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Who's Your Favorite College Team? (1 Viewer)

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Mar 7, 2005
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I'm one of those people that believe that college sports are soooo much better than professional ones. My favorite team is the Arizona Wildcats. I have been since I was born. My dad grew up in Tuscon, AZ. We have like a Arizona shrine in our house and everything. I also despise Duke and Arizona St.

So who is your team? And what team do you hate?
satanloveslibs said:
I'm one of those people that believe that college sports are soooo much better than professional ones. My favorite team is the Arizona Wildcats. I have been since I was born. My dad grew up in Tuscon, AZ. We have like a Arizona shrine in our house and everything. I also despise Duke and Arizona St.

So who is your team? And what team do you hate?

I grew up a huge USC fan, being from SoCal. However, I spent my college years at the University of Utah. Last year was the first year that I rooted for the Utes, even over USC. I was actually hoping the Trojans would lose a game so Utah would have a chance to move up in the polls. In the end, all was well. SC won the national championship, and Utah won a BCS Bowl game (unheard of for an "outside" school). Truth is, SC would probably have destroyed Utah if they had a chance to meet.

This year looks a little dismal compared to last, but the Utes should still do okay. Go Utes!

I hate BYU with a passion. I'm actually hoping the Florida Gators do well, because I have become a huge Urban Meyer fan.
galenrox said:
Hawkeyes Mother****er!!!!

I live in Southwest Missouri. So the Missouri State Bears used to have Steve Alford as their head coach. He took them to the Sweet Sixteen, so I like the Hawkeys too!
Have any of you gotten to go to the final four?
galenrox said:
**** yeah brother, we're making it to the rose bowl this year!

Lucky, Arizona will hopefully win one or two games. I hate their football program! It's a good thing my favorite sport is basketball. It's ok though, Duke really sucks at football.
I'm one of those people that has a team for every sport.
My all time favorite team would have to be Oregon State,due to the fact that I live in OR and have dreams of playing basketball for them.
But,for womens basketball,TVols.
For wrestling,Sooners.
And I absolutely hate UCAL,and Connecticut.
University of North Carolina

Say what!?
Not a fan of Georgia or Iowa, but I must admit they were very impressive this week. I honestly thought Boise St. would give Georgia a harder time. Go UTES!
UGA!!!! Let's go Dawgs!!!
Pmmfff...I don't even have a favorite team. I don't really get into it. I come from a family that's really into football but I think it's boring as hell to watch. I don't even follow it much, I don't give a **** who wins what.
George_Washington said:
Pmmfff...I don't even have a favorite team. I don't really get into it. I come from a family that's really into football but I think it's boring as hell to watch. I don't even follow it much, I don't give a **** who wins what.

No pressure to enjoy...(the greatest game EVER)...but, if you had afavorite team you might enjoy the games more. Nothing like grabbing some beers with friends, rooting on your favorite team, and talking trash to those not rooting for your team at every given opportunity!

Sounding anymore appealling?
I spent some time living in North Carolina growing up. I'm a Tarheel fan all the way.
The Houston Texans.

Oops, didnt read the title right. I thought you meant peewee football team. :)

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