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Why can you say (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
Happy Kwanza and/or Happy Hanukah at Wal Mart as an employee but not Merry Christmas?

Why are certain schools in New york creating special rooms for Muslim Students to pray several times a day during class, even providing them with mats, but we can't even have a moment of silence 1st thing in the morning for anyone who wants to pray to his/her God if they choose?

Why does the world cry for the lynching of a soldier who drops a Quran but says nothing about Islamic extremists commiting genocide in Africa by slaughtering/murdering Christians (U.N. has done nothing)?

Do atheists cry out 'Ohgod' during sex?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmmmmm." :thinking
I agree, it does seem that in order to allow a nation with diverse religions, Christianity is being somewhat discriminated. Yet I belive the influence of Christianity is all around, inderecly being insinuated into our lives.

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