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Who is Santorum? (1 Viewer)

Add to the list of why Santorum shouldn't be president. He thinks rapes are a gift from God.
That's it, Santorum condones rape. He's pro-rape, probably even fantasizes about it and plays rape with his wife.
That's it, Santorum condones rape. He's pro-rape, probably even fantasizes about it and plays rape with his wife.

so do you believe a pregnancy fom rape is a gift from god?
So do believe a pregnancy from rape is a gift from god?

If they believe that a fetus due to a rape is a gift from God, then I don't see why they are not in favor of sacrificing it. After all, that's in the Bible too. Just ask Abraham. LOL.
That's it, Santorum condones rape. He's pro-rape, probably even fantasizes about it and plays rape with his wife.

No, not at all. Santorum has specifically said what he fantasizes about: sex with boys and sex with dogs. :shock:
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I believe a baby is a gift from God.

I don't have a problem with that statement if that is your belief. Stressing YOUR belief.
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If they believe that a fetus due to a rape is a gift from God, then I don't see why they are not in favor of sacrificing it. After all, that's in the Bible too. Just ask Abraham. LOL.

I would just like Santorum or anyone else that things a pregnancy is a "gift from god" go sit down and talk to a rape victim that this has hapened to. These people know nothing about the trauma, anger, shame, and helplessness these women have been through and to even suggest that a pregnancy from that experience is somehow "a gift from god" is disgusting.
I would just like Santorum or anyone else that things a pregnancy is a "gift from god" go sit down and talk to a rape victim that this has hapened to. These people know nothing about the trauma, anger, shame, and helplessness these women have been through and to even suggest that a pregnancy from that experience is somehow "a gift from god" is disgusting.

Noting I am very pro-choice and particularly anti-Santorum, I also know your statement makes the same presumption that prolifers make - that a ZEF is a "baby."

I have no problem with anyone who believes "babies are a gift from God." However, a ZEF isn't a baby.

Some women made pregnant against her will or by sexual assault struggle with the question of what the ZEF is to her? Is it a baby? Is it not? Is it some monster the assailant injected into her that is now growing? The person I am closest to went through that exact struggle. In my opinion and the one I expressed, was the ZEF was exactly no more and no less than whatever she thought it was - and it wasn't even my place to express an opinion otherwise. How the hell could I know? Not my decision, not my place to say. All I could say is I'm on her side whatever she decides she would like that to be, if any.
Noting I am very pro-choice and particularly anti-Santorum, I also know your statement makes the same presumption that prolifers make - that a ZEF is a "baby."

Semantics and one that should be argued in another thread. I happen to agree with you, however, if someone who is pregnant and wants it calls it her baby I'm not going to argue with them.

I have no problem with anyone who believes "babies are a gift from God." However, a ZEF isn't a baby.

I have a problem with it, when they say it even in the condition of rape. I have personal known a rape victim that DID get pregnant. She would have slapped Santorum had he said that to her.
Noting I am very pro-choice and particularly anti-Santorum, I also know your statement makes the same presumption that prolifers make - that a ZEF is a "baby."

I have no problem with anyone who believes "babies are a gift from God." However, a ZEF isn't a baby.

Some women made pregnant against her will or by sexual assault struggle with the question of what the ZEF is to her? Is it a baby? Is it not? Is it some monster the assailant injected into her that is now growing? The person I am closest to went through that exact struggle. In my opinion and the one I expressed, was the ZEF was exactly no more and no less than whatever she thought it was - and it wasn't even my place to express an opinion otherwise. How the hell could I know? Not my decision, not my place to say. All I could say is I'm on her side whatever she decides she would like that to be, if any.

Exactly. It is the woman's choice, the woman's dilemma, not that of the government.
Semantics and one that should be argued in another thread. I happen to agree with you, however, if someone who is pregnant and wants it calls it her baby I'm not going to argue with them.

I have a problem with it, when they say it even in the condition of rape. I have personal known a rape victim that DID get pregnant. She would have slapped Santorum had he said that to her.

So do I and although probably mildly pro-life before, she came to intensely, deeply despise "pro-lifers" to the point of hatred for their slogans they constantly harassed her with and tried to force upon her. Pro-choicers came to her rescue and it became a very intense fight - even leading to violence and arrests on more than one occasion. So oddly, she had scheduled an abortion specifically in fury at the pro-lifers and to PROVE it was HER decision. It was pro-choicers who urged her to pause, get her hatred of pro-lifers out of head, and make her own decision.
It was an unusual one. Learning the ZEF was female, she decided to have the child. However, to deny pro-lifers any victory and to avoid her child ever having such a stigma, she (falsely) declared that actually she was quite the little slut and while she could name some possible men who are the father (some pro-choice men volunteering to falsely be named as potential fathers), she can't be sure because there were so many men - meaning the birth certificate reads the father is "unknown."
In fact, she had been a particularly virgin prudish woman to that point. She absolutely would not allow pro-lifers to claim her as a success. Knowing her as I do, but for pro-lifers getting in her face she probably would not have considered abortion, rather than scheduled one.
No words could describe the level of hatred and contempt she came to have against the extreme anti-abortion people who had tried to get her to agree to be their poster-child.
I had attempted NO persuasion, only offering to do as much or as little to back her up in whatever she decided. I saw it as not only just her decision, but that she should not be influenced in any way. What this came to mean in the end is upon birth I became "legal guardian" of "her" daughter - which she believes became a baby with a soul only upon actual birth and after a brief required waiting period her daughter became "our" daughter when I became her legal adoptive parent.
So I have pretty strong feelings about all of this, like you do.
Pro-life hate and condemnation slogans produce NOTHING good. A ZEF is NOT a baby UNLESS the woman carrying the ZEF says it is.
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There was a young maid from Cape Cod,
who thought that babies came from God,
But t'was not the almighty,
Who pulled up her nighty,
Twas Roger, the Lodger, the clod!
There was a young maid from Cape Cod,
who thought that babies came from God,
But t'was not the almighty,
Who pulled up her nighty,
Twas Roger, the Lodger, the clod!

That is the stupidest poem I have ever seen! Disgusting!
Who is santorum? Well just google his name.
so I guess that makes him a "religious nut" too.

i think the correct word is "bible beater or bible thumper" not sure you will have to attend church to find the more accurate one.

PS: OPPS, I was just corrected by someone else here, You will need to attend mass to find the more accurate one.

PSS: Santorum, is nothing just ignore it and it should go away within 4-6 weeks, scratch that, 4-6 days...
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i think the correct word is "bible beater or bible thumper" not sure you will have to attend church to find the more accurate one.

PS: OPPS, I was just corrected by someone else here, You will need to attend mass to find the more accurate one.

PSS: Santorum, is nothing just ignore it and it should go away within 4-6 weeks, scratch that, 4-6 days...

Do you think a little calamine lotion might help?
A moron who shouldn't be president.

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