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Who are the angriest people... (1 Viewer)

Who are the angriest people

  • Liberals

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Losers of recent national elections

    Votes: 5 31.3%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Keep in mind the recent televised Alito hearings when making your selection. Visualize Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Chucky Schummer, Joe Biden, Durbin et al as they fumed endlessly throughout the hearings.
Lets not leave out James Carville, Paul Begala, Hillary, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Howard Dean etc.

Please visualize the mellow/peaceful happy Conservative faces of George Bush, Rush Limbaug, Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter, Barbara Bush, Condi Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Tom Delay, Mary Matlin, the entire Bush administration etc, etc before making your selection.
Pacridge said:
After reading this post I just have one question... You still claiming you have a Ph.D?

***I see that you had read my brief but revealing bio. Surely you had seen where I mentioned the study of 'sociology' as being a significant learning tool toward my Ph.D. So in my research of the two major political forces--I found it interesting just how angry the liberal contingent is in the United States. The obvious answer to their unhappiness comes from having lost power to the Republican forces.
Could you site a few examples to the happy liberals you've seen, or the unhappy Conservatives? I can't seem to come up with one. I'm not saying you made a mistake by voting the way you did; I just think you hadn't given it very much thought.
ptsdkid said:
***I see that you had read my brief but revealing bio. Surely you had seen where I mentioned the study of 'sociology' as being a significant learning tool toward my Ph.D. So in my research of the two major political forces--I found it interesting just how angry the liberal contingent is in the United States. The obvious answer to their unhappiness comes from having lost power to the Republican forces.
Could you site a few examples to the happy liberals you've seen, or the unhappy Conservatives? I can't seem to come up with one. I'm not saying you made a mistake by voting the way you did; I just think you hadn't given it very much thought.

C'mon, post your abstract.
ptsdkid said:
***I see that you had read my brief but revealing bio. Surely you had seen where I mentioned the study of 'sociology' as being a significant learning tool toward my Ph.D. So in my research of the two major political forces--I found it interesting just how angry the liberal contingent is in the United States. The obvious answer to their unhappiness comes from having lost power to the Republican forces.
Could you site a few examples to the happy liberals you've seen, or the unhappy Conservatives? I can't seem to come up with one. I'm not saying you made a mistake by voting the way you did; I just think you hadn't given it very much thought.

I see it as a 51% to 49% spilt with Cons such as Michael Savage pushing them past the Libs. But I could be wrong.

I also don't believe for one second that you have a Ph. d. Unless of course you ordered if off the net. But of course, again, I could be wrong.
There's an implied assumption behind your question that I disagree with.

What, precisely, is wrong with being angry?
Are you kidding??? Liberals live for political power - since most of them have been lawyers and bureaucrats and have never had a real job their entire lives (like e.g. Hillary) - cutting them out of power is like for most people cutting off their oxygen. That's why you hear such pathetic public displays of screeching and whining from such as Teddy Kennedy. Gosh, if he gets his ass kicked one more time by Bush, he'll probably pop a blood vessel! :lol:
alphamale said:
Are you kidding??? Liberals live for political power -

We'd have no use for politicians who didn't; power is the means by which they get things done. Since we're electing them to represent our interests, we should want them to be able to get things done for us.

Of course, I suppose I should be thankful that the Libertarians have no idea what to do with power. It may very well be the only thing keeping them from acheiving their suicidal agenda.

alphamale said:
... since most of them have been lawyers and bureaucrats and have never had a real job their entire lives (like e.g. Hillary)

One: the vast majority of our politicians were originally lawyers. This is not a bad thing-- if you're hiring a man to write your laws, you want to hire a man who understands how laws actually work.

Two: lawyers and bureaucrats do have real jobs. Without them, no part of our glorious country would be able to operate at all. And we have always had bureaucrats and lawyers, since even before the Revolution.

And, finally, three: Senator Clinton worked as a lawyer both before and after marrying former President Clinton, and worked as a lawyer and a corporate executive for the entire duration of her husband's Presidency.

You're too lazy to check your facts on the Internet, and you're accusing other people of never holding a real job? For shame.
ptsdkid said:
Keep in mind the recent televised Alito hearings when making your selection. Visualize Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Chucky Schummer, Joe Biden, Durbin et al as they fumed endlessly throughout the hearings.
Lets not leave out James Carville, Paul Begala, Hillary, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Howard Dean etc.

Please visualize the mellow/peaceful happy Conservative faces of George Bush, Rush Limbaug, Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter, Barbara Bush, Condi Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Tom Delay, Mary Matlin, the entire Bush administration etc, etc before making your selection.

I couldnt vote....mostly because you werent in the lineup. I dont suppose in your quest for the PhD you are so proud of, you learned anything of Psycology.....because you would make an excellent case study. Breaking down the basis for much of what you post in this forum, it becomes relatively obvious that you are indeed, a very upset man.
tecoyah said:
I couldnt vote....mostly because you werent in the lineup. I dont suppose in your quest for the PhD you are so proud of, you learned anything of Psycology.....because you would make an excellent case study. Breaking down the basis for much of what you post in this forum, it becomes relatively obvious that you are indeed, a very upset man.

You took the words right outta my keyboard.
I love how you describe Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter, and Tom DeLay as "mellow/peaceful happy conservatives." Sadly, you probably actually believe that.

By the way, I'm going to continue asking you to post your abstract until you do so, or until you admit that you're a filthy liar whose word is no better than a criminal's.
The angriest people seem to be Islamic Radicals.
Korimyr the Rat said:
There's an implied assumption behind your question that I disagree with.

What, precisely, is wrong with being angry?

***What's wrong with being angry? Well, for starters--you become an unpleasant person to be associated with. Then there is always the greater chance of your blood pressure rising--risking heart failure and a premature death.
Do you think that any of those angry people at the anti-war rallies in D.C. know what it is like to be happy?
ptsdkidDo you think that any of those angry people at the anti-war rallies in D.C. know what it is like to be happy?[/QUOTE said:

Who are you going to hate when the liberals are finally gone?
Saboteur said:

Who are you going to hate when the liberals are finally gone?

***You assume that this liberal scourge that has infested America for 50+ plus years is going to die a natural death. Oh how I hope you are right Sabbith.
I do not hate anyone, but your question reminds me of one that was asked to Rush Limbaugh right after George Bush won the presidency in 2000. Someone asked Rush what was he going to bitch about now that the Republicans controlled everything? Rush said that there will always be liberals breaking down our institutions and our way of life; so until everyone listening to Rush agrees with him--his work will not be done. Rush also has a doctorate degree in Advanced Conservative Studies...(wink)!
Korimyr the Rat said:
We'd have no use for politicians who didn't; power is the means by which they get things done. Since we're electing them to represent our interests, we should want them to be able to get things done for us.

Of course, I suppose I should be thankful that the Libertarians have no idea what to do with power. It may very well be the only thing keeping them from acheiving their suicidal agenda.

And what about the Libertarians agenda do you consider suicidal exactly?
I am conservative, and you know what, I am angry.

I am angry because liberals and Democrats do not have the sense to know what is right from wrong. I am angry because they will do anything to demoralize this country any way they can. I am angry because they have brought the American people down to a level that I thought could never exist. I am angry because they have destroyed the Democrats of old , a time when they were a respectable people, a time when I was proud to be in their party.

I was a Democrat until Jimmy Peanut Carter showed me how weak the Dems have become. I am angry because Democrats have declared war on their fellow Americans, and I am most angry because they have infested the mind of my Father who once believed in the morals and ethics America stood for.

Democrats are destroying our nation and our people.

You bet I am angry!
The entire country is angry, and it's the politicians that are to blame at the end of the day. Sure, special interest groups may suggest ridiculous plans of attack, but our politicians do not have to act on those plans. So I lay the blame squarely on their shoulders, and it's their job to unite us once again, that seems impossible from where I sit, for the time being.

I would like to see our politicians show a little more courage, loyalty, and honor. To be brave enough to back down on certain issues, so the peoples work can be completed, not stand in the way, just to ensure the special interest groups that you are working for them. They are indeed working for us, and most of our needs have very little to do with the wishes of these groups, but they have the money, so they get all the attention. This must end now, and it's up to us to not re-elect those who are known wh*res of the special interest, left, or right. Until we start to clean house, and I mean that quite literally, then we are stuck with these problems, and have no one to blame but ourselves.
Deegan said:
The entire country is angry, and it's the politicians that are to blame at the end of the day. Sure, special interest groups may suggest ridiculous plans of attack, but our politicians do not have to act on those plans. So I lay the blame squarely on their shoulders, and it's their job to unite us once again, that seems impossible from where I sit, for the time being.

I would like to see our politicians show a little more courage, loyalty, and honor. To be brave enough to back down on certain issues, so the peoples work can be completed, not stand in the way, just to ensure the special interest groups that you are working for them. They are indeed working for us, and most of our needs have very little to do with the wishes of these groups, but they have the money, so they get all the attention. This must end now, and it's up to us to not re-elect those who are known wh*res of the special interest, left, or right. Until we start to clean house, and I mean that quite literally, then we are stuck with these problems, and have no one to blame but ourselves.

Damn, that was good. Very well said Deegan
As a rule, the angriest are those with the least understanding, the least intelligence, the least or most controlled education...
Ones political leaning, socialist to conservative is not a factor..
But this is, or should be common sense.
Of course, I did not vote.

Neither a Democrat nor a Republican be
ThePhoenix said:
Damn, that was good. Very well said Deegan

Thanks, but I have probably repeated this same message ad nauseam for almost ten years, and I still don't see it getting any better, unfortunately, it's getting worse. I realize I am partly to blame, as I often find myself feeding in to the negativity that is partisan politics. Defending issues I know are wrong, only because to give an inch, you seem to lose a mile in our current partisan, and completely divided political atmosphere. I do try to be as open minded as I can here, but it is not always easy, but I do think they are watching us here, and we can set an example, if we really commit to practicing what we preach here.
earthworm said:
As a rule, the angriest are those with the least understanding, the least intelligence, the least or most controlled education...
Ones political leaning, socialist to conservative is not a factor..
But this is, or should be common sense.
Of course, I did not vote.

Neither a Democrat nor a Republican be
Is this your rule? You did not vote, where do you get the idea that you are entitled to make rules. The way I see it those with the least understanding, the least intelligence, and the least or most controlled education are the ones who do not or should not vote.
Last edited:
Deegan said:
Thanks, but I have probably repeated this same message ad nauseam for almost ten years, and I still don't see it getting any better, unfortunately, it's getting worse. I realize I am partly to blame, as I often find myself feeding in to the negativity that is partisan politics. Defending issues I know are wrong, only because to give an inch, you seem to lose a mile in our current partisan, and completely divided political atmosphere. I do try to be as open minded as I can here, but it is not always easy, but I do think they are watching us here, and we can set an example, if we really commit to practicing what we preach here.
It is not easy to get everyone or even a majority on board, sometimes you have to keep restating it and maybe it will sink in eventually, but I am glad you posted it.
ptsdkid said:
***You assume that this liberal scourge that has infested America for 50+ plus years is going to die a natural death. Oh how I hope you are right Sabbith.
I do not hate anyone, but your question reminds me of one that was asked to Rush Limbaugh right after George Bush won the presidency in 2000. Someone asked Rush what was he going to bitch about now that the Republicans controlled everything? Rush said that there will always be liberals breaking down our institutions and our way of life; so until everyone listening to Rush agrees with him--his work will not be done. Rush also has a doctorate degree in Advanced Conservative Studies...(wink)!

Well you sure seem like you hate liberals.

And Rush Limbaugh's comment seems to infer that he would make up liberal conspiracy theories himself just to keep a job.

There might not be one liberal left in a few years yet somehow I think that your pundits would still find some way of convincing people to believe that they're out there.

It's either that or persecute each other.
ThePhoenix said:
Is this your rule? You did not vote, where do you get the idea that you are entitled to make rules. The way I see it those with the least understanding, the least intelligence, and the least or most controlled education are the ones who do not or should not vote.

Why thats very interesting...

Maybe we should develope a 'master race' that could make our decisions for us?

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