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Why do you think Putin is a strong leader and so smart, really? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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A far as being a strong leader, even his own oligarchs are starting to go against him on Ukraine as well as now large portions of his own country. Even other dictators around the world are not backing his play. So how do you consider this strong leadership. You might say he got his country's military to go to war, but as a dictator, what other choice do they have other than to be shot. And the GOP continually says Biden is a weak leader because he would not start WWIII by putting American troops into Ukraine. THe thing Biden has done as a leader, is to get almost the entire world to back his sanctions.
And many in this country are saying, look at how smart Putin is by recognizing the two Ukraine provinces as separate countries and using that as an excuse to attack Ukraine. Well, how well has that worked out for him and Russia. I do not see other countries standing in line to recognize them as separate countries and his country is being put into a world of hurt. If the Chinese do not help him, Russia's small economy will collapse soon. Russia and Putin have become pariahs to most of the world and NATO has become only stronger and the ring around Russia even tighter with Sweden and Finland looking to join. Not smart move at all for Putin and Russia.
I really hope that the Russian generals step in with the backing of the oligarchs and not let Putin use the nukes as that seems his only fall back position at this point as he has failed as a leader and his move into Ukraine is starting to look as the dumbest thing any world leader has done in years.
A far as being a strong leader, even his own oligarchs are starting to go against him on Ukraine as well as now large portions of his own country. Even other dictators around the world are not backing his play. So how do you consider this strong leadership.

Who said and defined "strong leader?"

Point is, you offered up a big fat logical fallacy.
Because he makes Democrats angry.
A far as being a strong leader, even his own oligarchs are starting to go against him on Ukraine as well as now large portions of his own country. Even other dictators around the world are not backing his play. So how do you consider this strong leadership. You might say he got his country's military to go to war, but as a dictator, what other choice do they have other than to be shot. And the GOP continually says Biden is a weak leader because he would not start WWIII by putting American troops into Ukraine. THe thing Biden has done as a leader, is to get almost the entire world to back his sanctions.
And many in this country are saying, look at how smart Putin is by recognizing the two Ukraine provinces as separate countries and using that as an excuse to attack Ukraine. Well, how well has that worked out for him and Russia. I do not see other countries standing in line to recognize them as separate countries and his country is being put into a world of hurt. If the Chinese do not help him, Russia's small economy will collapse soon. Russia and Putin have become pariahs to most of the world and NATO has become only stronger and the ring around Russia even tighter with Sweden and Finland looking to join. Not smart move at all for Putin and Russia.
I really hope that the Russian generals step in with the backing of the oligarchs and not let Putin use the nukes as that seems his only fall back position at this point as he has failed as a leader and his move into Ukraine is starting to look as the dumbest thing any world leader has done in years.
by simply trying to refute the GOPer's statements you are giving them credibility. Please
Because Trump said so. Now they believe and repeat it.

It's the same reason why they believe election fraud lies, hate Fauci, hate Romney, hate Col. Vindman, hate masks, distrust NATO, distrust WHO, etc.
I really hope that the Russian generals step in with the backing of the oligarchs and not let Putin use the nukes as that seems his only fall back position at this point as he has failed as a leader and his move into Ukraine is starting to look as the dumbest thing any world leader has done in years.
I doubt that the generals' & oligarchs' wives want to be nuked.

So if the deranged "leader" orders a nuke strike, his subordinates will probably ignore him, and he will literally go crazy when he realizes that his orders are no longer obeyed.

Dang! One almost (almost!) feels sorry for the dude.


When President Nixon was on his way out, his appointed Secretary of Defense told the generals to ignore any orders that came directly from President Nixon. The generals were ordered to obey orders only from the Secretary of Defense.
A far as being a strong leader, even his own oligarchs are starting to go against him on Ukraine as well as now large portions of his own country. Even other dictators around the world are not backing his play. So how do you consider this strong leadership. You might say he got his country's military to go to war, but as a dictator, what other choice do they have other than to be shot. And the GOP continually says Biden is a weak leader because he would not start WWIII by putting American troops into Ukraine. THe thing Biden has done as a leader, is to get almost the entire world to back his sanctions.
And many in this country are saying, look at how smart Putin is by recognizing the two Ukraine provinces as separate countries and using that as an excuse to attack Ukraine. Well, how well has that worked out for him and Russia. I do not see other countries standing in line to recognize them as separate countries and his country is being put into a world of hurt. If the Chinese do not help him, Russia's small economy will collapse soon. Russia and Putin have become pariahs to most of the world and NATO has become only stronger and the ring around Russia even tighter with Sweden and Finland looking to join. Not smart move at all for Putin and Russia.
I really hope that the Russian generals step in with the backing of the oligarchs and not let Putin use the nukes as that seems his only fall back position at this point as he has failed as a leader and his move into Ukraine is starting to look as the dumbest thing any world leader has done in years.
I used to admire Putin, but no more, when I see him sitting in his Billions, while his people live under oppression, he's got to come down.
He's afraid, not strong, he's terrified to have a NATO country around him. His fear is justified, but, what he fails to realize is he has no course of action against it without jeopardizing his countries well being. The problem is, he acts like he does. He makes threats to prevent it, and is carrying them out right now despite the damage it will cause. He's making the same threats to Finland, and Sweden, with their NATO invites, which is unthinkably scary.

The guy has lost his Narcissistic marbles.

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