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Who was Jean Schmidt quoting? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Rep. Jean Schmidt flung the word "coward" at a decorated war veteran from Pennsylvania last week, but the Ohio Republican's comments landed with a splat in her own Cincinnati district, where some supporters are backing away as she scrambles to explain what she meant.

Judging by her words yesterday -- the first after avoiding the public for three days -- Schmidt doesn't understand what the fuss is about, and sees herself more as victim than villain. "I am amazed at what a national story this has become," she said in a statement. "I have been attacked very personally, continuously since Friday evening."

Many people are unsympathetic. NBC's "Saturday Night Live" lampooned her, the Cincinnati Enquirer's editorial page -- which endorsed her congressional bid -- said she was "way out of line," and the friend she claimed to be quoting on the House floor last week declared yesterday that he had said no such thing.

Bubp, a GOP state legislator and Marine Corps Reserve officer, had campaigned for Schmidt. He put out his own statement yesterday: "The comments and concerns I shared with Congresswoman Schmidt were never meant as a personal reference to Mr. Murtha. . . . We never discussed anyone by name and there was no intent to ever disparage the congressman or his distinguished record of service for our nation." Bubp, through a spokeswoman, declined an interview request.

Schmidt recalls their Friday phone conversation somewhat differently. "I wrote down what he was saying," she said in the interview. "He did ask me to send a message to Congress, and he also said send a message to 'that congressman.' He did not know that congressman's name, but I did. Neither one of us knew he was a Marine."

Schmidt said she had not noticed the numerous references to Murtha's military background in the newspaper, radio and TV accounts of his troop-withdrawal proposal, made Thursday. "They keep us pretty busy," she said.

How could Schmidt not know Murtha was a Marine?

scottyz said:
How could Schmidt not know Murtha was a Marine?


Scotty, I don't believe for one second that the idiot Schmidt spoke with did not either say that statement or did not direct it at Murtha. While Schmidt is a loser, I dont' think she would be stupid enough to make that statement without it being true. She could have said she spoke to a constituent without mentioning any names.

Also, they both unquestionably knew that Murtha was a Marine. Why would you direct a statement to a person that includes what a Marine would do if the person was not a Marine. Bull$hit.

They are both scum.
I spent about an hour the other day trying to contemplate what Schmidt was trying to accomplish by her statements. What could she possibly gain from comments like that? Did she not anticipate any backlash from those statements? Did she just think it would go over without incident?
ShullsM said:
I spent about an hour the other day trying to contemplate what Schmidt was trying to accomplish by her statements. What could she possibly gain from comments like that? Did she not anticipate any backlash from those statements? Did she just think it would go over without incident?

Shulls, Howard Fineman (who works for Newsweek) said that he was in the chamber when all of this craziness was going on. He also explained that congress people have to give an idea of what they are going to say before the speaker gives them the floor and that someone in that room, other than Schmidt, had knowledge of what she was going to say. That is interesting to me.

I think the republicans were so enraged that some democrat with A LOT of credibility was coming out against the prez.

By the way, here's what she said during her swearing in ceremony:

"We will not always agree on the details of that work. Honorable people can certainly agree to disagree," she said in brief remarks.

"However, here today I accept a second oath," she said. "I pledge to walk in the shoes of my colleagues and refrain from name-calling or the questioning of character. It is easy to quickly sink to the lowest form of political debate. Harsh words often lead to headlines, but walking this path is not a victimless crime. This great House pays the price.


Boy she didn't keep her promise for long, huh?

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