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Whites with no college degree only group Trump has majority support for (1 Viewer)

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and the boys and girls at Faux News do their thinking for them
Well I'm white with no degree, and I'm damn sure not voting for Trump, nor Kanye....
With the caliber of today's so-called "professors," people are better off without a college degree.
With the caliber of today's so-called "professors," people are better off without a college degree.

Brilliant. I'll bet they could get a job at almost any mcdonald's in america.
Well I'm white with no degree, and I'm damn sure not voting for Trump, nor Kanye....

College is not the sole method available to influence political decisions. A lot of people are influenced by coworkers, managers, peers, family members, and/or life experience. I also know several people with different ethnic backgrounds who have degrees while still being Republicans and/or Trump supporters. People are too unique to put into nice, neat boxes.
With the caliber of today's so-called "professors," people are better off without a college degree.

What "caliber" is that? College is not for everyone, I agree, but in todays technically advanced world training beyound High School is almost mandatory. IF not College everyone should have some sort of trainig in a Trade or Technical School or an Apprenticship.

I have degrees in Math and Computer Science and strongly disagree that I would be "better off without a college degree". How it improved my income aside it was a life changing experience in the friends I made and how I veiw the world and my very existance. Two classes in particular changed my life; without Calculus I would never have been able to appreciate or fully understand things infinately large and infinately small which in the sceam of eternity is essential. The other life changing class was a rigourus study of OUR Constitution; we took it word by word, disected it then put it back together. My love of County and an appreciatin how world changing OUR form of Government was and is, would never have been what it is without that class.
Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and the boys and girls at Faux News do their thinking for them

pretty much.

i still think that Rush and Sean took what tons of us learned growing up in Church (defeat Satan at any cost/take the gospel to the non-believers) and just tweaked it. it's still defeat Satan (Democrats) at any cost (which they've convinced the rubes that Democrats are) and take the gospel (the Republican Party's message of hate) to the non-believers.

it's a powerful con job.

If Trump gets reelected and destroys America we can thank all the NASCAR-watching Bubbas and Jim Bobs. What the heck is wrong with them?

Nothing is wrong with them. IMO? They simply haven't been subjected to all the indoctrination pretending to be education, especially among those students with certain Social Science (or should I say "grievance science-fiction") degrees.

We used to label such degrees "underwater basket-weaving," i.e. degrees like those old attendance high school diplomas... you got them for merely showing up every day, regurgitating what teacher says, and when you graduate you can get a job as a manager at a convenience store or work in some HR Dept.

Meanwhile, I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees. Biology, History, and Law. I fall into that 36% who will be voting for Trump.
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Well I'm white with no degree, and I'm damn sure not voting for Trump, nor Kanye....

Myself included and have been a Nascar fan for 30 years. I have many friends who are all Nascar fans and very few support Trump.
You're going to beleive a poll that says Biden is up by 40 points. LOL Let me guess, Trump is not your President.

I have seen no pole showing Biden up by 40 points. Please provide a link to that. Polls on average have him up by 8019 points nationally. That's entirely believable.
Nothing is wrong with them. IMO? They simply haven't been subjected to all the indoctrination pretending to be education, especially among those students with certain Social Science (or should I say "grievance science-fiction") degrees.

We used to label such degrees "underwater basket-weaving," i.e. degrees like those old attendance high school diplomas... you got them for merely showing up every day, regurgitating what teacher says, and when you graduate you can get a job as a manager at a convenience store or work in some HR Dept.

Meanwhile, I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees. Biology, History, and Law. I fall into that 36% who will be voting for Trump.

My question is how do you allow yourself to vote for a criminal. What sleep aids to you take to sleep at night?
Trump is the great hero of stupid people. That must make him very proud.

A well-informed, uneducated voter has much more value than a highly, skilled, educated, low-information voter any day.
Yeah? What are your degrees in?

When I went to college in the 1950s (!!!), professors were qualified people who TAUGHT.

Today many "professors" were given that title because of political pull. They INDOCTRINATE. That's why so many young people took part in those BLM marches. Some of them will regret what they did when they get older and see what is happening to this country.

My degree was in International Relations.
When I went to college in the 1950s (!!!), professors were qualified people who TAUGHT.

Today many "professors" were given that title because of political pull. They INDOCTRINATE. That's why so many young people took part in those BLM marches. Some of them will regret what they did when they get older and see what is happening to this country.

My degree was in International Relations.

Indoctrinate?? I went to college, too. Earned a couple of degrees. I'm trying to figure out where they would have had an opportunity to "indoctrinate" me.

Would that be in my biology courses? Or in those English Lit classes? Maybe that Art History course? Perhaps it would have been in my Radiology courses. I know, it must have been in in Anatomy & Physiology!!
As an elite coastal liberal, I think my side putting down whites w/o a college degree is one of the reasons such folks vote for Trump. They have been scorned as Archie Bunkers for quite a while, from the early days of 1950s TV sitcoms. I remember William Bendix, a pudgy family guy who worked in a aircraft factory playing a slightly buffoonish guy in “Life of Riley,” while tall, thin Robert Young played an all-wise insurance man or something in “Father Knows Best.”

Strangely, we liberals don’t make fun of blacks without a college degree. (On TV, yes a bit, viz., Amos n Andy.) The result is partly why working class whites often vote differently than working class blacks, in my view the former voting against their economic self-interest by doing so.
Taxpayers are the source for paychecks of the police department and all elected officials. Yes we receive little respect. What we get are lies, rejections for Single Payer Health Care, little support for women’s rights, threats to kill Social Security Insurance, Medicare Insurance and threats to shut down public education. DID TAXPAYERS sanction any of the above? NO!

Citizens cannot afford to give up this challenge. This violence against citizens must stop. The more often citizens speak out and gather in a non violent fashion the more likely change will come. The protests must go on.

Women's groups, anti war groups, environmentalists, the gay community, native Americans protesting to save land rights, and others have ALSO been physically abused. Obviously the situation is deep.

Arrogance and disrespect from Government officials towards citizen taxpayers create chaos, injury, and sometimes death. Citizens have not and will not sanction a police state.

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