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Why do gays believe themselves to be superior?? (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Oct 27, 2012
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Political Leaning
After discussing with gay men, the problems I have with their behaviour..I suddenly find myself with an infraction..

Is this the only way you can shut me up??
Nobody shut you up, since you're still posting.

Care to add to the question in the title?
Because they have superhuman strength and are incorrigibly libidinous.
Nobody shut you up, since you're still posting.

Care to add to the question in the title?

Yes..I believe that gay guys can insult you as they see fit..

When you ask them for any validity of their claims..and they cannot..they report you for the least thing.

As a way of not having to face the truth..
After discussing with gay men, the problems I have with their behaviour..I suddenly find myself with an infraction..

Is this the only way you can shut me up??

You should mention infractions downstairs in the binky part of the basement.

Now having read a few of your posts may be it is just they see themselves as superior compared to you and you alone. I have known a few gays and most likely had dealings with quite a few more, can't say i think they see themselves better than anyone as a group, but certainly on an individual basis... ;)
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