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Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?[W:245] (1 Viewer)

Captain Adverse

Classical Liberal Sage
DP Veteran
Jun 22, 2013
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Mid-West USA
Political Leaning
Here we are, over three years since this allegation, and a year since Mueller's investigation found no evidence of this claim. Moreover, we now have all sorts of evidence that the original FBI investigations were based on lies, misinformation, and Russian disinformation.

Yet we still hear from "True Believers" who claim to this day, Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.

So a simple question, do YOU still believe Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election?

(I accidentally posted this instead of hitting edit before I had the poll set up, and wanted to request it be deleted.)

EDIT: Can't delete it because some people just can't wait, even when told it is posted in error. :doh

So I've asked the Mods to add four choices.

1. Yes, I still believe it.

2. No, I don't still believe it.

3. I never believed it.

4. Other.
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Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

So a simple question, do YOU still believe Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election?

Abso****inglutely he did. You don't need to commit 20+ instances of Obstruction of Justice if you're innocent.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

No collusion is necessary when all you need do is invite Russia, as Trump did, to intervene.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

They didn't bring charges. The FBI looked into it and said there wasn't enough evidence to bring charges.

I think Trump was hoping to establish a business relationship with Russia that he could profit off of in the future.

It didn't work out for him.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

This is supposed to be a poll and yet you JUMPED on it anyway. :doh

You did not format your thread as a poll and regardless any poll and your OP is still subject to comment from any eligible poster on this forum, FYI.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

I can't vote anyway in polls anyway. Lol

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Bill Barr, Bob Mueller, Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsey, the GOPutin Senate, Russian ambassador, freedumb circus
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Here we are, over three years since this allegation, and a year since Mueller's investigation found no evidence of this claim. Moreover, we now have all sorts of evidence that the original FBI investigations were based on lies, misinformation, and Russian disinformation.

Yet we still hear from "True Believers" who claim to this day, Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.

So a simple question, do YOU still believe Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election?

(I accidentally posted this instead of hitting edit before I had the poll set up, and wanted to request it be deleted.)

EDIT: Can't delete it because some people just can't wait, even when told it is posted in error. :doh

So I've asked the Mods to add four choices.

1. Yes, I still believe it.

2. No, I don't still believe it.

3. I never believed it.

4. Other.

Here's the conversation; Trump: "What wouldn't I do for you Russia." Russia: "Collude with me Trump so I can blackmail and goose you all day long... Come on Trump, let's hop in bed, exactly what are you going to do for me? Trump: "Oh, you want to hear my plan, good..." (later in the conversation) Putin: "Buddy Trump, how are we going to split up the world when you take over America...." (its a fun conversation, purely hypothetical)
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

I can't vote anyway in polls anyway. Lol

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
Huh? Did you get a DP felony? :2razz:
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

No collusion is necessary when all you need do is invite Russia, as Trump did, to intervene.

Oh, you mean when he joked to find Hilary's DESTROYED emails? LOL
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Here we are, over three years since this allegation, and a year since Mueller's investigation found no evidence of this claim. Moreover, we now have all sorts of evidence that the original FBI investigations were based on lies, misinformation, and Russian disinformation.

Yet we still hear from "True Believers" who claim to this day, Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.

So a simple question, do YOU still believe Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election?

(I accidentally posted this instead of hitting edit before I had the poll set up, and wanted to request it be deleted.)

EDIT: Can't delete it because some people just can't wait, even when told it is posted in error. :doh

So I've asked the Mods to add four choices.

1. Yes, I still believe it.

2. No, I don't still believe it.

3. I never believed it.

4. Other.

I never believed he successfully did so. It wasn't from lack of trying.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Oh, you mean when he joked to find Hilary's DESTROYED emails? LOL

Is anything the man says serious or does he think he's Jerry Seinfeld?
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Abso****inglutely he did. You don't need to commit 20+ instances of Obstruction of Justice if you're innocent.
And yet not a single one was included in impeachment charges - why was that? Hint:

Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Oh, you mean when he joked to find Hilary's DESTROYED emails? LOL

No Collusion and anyone who insist that it happened refuses to admit to the facts. This is why the country is so divided, lack of ability to see the truth when it's presented by your own side. Mueller, no collusion. Democrats including members of the leadership, yes collusion. Schiff, "I saw the evidence". Well Adam, where the hell is the evidence you saw?
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Here we are, over three years since this allegation, and a year since Mueller's investigation found no evidence of this claim. Moreover, we now have all sorts of evidence that the original FBI investigations were based on lies, misinformation, and Russian disinformation.

Yet we still hear from "True Believers" who claim to this day, Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.

So a simple question, do YOU still believe Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election?

(I accidentally posted this instead of hitting edit before I had the poll set up, and wanted to request it be deleted.)

EDIT: Can't delete it because some people just can't wait, even when told it is posted in error. :doh

So I've asked the Mods to add four choices.

1. Yes, I still believe it.

2. No, I don't still believe it.

3. I never believed it.

4. Other.

I don’t know, it’s against human nature for victims to admit they have been had. We rely on second and third hand information for our news, and we trust our media to tell us the truth. When they are lying, we are the victims for believing them and buying into a fantastic lie.

This happens on scams all the time. Victims are embarrassed to admit they were conned, even when the police tell them the truth. They should be more worried that their democrat party’s best candidate is a senile dolt.

The other thing. Elections cost me money. I always go into cash and bonds around September or October, so I miss the Republican upswing, but I’m protected by the democrat downswing. But I’m there now due to CV, but I ‘m hoping Trumps re relection will give me a second bite of the apple.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Trump encouraged them.

Used material they stole.

Trump claimed no one in his campaign met with Russians.

272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives and at least 38 meetings.

Collusion seems to be the least of it.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Trump encouraged them.

Used material they stole.

Trump claimed no one in his campaign met with Russians.

272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives and at least 38 meetings.

Collusion seems to be the least of it.

Pretty weak.

Can't say, Trump claimed, because we already know that trump will claim anything that sounds interesting to an idiot.

Certainly a Global businessperson like Trump is going to be meeting with that Country.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Mueller report did not establish criminal conspiracy / coordination. There was insufficient evidence to prove that the Trump administration was directly involved in Russian crimes like stealing Clinton’s emails. Plus the critical link between Trump and Russia, Roger Stone, lied about it and went to jail for lying.

But did the Trump campaign actively work with the Russian government to improve its electoral chances? Heck yes!

Did Trump and his campaign share private polling with Russians to improve their chances of affecting our elections? Yes!

Did they setup meetings with foreign government specifically to get dirt on political opponent? Of course.

We know Russians wanted to help Trump

We know Trump wanted their help

We know Russians *did* help Trump (with wikileaks releases and social media propaganda)

We know meetings were setup (like that abortion related one.. err... dirt on Hillary one)

We know Trump campaign's proprietary polling data was given to Russians

We know Trump asked for Russian help, heck, even publicly, on national TV

So, did they "collude"? Mueller did not answer that question because it's not a legal term but he certainly provided a ton of evidence that yes, he DID COLLUDE.
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Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Here we are, over three years since this allegation, and a year since Mueller's investigation found no evidence of this claim. Moreover, we now have all sorts of evidence that the original FBI investigations were based on lies, misinformation, and Russian disinformation.

Yet we still hear from "True Believers" who claim to this day, Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.

So a simple question, do YOU still believe Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election?

(I accidentally posted this instead of hitting edit before I had the poll set up, and wanted to request it be deleted.)

EDIT: Can't delete it because some people just can't wait, even when told it is posted in error. :doh

So I've asked the Mods to add four choices.

1. Yes, I still believe it.

2. No, I don't still believe it.

3. I never believed it.

4. Other.

4. I believe you didn't read the redacted version of the Mueller report and are relying on Barr's whitewash synopsis. Because, IF you had read the Muller report you'd know that what I left "un-grayed out" of your OP is BULL****!!!!!

Mueller AbsaByGodLutely found evidence of "conspiracy" but because of, mainly, Whitehouse Stonewalling, could not draw a "prosecutable" conclusion. Unless your relying on the nuance of conspiracy v. collusion, the first being a crime (which Muller DID find evidence of) the second being a word not used in law.

So, it's like being a little bit pregnant. Trump did "conspire" but just a little.
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Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

And yet not a single one was included in impeachment charges - why was that? Hint:

No, President Me-Me-Me's impeachment was never about what Mueller's found. So, there was "not a single one included in the impeachment charges" - that's why.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Mueller report did not establish criminal conspiracy / coordination. There was insufficient evidence to prove that the Trump administration was directly involved in Russian crimes like stealing Clinton’s emails. Plus the critical link between Trump and Russia, Roger Stone, lied about it and went to jail for lying.

But did the Trump campaign actively work with the Russian government to improve its electoral chances? Heck yes!

Did Trump and his campaign share private polling with Russians to improve their chances of affecting our elections? Yes!

Did they setup meetings with foreign government specifically to get dirt on political opponent? Of course.

We know Russians wanted to help Trump

We know Trump wanted their help

We know Russians *did* help Trump (with wikileaks releases and social media propaganda)

We know meetings were setup (like that abortion related one.. err... dirt on Hillary one)

We know Trump campaign's proprietary polling data was given to Russians

We know Trump asked for Russian help, heck, even publicly, on national TV

So, did they "collude"? Mueller did not answer that question because it's not a legal term but he certainly provided a ton of evidence that yes, he DID COLLUDE.

Better put the question, "Did Trump use Russia to get elected?"

Certainly from all parties.

So What? The evidence wasn't there, but just the affront of the above question and ultimately, the tax cut, pressed the impeachment over other matters and in all was done good justice, as you must with such a wreck-less individual.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

all of the best people.

Dimbulb Jr. said:
If it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

To say Trump colluded would be like saying Russia could blackmail Trump.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

What do they say, "Trump buddy we want to see you get elected because you are a big buddy of ours?"

I think its nonsense but you should press him on it.
Re: Who Still Believes Trump Colluded With Russia to Win in 2016?

To say Trump colluded would be like saying Russia could blackmail Trump.

Conspired is what Mueller found but couldn't prosecute as enough evidence had been deleted or covered up.

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