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Why do African Americans overwhelmingly vote against the GOP? (1 Viewer)

I never to referred to race or white/black relations.
Um, pro-tip, the thread topic is why don't blacks vote gop, it is not about the US being the greatest nation eveh.

when you have less than 4% of an ethic group voting for YOUR party, you should be addressing it in a thread devoted to that topic.

Otherwise, you are off-topic.
It is interesting that you feel equal treatment under the law is a policy designed to hurt and oppress. Why do you believe that?

If all parties are treated equal and one is oppressed why is that?

Republicans don't believe in equal treatment under the law...that's the point. Their goal is to use the law to oppress minorities so they can never attain equal status under the law. Voting rights, education, healthcare, jobs, housing, ...if helps minorities succeed and build wealth...they are against it.
OK. So it's me that is to blame, even though all the statistics prove that there is an endemic problem in African and African-American societies, not just in the USA but all over the world where people of African descent live.

You just can't see any problem except that others have a bad attitude towards you and persecute you.

That's really sad. Because until you recognise a problem, you can't fix it.

Has playing the victim worked for you over the years? I don't think so.

So why not try a little introspection? Why not try and find a solution yourself?

The Asian continent is booming. Europe is doing well. But Africa continues to stagnate even though the percentage of whites there is less than 1%. I have lived there. African American journalist Keith Richburg has also spent years there. We both agree that African and African American culture needs to change if people of African descent are to rise from their position at the bottom of the worlds economic spectrum.

Why not try some constructive thinking instead of continuing the blame game?

Life is what YOU make of it.

You have no concept of how racist you sound. You are literally arguing that Africa would be a better continent if more white people lived there.

Do you realize, that not long ago, Asia was the most improvised continent in the world? It wasn't until China started industrializing that the entire continent became more wealthy. Yet, still, there is horrible poverty in Asia. Do you not comprehend that? Then, as far as Europe goes, the former Soviet bloc countries are notoriously unstable, corrupt, and improvised. There are huge populations of street kids and people living in third world poverty.

Your entire world view is shaped by the fact that you think African people are the worst of all people, and the worst of all cultures in the world.

Nothing you're saying deserves any respect, because you are coming across as extremely simple minded and culturally ignorant.

If you're interested in why some countries are wealthier than others, let me recommend a book. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies by Jared Diamond.

You're obviously trying to understand the world in terms of racial stereotypes and superior/inferior cultures and races. All you're proving is your own prejudices, and that you see the entire world from a white supremacist POV. Did you ever think that human beings are regions are wealthier and poorer than others based on reasons that uniform across human societies, great human civilizations rise and fall according to universal patterns, and it's maybe NOT an issue of certain races or cultures being dumb, lazy, or playing victim?
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You have no concept of how racist you sound. You are literally arguing that Africa would be a better continent if more white people lived there.

Do you realize, that not long ago, Asia was the most improvised continent in the world? It wasn't until China started industrializing that the entire continent became more wealthy. Yet, still, there is horrible poverty in Asia. Do you not comprehend that? Then, as far as Europe goes, the former Soviet bloc countries are notoriously unstable, corrupt, and improvised. There are huge populations of street kids and people living in third world poverty.

Your entire world view is shaped by the fact that you think African people are the worst of all people, and the worst of all cultures in the world.

Nothing you're saying deserves any respect, because you are coming across as extremely simple minded and culturally ignorant.

If you're interested in why some countries are wealthier than others, let me recommend a book. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies by Jared Diamond.

You're obviously trying to understand the world in terms of racial stereotypes and superior/inferior cultures and races. All you're proving is your own prejudices, and that you see the entire world from a white supremacist POV. Did you ever think that human beings are regions are wealthier and poorer than others based on reasons that uniform across human societies, great human civilizations rise and fall according to universal patterns, and it's maybe NOT an issue of certain races or cultures being dumb, lazy, or playing victim?

Its rather depressing the far right has sought to steal the experiences of victims of racial hatred for themselves in order to muddy the waters this badly. Now a eugenics advocate cries victim when told rightly how disgusting they are pretends to be a victim, stealing the history of the victims of their genocidal practices to pretend they are standing up to the people they were once sterilizing. I cant imagine how frustrating that would be for people who endured crnturies of racism but someone who would have been euthanized or sterilized by eugenicists, its rage inducing
Republicans don't believe in equal treatment under the law...that's the point. Their goal is to use the law to oppress minorities so they can never attain equal status under the law. Voting rights, education, healthcare, jobs, housing, ...if helps minorities succeed and build wealth...they are against it.

From firebombing black wall street to the now changed republican party, its been fear that they might lose their place in the hierarchy or have to share it that drives them.
Self awareness was never a strong point in many of the newly branded Republicans for Trump Party demographics. center right conservatives need not apply.
Facts are not playing the victim. How are anyof these things their fault. You are making the “she shouldnt have dressed slutty” argument. Dont worry. Change is coming no matter how fragile you want to be. My argument wasnt based on performance.

"How are any of these things their fault".

Your above statement perfectly illustrates why so many African American people will continue to struggle. Non-acceptance of your part in the endemic problems within black communities means that these problems will never be solved. These problems are mostly self inflicted.

Your statement is one of a born loser. Did you ever hear Nelson Mandela play the victim? A man that was jailed for decades due to his desire to end apartheid. If anyone had a reason to play the blame game or the race card, he did. But what did he do : he preached nothing but reconciliation and positivity. He saw the need for black people to uplift themselves, not run around protesting and destroying property like the BLM idiots.

Do yourself a favor and buy a copy of his book "Long Walk to Freedom".

Mandela despised the "help me", "feel sorry for me" attitude of those like yourself, and others on this thread.
You have no concept of how racist you sound. You are literally arguing that Africa would be a better continent if more white people lived there.

Do you realize, that not long ago, Asia was the most improvised continent in the world? It wasn't until China started industrializing that the entire continent became more wealthy. Yet, still, there is horrible poverty in Asia. Do you not comprehend that? Then, as far as Europe goes, the former Soviet bloc countries are notoriously unstable, corrupt, and improvised. There are huge populations of street kids and people living in third world poverty.

Your entire world view is shaped by the fact that you think African people are the worst of all people, and the worst of all cultures in the world.

Nothing you're saying deserves any respect, because you are coming across as extremely simple minded and culturally ignorant.

If you're interested in why some countries are wealthier than others, let me recommend a book. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies by Jared Diamond.

You're obviously trying to understand the world in terms of racial stereotypes and superior/inferior cultures and races. All you're proving is your own prejudices, and that you see the entire world from a white supremacist POV. Did you ever think that human beings are regions are wealthier and poorer than others based on reasons that uniform across human societies, great human civilizations rise and fall according to universal patterns, and it's maybe NOT an issue of certain races or cultures being dumb, lazy, or playing victim?

"You have no concept of how racist you sound. You are literally arguing that Africa would be a better continent if more white people lived there. "

You are another great example of why blacks are struggling everywhere in the world that they live, whether as a majority or a minority.

Anyone who feels that blacks could do better is racist in your mind. Your mindset is that you simply must not say anything negative about black communities. If you do, I'm going to whine and squeal and call you a "racist". But hear this. Nobody, except Dems wanting your vote, white anarchists, antifa and similar hangers on really care about your "racist" chants any more. The rest of America and the world is waiting for you to uplift yourselves.

As for African nations being better off under minority white rule. No, overall they would not be better off. Would they be better off economically? Undisputedly so. Both Zimbabwe and South Africa, have gone backwards economically under black rule. So has Malawi where I spent several years as a child. But Africans need to rule themselves because eventually things will improve.

It is not whites who are responsible for blacks being FOUR times more likely to commit murder in the USA.

It is not whites who are responsible for the disgraceful number of single parent black families.

It may be easier to blame others. It may make you feel a bit better inside. But it's not getting you anywhere.

Does racism exist? Of course it does. But it is not the reason for the high level of criminality in many black communities or the fact that so many kids are brought up in single parent families or dysfunctional families. Fix these two issues and other races will start to have more respect for yours.

Trying to convince yourself that you are not responsible for your own failures is just living in cloud cuckoo land.
Like how is asking to not be constantly harassed and killed by authority figures we are not in any circumstance allowed to defend ourselves from playing the victim? To demand better treatment from the monopoly on violence?

The vast majority of blacks are killed by other blacks.

The vast majority of blacks are harassed by other blacks.

Go to your own communities with your demands.
The vast majority of blacks are killed by other blacks.

The vast majority of blacks are harassed by other blacks.

Go to your own communities with your demands.
....... i see you dont think of black people as Americans and you just want black people to shut up and deal with being murdered by police. There are no power structures to bring demands to called the black community. I think im done with you. Change will come or the american power structure will fall along with its petty, vindictive, and self serving basis. Im not going to throw myself at your feet and beg. Your approval is not needed nor wanted. Actually it is you trying to silence people speaking out against police brutality by calling anyone who dares to speak out against the power structure of America a bunch of whiners.

You say your community like you want black people to not be a part of society. Why do you want people to shut up and lick the boots of cops that kill them?
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"You have no concept of how racist you sound. You are literally arguing that Africa would be a better continent if more white people lived there. "

You are another great example of why blacks are struggling everywhere in the world that they live, whether as a majority or a minority.

Anyone who feels that blacks could do better is racist in your mind. Your mindset is that you simply must not say anything negative about black communities. If you do, I'm going to whine and squeal and call you a "racist". But hear this. Nobody, except Dems wanting your vote, white anarchists, antifa and similar hangers on really care about your "racist" chants any more. The rest of America and the world is waiting for you to uplift yourselves.

As for African nations being better off under minority white rule. No, overall they would not be better off. Would they be better off economically? Undisputedly so. Both Zimbabwe and South Africa, have gone backwards economically under black rule. So has Malawi where I spent several years as a child. But Africans need to rule themselves because eventually things will improve.

It is not whites who are responsible for blacks being FOUR times more likely to commit murder in the USA.

It is not whites who are responsible for the disgraceful number of single parent black families.

It may be easier to blame others. It may make you feel a bit better inside. But it's not getting you anywhere.

Does racism exist? Of course it does. But it is not the reason for the high level of criminality in many black communities or the fact that so many kids are brought up in single parent families or dysfunctional families. Fix these two issues and other races will start to have more respect for yours.

Trying to convince yourself that you are not responsible for your own failures is just living in cloud cuckoo land.

Actually BLM is worldwide now. :). The minority that people are tired of hearing from will be you, you and your fragile screaming at football players for daring to kneel during the anthem.
Why cant black people just shut up about police brutality?! ****ing cry moar with your concern trolling

Who the hell are we going to bring demands to? Al Sharpton the president of black america? Lol gtfo
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....... i see you dont think of black people as Americans and you just want black people to shut up and deal with being murdered by police. There are no power structures to bring demands to called the black community. I think im done with you. Change will come or the american power structure will fall along with its petty, vindictive, and self serving basis. Im not going to throw myself at your feet and beg. Your approval is not needed nor wanted. Actually it is you trying to silence people speaking out against police brutality by calling anyone who dares to speak out against the power structure of America a bunch of whiners.

You say your community like you want black people to not be a part of society. Why do you want people to shut up and lick the boots of cops that kill them?

You really need to stop living in your own bitter little fantasy and look at the statistics that have been linked to on these pages which show that the vast majority of blacks are killed by blacks and less than ONE PERCENT are killed by police.

I note that all you can do is boringly cry "racist" instead of addressing the shocking statistics that I've quoted regarding murders by blacks and the disgraceful number of single parent black families. It's easier for you to be abusive and insulting than debate the reason behind them.

And of course I think of blacks as Americans. Although many blacks see themselves not as Americans but as African-Americans.

I am suggesting that you stop playing the victim and blaming others for problems that are self inflicted.

There are racists of all colors. There are bigots, homophobes and misogynists of all colors. Most of us just ignore them and move on. We don't wallow in self pity and make excuses for our failures.
You really need to stop living in your own bitter little fantasy and look at the statistics that have been linked to on these pages which show that the vast majority of blacks are killed by blacks and less than ONE PERCENT are killed by police.

I note that all you can do is boringly cry "racist" instead of addressing the shocking statistics that I've quoted regarding murders by blacks and the disgraceful number of single parent black families. It's easier for you to be abusive and insulting than debate the reason behind them.

And of course I think of blacks as Americans. Although many blacks see themselves not as Americans but as African-Americans.

I am suggesting that you stop playing the victim and blaming others for problems that are self inflicted.

There are racists of all colors. There are bigots, homophobes and misogynists of all colors. Most of us just ignore them and move on. We don't wallow in self pity and make excuses for our failures.
Wow someone doesnt understand what an adjective is :p
Why do African Americans overwhelmingly vote against the GOP?

Do conservatives have any answers that involve actual self reflection or will they talk about some offensive nonsense theories of African Americans wanting to stay on the Democratic "plantation":

My god, if I hear “Democratic plantation” one more time… | by Sam McKenzie Jr. | Medium


Ask a Republican if black lives matter.
You really need to stop living in your own bitter little fantasy and look at the statistics that have been linked to on these pages which show that the vast majority of blacks are killed by blacks and less than ONE PERCENT are killed by police.

I note that all you can do is boringly cry "racist" instead of addressing the shocking statistics that I've quoted regarding murders by blacks and the disgraceful number of single parent black families. It's easier for you to be abusive and insulting than debate the reason behind them.

And of course I think of blacks as Americans. Although many blacks see themselves not as Americans but as African-Americans.

I am suggesting that you stop playing the victim and blaming others for problems that are self inflicted.

There are racists of all colors. There are bigots, homophobes and misogynists of all colors. Most of us just ignore them and move on. We don't wallow in self pity and make excuses for our failures.

Many people of various erhnic groups call themselves some hyphenated thing. Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, etc. So what? Do you come down on those groups for saying it?

Personally, i think we have a problem with how police treat citizens regardless of race. Which doesn't mean that I don't think there^s problem, there's a big problem with how we are policed.
....... i see you dont think of black people as Americans and you just want black people to shut up and deal with being murdered by police. There are no power structures to bring demands to called the black community. I think im done with you. Change will come or the american power structure will fall along with its petty, vindictive, and self serving basis. Im not going to throw myself at your feet and beg. Your approval is not needed nor wanted. Actually it is you trying to silence people speaking out against police brutality by calling anyone who dares to speak out against the power structure of America a bunch of whiners.

You say your community like you want black people to not be a part of society. Why do you want people to shut up and lick the boots of cops that kill them?

I've just come to realize just exactly how many truly racist scumbags there are around here. Was there an influx I missed or have I simply been oblivious to the extent?
I've just come to realize just exactly how many truly racist scumbags there are around here. Was there an influx I missed or have I simply been oblivious to the extent?

We got our resident “nazi germany created the master race, it just wasnt the nazis” alt reicher. Theyre recruiting again.
The same as white people, economic freedom.

So will the GOP do something about the legacy of redlining or the militarized police violating their rights?
First of all, if we had an honest, unbiased and non-corrupt news media, things would be MUCH better for EVERYONE, including blacks! Thats because the democrats wouldnt get away with exploiting black folks for political power!

This is one of those hard questions, like, "will my hand hurt if I shove it into a fire"?

1). Democrats and the entire media manipulate African Americans and Latinos into believing that they MUST vote democrat just to protect themselves from the evil white race, and the evil-er republican party!

2). Encouraging millions of young black girls to become single parents, so they can get free government housing/welfare/food stamps/medicaid, which they're told that theyll desperately NEED, since their skin color precludes them from succeeding in a career!

3). Millions of blacks & Latinos live in housing projects, infested with crime, drugs, negativity. Young black kids grow up surrounded by this, so many end up involved in drugs, and/or gangs, and many end up in prison, or dead! They are ALL told that it was/is racism and "white privilege" that caused ALL of the above!

4). They are told that the democrats will save them from "the racist police and justice system", which ironically was created and perpetuated, and run by democrats in most of the cities where minorities live!
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I just cant wait to hear from our trumplings…..:popcorn2:

ask LBJ what he said after he (along with many northern republicans) passed the civil rights act. Blacks started voting Democrat due to the handouts that LBJ showered upon them. LBJ's great society program social welfare agenda helped seal the deal. And when street crime became a big issue during the civil unrest of the 60s, The democrats sided with leniency while the GOP sided with law and order.
Many people of various erhnic groups call themselves some hyphenated thing. Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, etc. So what? Do you come down on those groups for saying it?

Personally, i think we have a problem with how police treat citizens regardless of race. Which doesn't mean that I don't think there^s problem, there's a big problem with how we are policed.

Having spent most of my life living outside of the USA, I would agree with you that American police are far more aggressive than any other place where I have lived.

But then I've also never lived in a country where the police have so much reason to fear violence being used against them.

American police are totally justified in having an increased expectation of violence on apprehending or even stopping someone. I believe that the increased fear and anxiety that this expectation naturally causes makes them more prone to over reaction and unjustifiably harming someone.
We got our resident “nazi germany created the master race, it just wasnt the nazis” alt reicher. Theyre recruiting again.

You poor thing.

So the Nazis are mobilising in the US now and picking on black people?

Or is it BLM and their idiot supporters who are going around destroying other people's property.....mostly property that does not belong to black people.

And who murders by far the most black people? Is it your fantasy Nazis or the police..... or is it other black people?

You keep avoiding this question. I wonder why.

Now I understand why you play the victim so much. You live in a fantasy world

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