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Who would you support in Ancient Rome? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I was watching the absolutely wonderful series Rome on HBO and it got me thinking. Who would you support if you were in Ancient Rome? Caesar or the Republic? Try to pretend as if you were there instead of looking at history that came after it.

I think I would support the Republic. Even though Caesar was willing to make changes, it would've been best to have gradual change in a Republic rather then to have a tyrant as a king who could do as he wished.
FinnMacCool said:
I was watching the absolutely wonderful series Rome on HBO and it got me thinking. Who would you support if you were in Ancient Rome? Caesar or the Republic? Try to pretend as if you were there instead of looking at history that came after it.

I think I would support the Republic. Even though Caesar was willing to make changes, it would've been best to have gradual change in a Republic rather then to have a tyrant as a king who could do as he wished.

I'd of helped to kill Caesar look at my Sig nex ut tyrannus licentia vel nex = death to tyrants liberty or death
I wouldnt have supported neither. A republic can tarnish a mans liberty just as a single tyrant can. True democracy is the only way to go. In our country we are having our own problems in a democratic republic.

However, if I had to chose between the 2 I would have chosen the republic.

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