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Who is the Dumbest CURRENT US Senator? (1 Viewer)

Who is the Dumbest CURRENT US Senator?

  • Diane Feinstein (D-CA)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • John McCain (R-AZ)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles Schumer (D-NY)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edward Kennedy (D-MA)

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • James Jeffords (I-NH)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trent Lott (R-MI)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orrin Hatch (R-UT)

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Any of the 91 Other Names.

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters

Scarecrow Akhbar

DP Veteran
Sep 22, 2005
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Los Angeles
Political Leaning
I'm watching one of California's two bimbo's babble semi-coherently about the US Supreme Court.

Is there a Senator dumber than Feinstein?

I've listed a few of the worst idiots, feel free to name your favorite dumb Senator!
Re: Who's the Dumbest Senator?

Why did you have to mention CURRENT?...I have the Hall of Famer....

This one's a given...Gary Hart...

Hart officially declared his candidacy on April 17. Rumors began circulating nearly immediately that Hart was having an extramarital affair. In an interview that appeared in the New York Times in late April, Hart responded to the rumors by daring the press corps: "Follow me around. I don't care. I'm serious. If anybody wants to put a tail on me, go ahead. They'll be very bored." After an anonymous tip, two reporters from the Miami Herald took up Hart's challenge and observed an attractive young woman coming out of Hart's Washington, DC townhouse on the evening of May 2[1]. The Herald published the story on Sunday, May 3, and the scandal spread rapidly through the national media. Hart and his allies attacked the Herald for rushing the story into print, claiming that it had unfairly judged the situation without finding out the true facts. Hart claimed that the reporters had not watched both entrances to his home and could not have seen when the young woman entered and left the building. Hart was dogged with questions regarding his views on marital infidelity. In public, his wife Lee supported him, claiming the relationship with Rice was innocent. A poll of voters in New Hampshire for the New Hampshire Primary showed that Hart's support had dropped in half, from 32% to 17%, placing him suddenly ten points behind Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis.

On May 5, the Herald received a further tip that Hart had spent a night in Bimini on a sailboat called the Monkey Business with a woman who was not his wife. The Herald obtained photographs [2]. of Hart aboard the Monkey Business with then-29-year-old model Donna Rice, sitting in over-50 year-old Hart's lap. The photographs were subsequently published in the National Enquirer. On May 8, 1987, a week after the Donna Rice story broke, Hart dropped out of the race. At a press conference, he lashed out at the media, saying ""I said that I bend, but I don't break, and believe me, I'm not broken." A Gallup Poll found that nearly two-thirds (64%) of the U.S. respondents it surveyed thought the media treatment of Hart was "unfair." A little over half (53%) responded that marital infidelity had little to do with a president's ability to govern.

In December of 1987, Hart returned to the race. He competed in the New Hampshire primary and received 4,888 votes, approximately 4%. He stayed in the race through mid-spring, making his best showing in Puerto Rico, where he received approximately 7.5% of the primary vote

Re: Who's the Dumbest Senator?

cnredd said:
This one's a given...Gary Hart...

Hart officially declared his candidacy on April 17. Rumors began circulating nearly immediately that Hart was having an extramarital affair. In an interview that appeared in the New York Times in late April, Hart responded to the rumors by daring the press corps: "Follow me around. I don't care. I'm serious. If anybody wants to put a tail on me, go ahead. They'll be very bored." After an anonymous tip, two reporters from the Miami Herald took up Hart's challenge and observed an attractive young woman coming out of Hart's Washington, DC townhouse on the evening of May 2[1]. The Herald published the story on Sunday, May 3, and the scandal spread rapidly through the national media. Hart and his allies attacked the Herald for rushing the story into print, claiming that it had unfairly judged the situation without finding out the true facts. Hart claimed that the reporters had not watched both entrances to his home and could not have seen when the young woman entered and left the building. Hart was dogged with questions regarding his views on marital infidelity. In public, his wife Lee supported him, claiming the relationship with Rice was innocent. A poll of voters in New Hampshire for the New Hampshire Primary showed that Hart's support had dropped in half, from 32% to 17%, placing him suddenly ten points behind Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis.

On May 5, the Herald received a further tip that Hart had spent a night in Bimini on a sailboat called the Monkey Business with a woman who was not his wife. The Herald obtained photographs [2]. of Hart aboard the Monkey Business with then-29-year-old model Donna Rice, sitting in over-50 year-old Hart's lap. The photographs were subsequently published in the National Enquirer. On May 8, 1987, a week after the Donna Rice story broke, Hart dropped out of the race. At a press conference, he lashed out at the media, saying ""I said that I bend, but I don't break, and believe me, I'm not broken." A Gallup Poll found that nearly two-thirds (64%) of the U.S. respondents it surveyed thought the media treatment of Hart was "unfair." A little over half (53%) responded that marital infidelity had little to do with a president's ability to govern.

In December of 1987, Hart returned to the race. He competed in the New Hampshire primary and received 4,888 votes, approximately 4%. He stayed in the race through mid-spring, making his best showing in Puerto Rico, where he received approximately 7.5% of the primary vote


Jeez! Gimme a chance to polish the thing and set it up, will ya? LOL! Yeah, Hart was pretty dumb.

But I only want current senators. Otherwise the poll will be neck and neck between Quayle and Gore.

I'll check back later. Good night.
Re: Who's the Dumbest Senator?

Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Jeez! Gimme a chance to polish the thing and set it up, will ya? LOL! Yeah, Hart was pretty dumb.

But I only want current senators. Otherwise the poll will be neck and neck between Quayle and Gore.

I'll check back later. Good night.
You responded as I was editing the point where I belated saw CURRENT...:slapme:
Re: Who's the Dumbest Senator?

Hey! How did it do that? I wrote the word "Current" in the title between the words "dumbest" and "senator"!

If you could fix that, it'd be nice. I don't think I can.
Re: Who's the Dumbest Senator?

I see what happened. I wrote the title of the thread without the "current", then when I wrote the poll question I put in the word "current", so it's there, but not where I would like it to be. Oh, well. Not a big deal. Bedtime for me.

Re: Who's the Dumbest Senator?

Scarecrow Akhbar said:
I see what happened. I wrote the title of the thread without the "current", then when I wrote the poll question I put in the word "current", so it's there, but not where I would like it to be. Oh, well. Not a big deal. Bedtime for me.

[Moderator mode]


[/Moderator mode]
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
I'm watching one of California's two bimbo's babble semi-coherently about the US Supreme Court.

Is there a Senator dumber than Feinstein?

I've listed a few of the worst idiots, feel free to name your favorite dumb Senator!

You don't have Byrd or Stevens on that list did you see the Coot off on the Daily Show? Dag nabet.
I think Rick Santorum clearly wins the gold medal on this, for many different reasons. The "man on dog" quote was probably my favorite. Honorable mentions go to Robert Byrd, Ted Stevens, and John Kerry.
Mod Note

This thread is going to get ugly. The subject matter is basement fodder, so off it goes.

/Mod Note
When I have heard Diane Feinstein talk, I have been quite impressed by her. I don't think any of the senators you list are dumb. I'd have to look at a list of the other 91 senators to make that determination.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
You don't have Byrd or Stevens on that list did you see the Coot off on the Daily Show? Dag nabet.

I don't think Byrd is stupid. I think he's a dinosaur coprolite.
shuamort said:
Mod Note

This thread is going to get ugly. The subject matter is basement fodder, so off it goes.

/Mod Note

Yeah, I expect you're right about that.
aps said:
When I have heard Diane Feinstein talk, I have been quite impressed by her. I don't think any of the senators you list are dumb. I'd have to look at a list of the other 91 senators to make that determination.

Feinstein looked at pictures of guns to determine which ones were EEEVILLLE ASSAULT WEAPONS and which were nice friendly cuddly guns. How much dumber can someone get?
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Feinstein looked at pictures of guns to determine which ones were EEEVILLLE ASSAULT WEAPONS and which were nice friendly cuddly guns. How much dumber can someone get?

Being ignorant about guns is not indicative of someone being dumb.
aps said:
Being ignorant about guns is not indicative of someone being dumb.

Not learning about the subject you're writing a law to regulate certainly is.
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Not learning about the subject you're writing a law to regulate certainly is.

Hmmm, you may have a point. ;)
Wonder who Mary Jo Kopechne would vote for...if she could vote, that is.
oldreliable67 said:
Wonder who Mary Jo Kopechne would vote for...if she could vote, that is.
Yeah, but that's just water under the bridge...

(Oldie but goodie)...:cool:
The least intellectually gifted Senators include

1) Jim Bunning-KY-I like the way he votes but he is near the bottom of the IQ pool

2) Patty Murray-another dim one-

3) Kennedy isnt very bright but he is more competent than Kerry

4) Mike DeWine Doesn't impress me as being very bright

5) Dick Durbin-dumber than a post

6) Byrd-never had much to begin with

7) KB Hutchinson-southern belle-not much in the belfrey


1) Boxer-a spoiled rich princess-shrill but idiotic

2) Biden-glibness doesn't camoflauge his awful academic record and plagiarism

3) Rick Santorum-slick but not much substance

4)Jay Rockefeller-inbreeding finally catches up to that family

5)Evan bayh


1) Mitch McConnell of Kentucky

2) Diane Feinstein-pretty sharp

3) George Voinivich

4) Larry Craig

Truly Bright

1) Schumer-he's a prick but he's a smart prick-Harvard Law

2) Orrin Hatch-constitutional expert

3) Arlen SpectorYale Law

4) Joe Lieberman-Yale Law

5) Barak Obama-no doubt-hopefully he will temper his radicalism and grow wise in office
Kandahar said:
I think Rick Santorum clearly wins the gold medal on this, for many different reasons. The "man on dog" quote was probably my favorite. Honorable mentions go to Robert Byrd, Ted Stevens, and John Kerry.
I second Santorum. he is the idiot who first tried to push a law in PA to teach "Intelligent Design" after the Dover school board did so. he was alligned with the lawfirm who took the case. Now the trial is over, ID is shown to be creationism and the school board shown to be liars, and he is cowardly trying to back-pedal.

He is lame and ignorant. That's pretty dumb.
If I was Gary Hart I would have a bumper sticker that said,
"Yeah I f_cked her, vote for me!"
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Not learning about the subject you're writing a law to regulate certainly is.
So you agree that santorum is an idiot.

And then there was the nitwit state representative Henry Aldridge (not quite senator) from N.C. (now deceased) making a comment about how "The facts show that people who are raped, who are truly raped—the juices don’t flow, the body functions don’t work, and they don’t get pregnant."
steen said:
So you agree that santorum is an idiot.

If you say so, why not? I should warn you that your penchant for playing with hay will cause you to attract really fat women. You would do better to stick with what other people actually said, unless that would require you to drop your meds.

But I think they're all idiots. The poll is which do YOU think is dumbest. I already named my favorite dumb **** senatorette. If you want to believe otherwise, first click your heels together three times.

steen said:
And then there was the nitwit state representative Henry Aldridge (not quite senator) from N.C. (now deceased) making a comment about how "The facts show that people who are raped, who are truly raped—the juices don’t flow, the body functions don’t work, and they don’t get pregnant."

I guess rape victims should just lay back and enjoy it. That's what Clinton told all his gals, as he was biting their lips.

But the thread's about US Senators that are alive and currently holding office. If Strom Thurmond still held office, I wouldn't have been able to use the word "alive". I think his juices stopped flowing back in the 80's.

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