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Why do they hate us? (1 Viewer)


Non-Passive Pascifist
DP Veteran
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Mesquite, Texas
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Why do you think the terrorists feel the way they do about us?

I've heard many, some on this board, actually say that they our jealous of our prosperity. I've heard some say that it is in their religion to kill. I don't think either of those.

I would just like to hear what you all have to say about this.
first of who are you calling terrorists the only terrorists i know of is in the white house and the elites who run the world

look at prscott bush who funded the nazis
look at the bomb drop on japan woman and kids not army bases
look at the bombing of cambodia
look at the killing of the natives of the usa
look at nam
look at the funding of the true terrorists state isreal who shoot a us female in the face in cold blood and ran the other over with a bull dozer and shot that boy in the face in cold blood did the us do anything NO
look at how isreal shoots kids who throw rocks is there real a point in shooting kids throwing rocks at a tank yet the us lets this happen

so first of get right who the terrorists are

the arabs are made not even the muslims are made black white from china to the us that the us wont leave the holy land and stop funding the terrorists state of isreal they dont care about the us to hate them they just want to be left alone to worship allah look at the us
full of killers
full of rapist
full of whores
full of gays
full of many thing that is unholy
now if you are a holy place do you want these things close to you NO you dont
umm... thank you for that...


but tell me have i lied point out where is a lie
Everything you posted to date is a product of your imagination. No facts, no truth. The rantings of a delusional, paranoid individual. You really need some professional assistance. I suggest you get some, and stop bothering other posters with your nonsense.
I don't know how to call you a liar. I don't know how to call you coherent to be honest. If you believe in the conspiracies that are in the videos of your profile, that's one thing. I'd rather not discuss it in here.

The fact remains that there are terrorist organizations out there including the ones that you may not believe hit the WTC. Why do they hate us? Why do they want us dead?
blah blah blah
your are a trickster i was talking about this very post
in facts i have posted many facts you are the one who posted non facts
Dude, it is really hard to argue with someone who doesn't follow grammar rules. I'm trying to have an intelligent conversation, but this is really throwing me off:

in facts i have posted many facts you are the one who posted non facts

I'm not trying to be offensive, really I'm not.
that was not for you but the guy above you
i and half of nyc thinks bush did 911
i am not alone and i have one question who is a bigger terrorist the us or arabs
who has killed more woman and kids in shitory counting the japan bopmbing and every thing tell me
:2rofll: "shitory" ohh that's hilarious.

It would definitly be the US.

Do you have a source for saying that half of NYC thinks Bush is a key perpetrator?
first go to a nyc not ny nyc chat room and see what they think second look up the zogby poll
I really don't think that they are jealous of our prosperity or angry just because many of us are Christian. I really think it mostly stems from the fact that the US has been messing with Middle Eastern affairs for a while now. Couple that with our support for Israel and the fact that as a nation we are not Muslim and I think you have some very annoyed terrorists on your hands. Please understand that this does not mean that I believe that we deserved 911 or that they are justified for attacking us.
I think it has alot to do with their poverty and hunger.

They see us worrying about our second house while they worry about their first one not getting bombed. They see us growing obiece while they are starving.

I think another problem is how war torn they've been. Christians went from the dark ages and the crusades, etc. to the renassiance. The muslim world has not had a renassaince.
Gandhi>Bush said:
I think another problem is how war torn they've been. Christians went from the dark ages and the crusades, etc. to the renassiance. The muslim world has not had a renassaince.

True, if you are born and raised in violence that is all you know. I think there is a lot in internal struggle in the Muslim world between the old and the new ways. Those who see their way of life slipping away are going to do whatever they feel is necessary to preserve it.
True, if you are born and raised in violence that is all you know. I think there is a lot in internal struggle in the Muslim world between the old and the new ways. Those who see their way of life slipping away are going to do whatever they feel is necessary to preserve it.
I always found that so odd, but then I am not religious, so I don't relate in those terms. Not all Muslims are stuck in the past though. I thought it would be a natural progression to enter the modern world, so perhaps economics has more of a roll than we think. The territories that are least developed, seem to have the most radical forms of Islam.
The whole "they hate our freedoms" bit fails to pass the smell test.
It seems that the simple straighforward answer is supported. They don't like how we as a nation relate to them and the ME. They don't hate us, they just hate the policies we make re them.
A Six-Nation Survey​
Attitudes toward American values, people, and products remain mostly favorable, but have also declined in the past two years.
US policy is the major factor that accounts for the low US favorable ratings and the decline in these ratings.
These factors[values, people and products] have no impact on Arab attitudes toward US policy, which remains low and drives overall favorables down.


[size=+1]Poll Shows Growing Arab Rancor at U.S. [/size]Those polled said their opinions were shaped by U.S. policies, rather than by values or culture. When asked: "What is the first thought when you hear 'America'?" respondents overwhelmingly said: "Unfair foreign policy."
And when asked what the United States could do to improve its image in the Arab world, the most frequently provided answers were "Stop supporting Israel" and "Change your Middle East policy."
I don't know how we can expect to have a good image when they rely on Al jazeera for their news. The BBC isn't much better.
Gandhi>Bush said:
The muslim world has not had a renassaince.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this. Historically, though, contact w/ the Muslim world was what allowed the European renaissance. It was through contact with the scientifically and culturally advanced ME that Europe was able to come out of the "Dark Ages" so vibrantly. The Muslim world did not have a "Dark Ages."

The truth is that the world and history are incredibly idiosyncratic.

As Dr. Bulliet puts it:
What went wrong? [in the Muslim World] stands history on its head. The notion that something went wrong presumes a comparative perspective in which there is a clear notion of how things should have gone, something against which the actuality of failure can be measured. One might hypothesize an example from the Civil War. The leadership of the Confederate States of America sought victory; they lost. In the aftermath, their asking What went wrong? would have made good historical sense. It was their plans, after all, that had failed; and the question would have presumed this perspective.​
But whose perspective is involved when the question is raised for the Middle East?

[As an example c]omparatively speaking, the United States lagged far behind Europe in music, drama, and the visual arts well into the twentieth century. This was recognized on both sides of the Atlantic. But no one would begin an analysis of this disparity by asking “What went wrong?” because social and cultural circumstances in the two regions were so disparate that there is no reason to suppose that they should have attained equal levels of achievement. [link]
Squawker said:
I don't know how we can expect to have a good image when they rely on Al jazeera for their news. The BBC isn't much better.
How much of an impact do you suppose these enterprises have? Would characterize them as being mostly responsible for the poor impression our foreign policy makes or as merely an extraneoues exacerbating issue?

In you considered opinion, how much of the poor reception our foreign policies receive in the ME is reality-based and how much is the result of al Jazeera and Auntie Beeb?
[Of course, I'm assuming you're implying that these two things are mutually exclusive. You may, in fact, be saying that w/o aJ and the Beeb that the reality of our foreign policies would be unknown and this's the reason why aJ and BBC are contributing factors. It's not entirely clear from your comment. You know what they say about assuming and all...]
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It is the stagnant oppressive religion that discourages capitalism and growth combined with a brutal heat that makes everyone uncomfortable and a lack of air conditioned places to hang out with hot chicks.

"But he wasn't just a bad tipper - - he killed people." --Samantha exotic dancer in Las Vegas concerning one of the 9/11 hijackers
biblemark1018 said:
look at the bomb drop on japan woman and kids not army bases
Don't know about the rest, but this one you're lying.

Hiroshima was not only a military base, but it was also one of the biggest Southern Ports in Japan. Read the book Hiroshima by John Hersey and notice when it talks about the troops posted in Hiroshima.

http://www.pinkmonkey.com/booknotes/monkeynotes/pmHiroshima20.asp said:
Since Hiroshima had been an important military command post

Rev. Tanimoto believed a bomb had hit the house he was standing next to, and was thus puzzled to see blood dripping from the faces of soldiers who had been in a nearby cave. He ran up a hill from which he could see the whole city of Hiroshima, and was shocked that as far as he could see, the city was awash in thick smoke.

Calling the bombing of Hiroshima a wrong move, then you don't understand anything about Hiroshima and our situation, at that point, in World War II.

If we didn't drop the Atomic Bombs, millions of Americans and Japanese would have been killed. America would have to travel city to city, killing everybody.. that's how high the morale for the Japanese Citizens were. The Japanese Citizens were convinced that Americans were demons, they were told (by their government) that America soldiers would eat their children... so to prevent this, the Japanese women would have thrown their children off of cliffs and dive after them.

There is no reason anybody should be against this course of action... it's war, and in war **** is blown up!
You know, I read an article in Ms. (I tried to link to it but they don't have that particular article available for viewing in their archives) that sited surveys that suggested that it was not the democracy of the western world that bothered many middle easterners, but the way that women were treated in western societies.
Fu_chick said:
You know, I read an article in Ms. (I tried to link to it but they don't have that particular article available for viewing in their archives) that sited surveys that suggested that it was not the democracy of the western world that bothered many middle easterners, but the way that women were treated in western societies.

Yeah. Free to vote and get jobs and do whatever.


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