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Why are Obama and Hillary responding to Trump? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 5, 2011
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Politics 101: when your opponent is discrediting himself w/silly comments, STFU.
Obama and Clinton can respond to Trump. What Clinton absolutely needs to stop doing is responding to Trump on his level. She needs to remember that the one thread we're holding onto in order to rationalize voting for her is the belief that she behaves more Presidential. Getting into twitter wars with him or trying to assign him infantile nicknames like he does (she's gone with "Dangerous Donald"....seriously) doesn't help.

Hillary Clinton, DNC turn attacks to 'Dangerous Donald' - Washington Times
I think they are just stocking up on Donaldisms (sound bites) for the campaign. Every time he opens his mouth it is amazing what comes out. I bet they have collected thousands.
Politics 101: when your opponent is discrediting himself w/silly comments, STFU.

Howd that work with the primary process? Most Republican candidates tried to ignore him and it didnt work.
But look at this:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

It seems to be working....
Obama and Clinton can respond to Trump. What Clinton absolutely needs to stop doing is responding to Trump on his level.

It impossible to respond to Trump's comments w/out it being at that level, since ANY RESPONSE to a remark automatically lends credibility to that remark, since responding itself implies that the initial remark was somewhat plausible and required a response.

She needs to remember that the one thread we're holding onto in order to rationalize voting for her is the belief that she behaves more Presidential. Getting into twitter wars with him or trying to assign him infantile nicknames like he does (she's gone with "Dangerous Donald"....seriously) doesn't help.

Hillary Clinton, DNC turn attacks to 'Dangerous Donald' - Washington Times

Yes that's what Hillary is doing--she's deliberately damaging her own campaign by saying something at all. In this race, silence is golden.

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