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Why herd immunity won't save us (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Slightly Liberal
Why Herd Immunity Won't Save Us : Short Wave : NPR

13-minute listen. The key takeaway is that herd immunity is basically impossible without a vaccine.

Also the RWTP of herd immunity in Sweden is thoroughly debunked.

I'll give more credibility to critics of this story to those who actually listen to it. :)
We will prevail due to a combination of partial herd immunity, vaccination, hard-mitigation, treatments, and non-infected immunity. Yep, there's some of us that have this last item, thought to be caused by immunity brought-on by having been infected from a non-Covid-19 coronavirus.

All those things will eventually grow to a point where R0 drops below unity (1). Then the virus will recede to a manageable level. I'm betting this will be by the end of next year.
The Swedish screwed up on this one.
hang on. are you telling me that Rush and Sean have been selling a lie?
Seems like the hysteria is passing a bit anyway, had to go three pages deep on my news site to find a story about it. I'm sure it will be revamped the closer we get to voting but for now it seems most folks are just burned out reading about it.
Seems like the hysteria is passing a bit anyway, had to go three pages deep on my news site to find a story about it. I'm sure it will be revamped the closer we get to voting but for now it seems most folks are just burned out reading about it.

Yes, and those who feel 'burned out' will be the first to say, 'screw it, I'm going to the bar/restaurant/beach' get infected and pass it on. What's more important, your life, that of those around you or your 'rights' and 'freedom!' which you think is being violated. That seems to be all libertarians care about; some nebulous idea of 'freedom!'
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