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Why Do People Hate Dissonant Music? (And What Does It Say About Those Who Don't (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2020
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Scientists unlock a clue as to why some musical notes make you feel so uneasy

Why Do People Hate Dissonant Music? (And What Does It Say About Those Who Don’t?)
Smart News

| Smithsonian Magazine

Also i noticed if you play anything from a underground band like Nightwish's back catalog or from Bullet for my Valentine on guitar or such. Then people start screaming and tell you to turn the amp down.

But if you play any song that uses the keys C G F Am E, then you're playing their favorite song.
Scientists unlock a clue as to why some musical notes make you feel so uneasy

Why Do People Hate Dissonant Music? (And What Does It Say About Those Who Don’t?)
Smart News

| Smithsonian Magazine

Also i noticed if you play anything from a underground band like Nightwish's back catalog or from Bullet for my Valentine on guitar or such. Then people start screaming and tell you to turn the amp down.

But if you play any song that uses the keys C G F Am E, then you're playing their favorite song.

Tried some Sun Ra experimental stuff a few decades ago. Not my cup of tea. But Kronos Quartet I enjoyed.

Stravinsky was considered dissonant in his day. The Rite of Spring comes to mind.
I hate dissonant music very much indeed.

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