08), and because they haven't paid attention to the news these past four years, because they feel they owe a 'clean Black man' an opportunity to be President...again, and they want to think well of him because he seems nice. But the main reason some of Obama's voters don't understand the danger a second Obama term poses is because Obama and his campaign staff are careful not to tell the truth but they lie in a way that allows him to escape too much criticism for his lies.

That's why I think the race seems so close.
why is the race so close? because the MSM is not reporting the truth. If the media was reporting the truth rather than reprocessed dem talking points, this election would not be close at all.
And having a candidate who changes his position every five minutes based on who he's talking to is attractive to the other.

Yay go Bears woot!

"57 states"
"redistribute the wealth"
"I will put the healthcare debate on c-span"
And having a candidate who changes his position every five minutes based on who he's talking to is attractive to the other.

Yay go Bears woot!

Over his life, Romney has been a better and better person as time went on, and his positions . That isn't a flip flop, that is being human.
And having a candidate who changes his position every five minutes based on who he's talking to is attractive to the other.

Yay go Bears woot!

Two things you should know. An analyses of game theory determined the best way to win a game where one party is cheating is for the other player to cheat as well.

Once Romney saw he couldn't win by trying to appeal to a dishonest media to reveal to the public Obama's team's dishonesty, he decided, IMHO, to fight fire with fire.

Secondly, what some are calling flip flopping by Romney in regards to abortion is, in reality, his attempt during his gubernatorial bid, to keep his personal beliefs separate from how he governed Massachusetts. But when he realized he couldn't keep his feelings to himself he admitted his crises of conscience.

That says less about him being a flip flopper and more about him being a man of honorable intentions who had to lower his standards to serve the desires and needs of an electorate in the Bay State who wanted the ability to abort fetuses.
Two things you should know. An analyses of game theory determined the best way to win a game where one party is cheating is for the other player to cheat as well.

Once Romney saw he couldn't win by trying to appeal to a dishonest media to reveal to the public Obama's team's dishonesty, he decided, IMHO, to fight fire with fire.

Nice rationalization, but from an outsider's point of view it's just cheating.
realclearpolitics.com take into consideration dozens of polls that are slanted both ways....and they have the race almost dead equal.

RCP National Average 47.8% Obama 47.4% Romney

Not the case, I have checked them. They are all wrong.
It is close because they both suck. One, at least, has yet to have the opportunity to not be sucky. The other ones has no defense.

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