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Why I am anti-Trump. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
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I've been asked, why Renae, for one as generally conservative as you are, so against Donald Trump.

Let's start with the man is a con-artist. A Hype man, he EXCELS at pushing and promoting a product. In this case, he's pushing HIMSELF, and the ignorant, the angry, the disenfranchised... they rally to him because he is REALLY good at this. He's promising to fix things and saying it unabashedly in speeches, he's not cowering before the media and not apologizing for who he is. Some of that is aces, the Conservative leadership has for too long been easily cowed running for cover at the slightest HINT of push back or negativity.

But for all that, he's a liar, a breed of liar on the line with PT Barnum and other great showmen, they tell you stories to entice you to believe that in that tent behind them are wonders beyond imagination. And the foolish bu the tickets, and are wowed by what would otherwise have been seen for the frauds they are.

What frauds for Trump do I speak of?

That he's actually going to DO anything he claims. It's all for show.

He's a big government progressive at heart.

Cradle to Grave Nanny State

Socialized Healthcare

Trump Thinks Eminent Domain Is ‘Wonderful’

More Government Can Solve Immigration

Make America Great Again

(for what this all means, please read 5 Times Trump Told You He Loves Big Government )

Those are five examples of Trump showing his conservative principles are truly non-existent. I cannot, will not, get behind this asshole.

Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' - CNNPolitics.com

Trump is all a big time UHC proponent...

"I won't refuse it. I'm going to do a lot of things," Trump said when asked if he would use executive orders in an interview Sunday on NBC"s "Meet the Press."

“I mean, he’s led the way, to be honest with you,” he added, referring to Obama.

The Republican primary front-runner said his executive orders, unlike the president’s, will be for the “right things.”
Trump: Obama 'led the way' on executive orders | TheHill

HELLO? Conservatives out there? You hear this, this is a man that embraces: I'm from the government and I'm here to help

Oh and on immigration and American jobs...


I understand that outsourcing means that employees lose jobs," he noted. "Because work is often outsourced to other countries, it means Americans lose jobs. In other cases, nonunion employees get the work. Losing jobs is never a good thing, but we have to look at the bigger picture.
Last year, Nobel Prize-winning economist Dr. Lawrence R. Klein, the founder of Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, co-authored a study that showed how global outsourcing actually creates more jobs and increases wages, at least for IT workers. The study found that outsourcing helped companies be more competitive and more productive. That means they make more money, which means they funnel more into the economy, thereby, creating more jobs.

Donald Trump's Yooge Flip-Flop on Outsourcing | Mother Jones (read his own words, they are quoted there in)

Fine, Trump is standing up to the bullies of overly wishy washy faux PC outrage. I applaud THAT, Aces. He's not doing it because of principle, but because at heart, he's a jerk, a pompous ass of extreme measure.

I cannot, CANNOT tolerate him, he makes Obama look Presidential to me... uhg I just wrote that? Yeah, that's how badly I despise Trump. He's a VERY bad man.

Finally, he's a tinfoil hat nutter


Under Donald Trump?s Hair, a Tin Foil Hat - The Daily Beast
Trump, donning his tinfoil hat, wants to party like it's 1993 ? NewsWorks
He?s no better than Alex Jones: Donald Trump tells it like it is ? if you?re a tinfoil hat-wearing loon - Salon.com

Don't even get me started on his suggestion that Ted Cruz's father was part of the JFK assassination plot. (yes, in case you missed it....)

So, if you want to know why this gal ain't' voting for the Donald, not now, not tomorrow, not EVER?

It's because I love my country, and my principles too much to sacrifice them to "beat the other side". Hillary is their candidate, and if she wins she'll be badly wounded and I doubt serves out her term.

Trump... Trump needs to lose, so that he and all the idiots that backed him go down in flames.
Warm some milk. Take deep breath and understand that it is just politics. It doesn't really matter.
Warm some milk. Take deep breath and understand that it is just politics. It doesn't really matter.

Right, it doesn't matter. /smh What doesn't matter? The election? Politics? What?
This election boils down to Hillary R Clinton or Donald J Trump. Which one do you think will be better for this country's economy, security, and will pick better justices?
I've been asked, why Renae, for one as generally conservative as you are, so against Donald Trump.

Let's start with the man is a con-artist. A Hype man, he EXCELS at pushing and promoting a product. In this case, he's pushing HIMSELF, and the ignorant, the angry, the disenfranchised... they rally to him because he is REALLY good at this. He's promising to fix things and saying it unabashedly in speeches, he's not cowering before the media and not apologizing for who he is. Some of that is aces, the Conservative leadership has for too long been easily cowed running for cover at the slightest HINT of push back or negativity.

But for all that, he's a liar, a breed of liar on the line with PT Barnum and other great showmen, they tell you stories to entice you to believe that in that tent behind them are wonders beyond imagination. And the foolish bu the tickets, and are wowed by what would otherwise have been seen for the frauds they are.

What frauds for Trump do I speak of?

That he's actually going to DO anything he claims. It's all for show.

He's a big government progressive at heart.

Cradle to Grave Nanny State

Socialized Healthcare

Trump Thinks Eminent Domain Is ‘Wonderful’

More Government Can Solve Immigration

Make America Great Again

(for what this all means, please read 5 Times Trump Told You He Loves Big Government )

Those are five examples of Trump showing his conservative principles are truly non-existent. I cannot, will not, get behind this asshole.

Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' - CNNPolitics.com

Trump is all a big time UHC proponent...

Trump: Obama 'led the way' on executive orders | TheHill

HELLO? Conservatives out there? You hear this, this is a man that embraces: I'm from the government and I'm here to help

Oh and on immigration and American jobs...

Donald Trump?s Foreign Workers: American Workers Aren?t Good Enough | National Review


I usually do not agree with you, but you nailed it here. Trump is not a conservative. Kudos to you for sticking to your beliefs and spotting the carnival barker.
This election boils down to Hillary R Clinton or Donald J Trump. Which one do you think will be better for this country's economy, security, and will pick better justices?

Trump: Promotes the idea of bringing things like manufacturing and troops back to America. He will probably have a sound domestic energy policy like increasing fracking, coal extraction and drilling for oil offshore further reducing our dependence on foreign sources like Saudi Arabia, which is a ****hole. He'll be anti-regulation and probably disable the Labor Department, OSHA and the EPA.

Hillary: Status quo.

Personally, I like status quo. Although, I do believe that manufacturing everything offshore is a huge problem, I do not believe government can solve it. I believe automation will solve it. In other words, I trust the free market not Donald Trump.
This election boils down to Hillary R Clinton or Donald J Trump. Which one do you think will be better for this country's economy, security, and will pick better justices?

Honestly? Hillary. Don't get me wrong, I wont vote for her, but there is no question she is more qualified and more presidential than Trump on every conceivable level. That said, I wont be voting for her. She is a dishonest, polarizing, pandering leftist who will only continue this countrys downward slide. Oddly enough, that is a better option than 4 years of childish tweets and poorly thought out, moronic policies that Trump would offer. Whats funny is I could actually vote for Bernie and/or Biden. While I disagree with them on every issue, they are honest likeable guys. Right now, I will either vote third party or I wont bother to vote at all.
Trump: Promotes the idea of bringing things like manufacturing and troops back to America. He will probably have a sound domestic energy policy like increasing fracking, coal extraction and drilling for oil offshore further reducing our dependence on foreign sources like Saudi Arabia, which is a ****hole. He'll be anti-regulation and probably disable the Labor Department, OSHA and the EPA.

Hillary: Status quo.

Personally, I like status quo. Although, I do believe that manufacturing everything offshore is a huge problem, I do not believe government can solve it. I believe automation will solve it. In other words, I trust the free market not Donald Trump.
If Trump would actually focus on the things you mentioned and stop with the stupid, childish behavior, he might actually have a chance. He has tapped into something like Sanders has, but Trump is the worst possible spokesman.
If Trump would actually focus on the things you mentioned and stop with the stupid, childish behavior, he might actually have a chance. He has tapped into something like Sanders has, but Trump is the worst possible spokesman.

I think there is method to his madness. He uses the hate stuff to get people out who would normally not vote. That's not to say I like his method. But, I believe his plan is working.

THe only question now is does he turn off too many people who would otherwise like the positive side of his message?
I think there is method to his madness. He uses the hate stuff to get people out who would normally not vote. That's not to say I like his method. But, I believe his plan is working.

THe only question now is does he turn off too many people who would otherwise like the positive side of his message?

I think the answer to that question is yes. If he beats the drum every day on the issues you mentioned: jobs, the economy, trade, helping the middle class, and yes, making America great, he can and will win. Its a winning message. He is sabotaging his own message with childish and moronic behavior. Its almost like he doesn't want to win.
This election boils down to Hillary R Clinton or Donald J Trump. Which one do you think will be better for this country's economy, security, and will pick better justices?

Well, I know it's NOT Trump, and I know it's not Hillary.

The long term then must be looked at. Should Trump triumph that will greatly harm the causes I believe in more seriously than four years of Hillary. Trump is a big, active government power interefence in the lives and businesses of Americans. If you think that's a positive thing, then you go right ahead and pull that vote for him.

I for one refuse to support such.
I think the answer to that question is yes. If he beats the drum every day on the issues you mentioned: jobs, the economy, trade, helping the middle class, and yes, making America great, he can and will win. Its a winning message. He is sabotaging his own message with childish and moronic behavior. Its almost like he doesn't want to win.

He doesn't give a **** about the middle class. He's not about American Jobs (his own company's employment practices show he doesn't put his OWN money where his mouth is) and his idea for "Making America Great" is built on a highly pro-active government.

Gee, sounds a lot like a Democrat, the very thing he claims he aligns more with.
He doesn't give a **** about the middle class. He's not about American Jobs (his own company's employment practices show he doesn't put his OWN money where his mouth is) and his idea for "Making America Great" is built on a highly pro-active government.

Gee, sounds a lot like a Democrat, the very thing he claims he aligns more with.
I wasn't really talking about him, I was talking about the general message. He is a fraud. His message can win with a different messenger.
Honestly? Hillary. Don't get me wrong, I wont vote for her, but there is no question she is more qualified and more presidential than Trump on every conceivable level. That said, I wont be voting for her. She is a dishonest, polarizing, pandering leftist who will only continue this countrys downward slide. Oddly enough, that is a better option than 4 years of childish tweets and poorly thought out, moronic policies that Trump would offer. Whats funny is I could actually vote for Bernie and/or Biden. While I disagree with them on every issue, they are honest likeable guys. Right now, I will either vote third party or I wont bother to vote at all.

there is no downward slide, that is right wing hysteria.
trae says it better

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