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Why I believe Trump is a disaster for businessman and for your future economic lives. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 28, 2020
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Okay, first some fact for comparison

The US government debt was before Corona expected to be 102% of GDP in 2020. The biggest holder of US debtpapers is China followed by Japan. The budget deficit's share of GDP ended up at around 4.5 per cent. Export correspond to 11,7% of the US GDP .

The Swedish debt was, before Corona, expected to be 22% of BNP. The biggest central government debt in Sweden was amounted to over 70 per cent of GDP in the early 1990s (which led to a big effect on our economy with unemployment and ultimately change in our pension system, bringing future pensions for decades still to come, decreased with up to 30%.) Today export correspond to 47 percent of the Swedish GDP. Import figures is 43% of GDP

So; Looking at these figures, Trump looks like he has a very big point and that his war against international trade is warranted. Usually high debt means disaster for a country. But it hasn’t been the case for US instead you recovered from the finance crisis quite fast and you been doing better and better every year since then. Do you know why?

The US economy is the world's largest and has for a long time been focused on driving growth through the consumption of goods and services in its own internal market. Here Trump sees a problem(well-founded) but since he has to simplify any problem to understand, only sees what he think he can change through bullying and since he isn’t able to listen to others(his own economic experts in this case)this is the only thing he sees: For decades, the United States has had large deficits in trade with the rest of the world, that is, every year it has imported goods and services at a much greater value than it has exported. Over time, these large surpluses have accumulated and strongly contributed to the country's net financial position becoming increasingly negative. So what is the problem with that picture, and why has your economy been so prosperous? Well there are three main reasons for that::

  • International capital flows. American companies are among the most successful, which has attracted investors from other countries to buy shares in the United States. In addition, US government securities(for loans) are considered among the safest in the world and many foreign investors have therefore also wanted to buy them. All in all, this has made the flows into the United States greater than those that have gone out.
  • The investments that non-Americans have made in American stocks and other securities have increased more in value than Americans’ holdings in foreign securities (the American stock market has simply developed better than the stock exchanges in the rest of the world in general have done).
  • The USA's largest and most successful companies such as Amazon, Google and Facebook’s exports of services are not included in the export figures. Those companies will heavily be affected of international trade restrictions.
Well I could write more and analyse why Trumps’ war against international trade and his alienation off his ally’s like Europe, could mean for your country, but I will let you think for yourselves.
I think that his approach has worked well so far. I believe it will continue and I want it to continue. Who knows what the future holds internationally. I would not change course now but wait and see.
The US remains the world leader in business because of out Democracy, foreign investors know their money will stolen out of our financial systems. Without that we would be in huge trouble.
I think that his approach has worked well so far. I believe it will continue and I want it to continue. Who knows what the future holds internationally. I would not change course now but wait and see.
The US remains the world leader in business because of out Democracy, foreign investors know their money will stolen out of our financial systems. Without that we would be in huge trouble.
It might also have something to do with Pax- America (that Trump does his best to put into the grave, but that Europe doesn’t want to let go though to that this would increase Russia’s influence) However, the American economy had begun to slow down somewhat even before the corona crisis hit and the budget deficit was soaring again, approaching $ 1 trillion at the end of 2019.
I hope people remember that the stock market has nothing whatsoever to do with America's actual internal economy. The stock market just gauges how much money the richest 10 or 15% of Americans are doing financially but tells us NOTHING of how Joe's Meat Market on 3rd & Main is faring or how Jane Doe, recently laid off her job at Mama's Kitchen restaurant is coping with unemployment. You wonder why the market goes up 300 pts one day and down 400 the next. That just Trader A selling off 100,000 of his shares of stock in a certain company when it moves up a quarter pt. and he dumps the shares and takes his profits of perhaps $25,000 and moves them over to another company that looks ripe to move up a pt or two. Trader B buys those stocks and doesn't do so well because the stocks now drop a pt. so he either holds or folds and puts them on the market. Trader C buys those stocks that B put on the market and holds them until they move up a pt and then he sells and takes his $50,000 profit and puts it into another company insider trading tells him is primed to move up. That's exactly how the market works: a shell game for the rich boys who have the inside dope to tell them which companies to buy and which ones to sell.

I get this first-hand from my half-brother who was a stockbroker for 20 years before retiring a multi-millionaire playing the market. There are TWO economies in this country: the one for the rich boys who are doing fabulously, and the one for the rest of us who are bleeding from a thousand cuts.
The US economy is the world's largest and has for a long time been focused on driving growth through the consumption of goods and services in its own internal market.

This, of course, is a blatant lie on your part.

This is true: The US economy is the world's largest and has for a long time been focused on driving growth out of the country by promoting the consumption of good and services that originate outside of its own internal market.

And this is what Trump has been trying to change since the day he stepped foot in the Oval Office.
This, of course, is a blatant lie on your part.

This is true: The US economy is the world's largest and has for a long time been focused on driving growth out of the country by promoting the consumption of good and services that originate outside of its own internal market.

And this is what Trump has been trying to change since the day he stepped foot in the Oval Office.

Trump is for Trump. The rest of us be damned.
I hope people remember that the stock market has nothing whatsoever to do with America's actual internal economy. The stock market just gauges how much money the richest 10 or 15% of Americans are doing financially but tells us NOTHING of how Joe's Meat Market on 3rd & Main is faring or how Jane Doe, recently laid off her job at Mama's Kitchen restaurant is coping with unemployment. You wonder why the market goes up 300 pts one day and down 400 the next. That just Trader A selling off 100,000 of his shares of stock in a certain company when it moves up a quarter pt. and he dumps the shares and takes his profits of perhaps $25,000 and moves them over to another company that looks ripe to move up a pt or two. Trader B buys those stocks and doesn't do so well because the stocks now drop a pt. so he either holds or folds and puts them on the market. Trader C buys those stocks that B put on the market and holds them until they move up a pt and then he sells and takes his $50,000 profit and puts it into another company insider trading tells him is primed to move up. That's exactly how the market works: a shell game for the rich boys who have the inside dope to tell them which companies to buy and which ones to sell.

I get this first-hand from my half-brother who was a stockbroker for 20 years before retiring a multi-millionaire playing the market. There are TWO economies in this country: the one for the rich boys who are doing fabulously, and the one for the rest of us who are bleeding from a thousand cuts.

So out of pure jealousy, you want to bash the stock market because you are unable to make money in it. How neighborly of you.
Okay, first some fact for comparison

The US government debt was before Corona expected to be 102% of GDP in 2020. The biggest holder of US debtpapers is China followed by Japan. The budget deficit's share of GDP ended up at around 4.5 per cent. Export correspond to 11,7% of the US GDP .

The Swedish debt was, before Corona, expected to be 22% of BNP. The biggest central government debt in Sweden was amounted to over 70 per cent of GDP in the early 1990s (which led to a big effect on our economy with unemployment and ultimately change in our pension system, bringing future pensions for decades still to come, decreased with up to 30%.) Today export correspond to 47 percent of the Swedish GDP. Import figures is 43% of GDP

So; Looking at these figures, Trump looks like he has a very big point and that his war against international trade is warranted. Usually high debt means disaster for a country. But it hasn’t been the case for US instead you recovered from the finance crisis quite fast and you been doing better and better every year since then. Do you know why?

The US economy is the world's largest and has for a long time been focused on driving growth through the consumption of goods and services in its own internal market. Here Trump sees a problem(well-founded) but since he has to simplify any problem to understand, only sees what he think he can change through bullying and since he isn’t able to listen to others(his own economic experts in this case)this is the only thing he sees: For decades, the United States has had large deficits in trade with the rest of the world, that is, every year it has imported goods and services at a much greater value than it has exported. Over time, these large surpluses have accumulated and strongly contributed to the country's net financial position becoming increasingly negative. So what is the problem with that picture, and why has your economy been so prosperous? Well there are three main reasons for that::

  • International capital flows. American companies are among the most successful, which has attracted investors from other countries to buy shares in the United States. In addition, US government securities(for loans) are considered among the safest in the world and many foreign investors have therefore also wanted to buy them. All in all, this has made the flows into the United States greater than those that have gone out.
  • The investments that non-Americans have made in American stocks and other securities have increased more in value than Americans’ holdings in foreign securities (the American stock market has simply developed better than the stock exchanges in the rest of the world in general have done).
  • The USA's largest and most successful companies such as Amazon, Google and Facebook’s exports of services are not included in the export figures. Those companies will heavily be affected of international trade restrictions.
Well I could write more and analyse why Trumps’ war against international trade and his alienation off his ally’s like Europe, could mean for your country, but I will let you think for yourselves.
Ummmmmmmmmm, Democrats want MFA, reparations to slave descendants, trillions in stimulus, forgive student loans, free college, infrastructure, and spending 93 trillion dollars on the Green New Deal. Have you forgotten that?
Ummmmmmmmmm, Democrats want MFA, reparations to slave descendants, trillions in stimulus, forgive student loans, free college, infrastructure, and spending 93 trillion dollars on the Green New Deal. Have you forgotten that?
I have not forgotten anything, I am just telling you. I am not the one voting, you are. Do you ever ask your politicians what/who is going to pay?(like the checks Donald keeps sending to presumed voters or to his own family for that matter) We always do....

By the way Sweden has been investing in green deals for a while now, it has busted our economy, created more jobs, extended our export and made our electricity sheeper.
I have not forgotten anything, I am just telling you. I am not the one voting, you are. Do you ever ask your politicians what/who is going to pay?(like the checks Donald keeps sending to presumed voters or to his own family for that matter) We always do....

By the way Sweden has been investing in green deals for a while now, it has busted our economy, created more jobs, extended our export and made our electricity sheeper.
While Republicans suck on the nation's finances, Democrats tell you up front that they are spending umpteen trillions on everything under the sun. I actually own my own business and Biden will destroy it.
And please remember that when we talk about US being big in import, EU is measured in country by country. In fact if we look at import on EU as a hole the US import is approximately 2 560 000 millions US dollar and the EU import is 2 100 000 000 million US dollars.(Great Britain is included in these figures. )
While Republicans suck on the nation's finances, Democrats tell you up front that they are spending umpteen trillions on everything under the sun. I actually own my own business and Biden will destroy it.
I am sorry to hear that, What branch are you in and how is he going to effect(destroy) it?

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