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Why black youth don't get respect (1 Viewer)

Good god, the OP is so racist. :doh
I'm ignoring the part about you assuming I'd react differently if they were white kids.

Im wondering where all your threads of "why white youth dont get respect" are?
Good god, the OP is so racist. :doh

Im wondering where all your threads of "why white youth dont get respect" are?

And this is exactly the reason this kind of crap will continue.

It's really easy for people to say "Well, he's a racist", pat themselves on the back for being culturally sensitive and then move along. It really doesn't fix anything but **** it, as long as you feel better about yourselves I'm happy for you.
And this is exactly the reason this kind of crap will continue.

It's really easy for people to say "Well, he's a racist", pat themselves on the back for being culturally sensitive and then move along. It really doesn't fix anything but **** it, as long as you feel better about yourselves I'm happy for you.

No your straw-man connection is clearly racist....
And this is exactly the reason this kind of crap will continue.

It's really easy for people to say "Well, he's a racist", pat themselves on the back for being culturally sensitive and then move along. It really doesn't fix anything but **** it, as long as you feel better about yourselves I'm happy for you.

The people in the video don't represent all black people, or all black youth. That is the reason why your OP is racist.
The people in the video don't represent all black people, or all black youth. That is the reason why your OP is racist.

If that's your take on what the OP said then so be it. My take is that you are reading stuff into it that isn't there.
Expecting or hoping for more from people isn't racism. Assuming that they can't be any better is closer to racism.

Your right... Posting a video showing violence, and then making it all about race, and implying that this video is a reason for the whole people of that race (in this case black people) supposedly "not getting any respect" from others is (AKA this case).....
Your right... Posting a video showing violence, and then making it all about race, and implying that this video is a reason for the whole people of that race (in this case black people) supposedly "not getting any respect" from others is (AKA this case).....

Like, it's so clear. I don't get how people can't see that.
Your right... Posting a video showing violence, and then making it all about race, and implying that this video is a reason for the whole people of that race (in this case black people) supposedly "not getting any respect" from others is (AKA this case).....

Would you say that the majority of blacks are from big cities? And would you say that rampant crime is more often than not commonplace in most inner cities? Would you say that crime is glorified in hip hop, which is basically inner city music?

If you've ever read Luther's posts, you would know that he wouldn't just go on an ignorant racist rant for the hell of it. But that doesn't matter to you, you have an opportunity to pull out your tired race card that you've probably played thousands of times because it makes you feel like you know what's best for people. But you don't, I mean, you're a Democrat and look at Detroit. Democrats are miserable failures when it comes to genuinely loving and caring for blacks. Love is wanting what's best for someone, not appeasing them with someone else's money and fake outrage over misperceived racism. Your attitude is only making their problems worse.
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Would you say that the majority of blacks are from big cities? And would you say that rampant crime is more often than not commonplace in most inner cities? Would you say that crime is glorified in hip hop, which is basically inner city music?
The justification of racism... Pathetic

If you've ever read Luther's posts, you would know that he wouldn't just go on an ignorant racist rant for the hell of it. But that doesn't matter to you, you have an opportunity to pull out your tired race card that you've probably played thousands of times because it makes you feel like you know what's best for people. But you don't, I mean, you're a Democrat and look at Detroit. Democrats are miserable failures when it comes to genuinely loving and caring for blacks. Love is wanting what's best for someone, not appeasing them with someone else's money and fake outrage over misperceived racism. Your attitude is only making their problems worse.
Hmmmm.... So now its the Democrats? Da **** is happening? Your post is loosing any substance
Would you say that the majority of blacks are from big cities? And would you say that rampant crime is more often than not commonplace in most inner cities? Would you say that crime is glorified in hip hop, which is basically inner city music?

If you've ever read Luther's posts, you would know that he wouldn't just go on an ignorant racist rant for the hell of it. But that doesn't matter to you, you have an opportunity to pull out your tired race card that you've probably played thousands of times because it makes you feel like you know what's best for people. But you don't, I mean, you're a Democrat and look at Detroit. Democrats are miserable failures when it comes to genuinely loving and caring for blacks. Love is wanting what's best for someone, not appeasing them with someone else's money and fake outrage over misperceived racism. Your attitude is only making their problems worse.

It's hard for some people to actually care about someone other than themselves. Doing that requires a healthy dose of humility and a willingness to seek to understand where they are coming from. I don't fault people for being self serving. It's a common trait that we all fall into from time to time.
The DC cops released video of the assault that happened at a McDonalds and involved a Marine who received a Bronze Star for his actions in Fallujah. Granted, the video just shows part of what happened and for all we know the Marine was mouthing off to the kids before anything went down. It isn't the assault that causes people to look at a 15 year old black kid and think "thug".

The reason these kids don't get any respect doesn't have anything to do with them cold cocking the guy. It has nothing to do with them stealing his wallet. It has nothing to do with them stomping him while he's down. It actually has nothing to do with the kids at all...at least not directly.

The reason they don't get any respect is because not before, not during and not after the assault did anyone in the area step in to help the guy that got hit.

If NOBODY in that area cared about the guy getting his ass kicked then why the hell should anybody care about them? If nobody in that area has the self respect to at least try to put a stop to this kind of behavior then why should anybody else respect them?

When the "Black Lives Matter" jokers start stepping in to stop a beat down and haul the little bastards in to the cops by their earlobes maybe then they'll start getting that respect they're looking for.

D.C. police release video of assault on decorated Marine vet

Chicken and egg situation.

Let me put in your terms. When it comes to 'black youth culture' should we just keep disrespecting them and hope they see the error of their ways and shape up?

Or should we be the bigger men, admit our faults, and work harder to fix them?

Remember when it comes to the 'you started it' game, we don't have much of a leg to stand on.
Those guys in Oregon are the reason I don't respect threads made my middle age goofy white guys :)

You'll be a middle aged goofy...whatever you are...guy eventually. Give that a think.

Give that a good think. ;)
I'm going to hazard a guess that Luther was looking at this from a larger perspective than just this one incident.

Anyone paying any attention is aware that one of the big problems facing Chicago, with its terrible violent crime and murder rate, is a major lack of cooperation from the neighborhoods where most of this stuff happens.

"No Snitchin'" is widely known to be a problem in minority neighborhoods. It was even parodied in the (black-authored) series The Boondocks.

I've personally spent a lot of time in "da Hood" and you will find all kinds living there... including some pretty decent folks. But it is true that there is a tendency not to talk to the police, and many of the more decent folks are fearful to involve themselves in anyone else's troubles.

Chicken and egg situation.

Let me put in your terms. When it comes to 'black youth culture' should we just keep disrespecting them and hope they see the error of their ways and shape up?

Or should we be the bigger men, admit our faults, and work harder to fix them?

Remember when it comes to the 'you started it' game, we don't have much of a leg to stand on.

You lost me.

Are you suggesting that when we see an incident like in the video that we simply understand that we have failed our youth and it's our fault they are acting out? May I ask, if that's the case, how we then go about redeeming ourselves and how doing so would prevent future incidents?
It's hard for some people to actually care about someone other than themselves. Doing that requires a healthy dose of humility and a willingness to seek to understand where they are coming from. I don't fault people for being self serving. It's a common trait that we all fall into from time to time.

Greetings, Lutherf. :2wave:

I was released from the hospital late yesterday afternoon after spending two days there. I thought my front steps were salted enough to allow me to venture down them from the porch. I was wrong! My feet slid out from under me and I hit the the sidewalk really hard. My head hit the bottom concrete step as I fell, though, so they took X-Rays to be certain I didn't have a skull fracture - sometimes it's good to be hard-headed :lol:, my rib cage is all taped, my right side is all black an blue and ugly, and my elbow hurts like H***! I am so glad to be back on DP, where everything seems to be normal! :mrgreen: I see my doctor tomorrow for follow up - it's been quite a year so far, and it's only mid-February.... :shock:

I missed the debate tonight - forgot about it :shrug:
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Greetings, Lutherf.

I was released from the hospital late yesterday afternoon after spending two days there. I thought my front steps were salted enough to allow me to venture down them from the porch. I was wrong! My feet slid out from under me and I hit the the sidewalk really hard. My head hit the bottom concrete step as I fell, though, so they took X-Rays to be certain I didn't have a skull fracture - sometimes it's good to be hard-headed :lol:, my rib cage is all taped, my right side is all black an blue and ugly, and my elbow hurts like H***! I am so glad to be back on DP, where everything seems to be normal! :mrgreen: I see my doctor tomorrow for follow up - it's been quite a year so far, and it's only mid-February.... :shock:

I missed the debate tonight - forgot about it :shrug:


Glad to hear that you're OK but that's one heck of a way to go about proving it!!

As an aside, if you really think everything around here seems to be normal I'm glad to hear that they are going to examine your head.:lamo
You lost me.

Are you suggesting that when we see an incident like in the video that we simply understand that we have failed our youth and it's our fault they are acting out? May I ask, if that's the case, how we then go about redeeming ourselves and how doing so would prevent future incidents?

Basically yes.

Although I would amend that to say that incidents in the video are a result of a culture that has grown as part of American culture as a whole. Not just in and of itself. The problems facing black people (and specifically black youth) in America are not a problem for just black people to fix. They are a problem for all people to fix. It's not a matter of we or they. All of us are Americans.

What you can do is dependent on where you're currently at in the acceptance of the situation that there are still systematic inequalities between races in America. If you deny it, then I would say that the next step is acceptance. If you can accept it, then I would say the next step is helping educate others. You can also engage in activities and vote for candidates who acknowledge and wish to work towards eliminating such systematic inequality.

Glad to hear that you're OK but that's one heck of a way to go about proving it!!

As an aside, if you really think everything around here seems to be normal I'm glad to hear that they are going to examine your head.:lamo

Normal for here, L! :mrgreen: If I came back to find everyone getting along and agreeing that everything was fine and dandy, I'd know I was directed to the wrong place! Don't ya just love it!
Basically yes.

Although I would amend that to say that incidents in the video are a result of a culture that has grown as part of American culture as a whole. Not just in and of itself. The problems facing black people (and specifically black youth) in America are not a problem for just black people to fix. They are a problem for all people to fix. It's not a matter of we or they. All of us are Americans.

What you can do is dependent on where you're currently at in the acceptance of the situation that there are still systematic inequalities between races in America. If you deny it, then I would say that the next step is acceptance. If you can accept it, then I would say the next step is helping educate others. You can also engage in activities and vote for candidates who acknowledge and wish to work towards eliminating such systematic inequality.

You might be surprised to find that you and I aren't too far apart on some of this.

First off, you may have noticed that I didn't blame the kids for doing what they did. That's not to say that I condone their behavior because quite the opposite is true but the whole point of this thread was to suggest, like you said, that we have failed these kids. Now, my thinking of how we failed and yours are likely to be different. My take, as I said, is that we have failed them by not setting and exemplifying standards of basic human decency. We further fail them when we effectively excuse this kind of behavior by blaming some other behavior.

You will never hear me dispute that there are examples of racism out there. However, ones poor behavior must not be excused or "understood" simply because other poor behavior exists. Let's say that in this particular case the guy that got hit had been inside spewing racial epithets (there is no evidence that he was but let's just go with it). That poor behavior STILL doesn't warrant the kids coldcocking him and certainly doesn't excuse the bystanders from standing idly by as he was getting stomped and robbed.

The elimination of standards is not an acceptable solution for a community beset by a rampant failure to meet standards. That, however, is precisely what is going on in many communities and it's why those communities are perceived as being "second class".

One other comment I'd like to make here is that those who look at this as a racial issue are sadly myopic. The issue here isn't race. It's a failure to understand why some communities succeed and others fail. To a large extent what we saw in the video is simply a negative example of the Pygmalion Effect. However, we can't expect a community to succeed simply by making baseless affirmations of how wonderful they are. We need to base those affirmations on actual, tangible positive results (such as even one person helping the guy up).
One other comment I'd like to make here is that those who look at this as a racial issue are sadly myopic. The issue here isn't race.

"Why BLACK youth don't get respect"

"Why BLACK youth don't get respect"


Yes, black youth. Have you been noticing a significant issue with white youth or asian youth having respect issues? I may have missed it but I don't recall "hispanic lives matter" being a major factor in the current campaign or the president lamenting the problems between indian youth and the police.
Yes, black youth. Have you been noticing a significant issue with white youth or asian youth having respect issues? I may have missed it but I don't recall "hispanic lives matter" being a major factor in the current campaign or the president lamenting the problems between indian youth and the police.

....I thought this wasn't about race....:confused:
....I thought this wasn't about race....:confused:

I understand your confusion. Sometimes it's hard to have a conversation that transcends race when so many people are interested in nothing but race.

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