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Why is the Bush staff tired? (1 Viewer)

Why is the Bush staff tired? (You can pick more than one reply)

  • Handling of Dubai ports

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Iraq war / Mission Accomplished / Miscalculating required troop strength

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • Handling of Katrina / Subsequesnt release of levee videotape

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • 9-11 + ignoring 8/6/01 PDB and subsequesnt report from 9-11 commision

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Handling of Valerie Plame outing / Libby Rove et. al

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Abramoff lobbying scandal

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • $8 trillion defecit and rising

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Handling of anthrax attacks

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Handling of Terry Shiavo

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Abu Ghraib

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


Rpublican strategist Ed Rollins is on record stating that the Bush staff is showing signs of being tired.

My question: Which of the events in the poll have contributed the most to the fatigue factor?

It was hard to limit this to 10 options!
The Cheney shooting, KYOTO, Pretzels, Steel Tariffs, The presidential debates and Bush's inability to admit a mistake were also on my list.

I think the Bush staff stayed up too late on inauguration night 2001 and haven't recovered.
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Didn't you hear? That Starbucks deal went south, and now there's a shortage of coffee at the White House
How can they be tired with all the vacations that guy takes?
Why are they tired?...

Up too late trying to find the retractions and corrections from the New York Times on page 47 from the false allegations made the day before on page 1...:shrug:

Either that or someone left a constant loop of the Dean Scream on the VCR overnight...
Originally posted by KCConservative:
Or maybe their tired from making up excuses to torture people.
cnredd said:
Why are they tired?...

Up too late trying to find the retractions and corrections from the New York Times on page 47 from the false allegations made the day before on page 1...:shrug:

Either that or someone left a constant loop of the Dean Scream on the VCR overnight...

Judy Miller and the runup to the war crap? Why would the Busheviks try to find that retraction when they spoonfed Miller the propoganda? :confused:
Billo_Really said:
Or maybe their tired from making up excuses to torture people.

or booking flights for rendition?
or tearing up the constitution?
or producing fake news shows?
or blaming the media for why the war isn't going well?
or trying to win the Iraq war by extended PR tours?
or outsourcing our jobs to India and China?
or spending money like a drunken sailor?
or taking away benefits for vets?
or destroying our country's education system?
or making it harder for students to get into college?

I could go on all day really.
Oh my God........I'm having flashbacks of the 2004 debate and Bush saying, it's hard work. It's really hard work.:rofl

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