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White House works to ease Iran proposal in Congress (1 Viewer)


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Oct 12, 2009
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LA Times said:
The Obama administration fears tough U.S. sanctions against companies doing business in Iran would anger foreign allies.

By Paul Richter, Los Angeles Times
June 11, 2010

Reporting from Washington —
The Obama administration, which labored for months to impose tough new United Nations sanctions against Iran, now is pushing in the opposite direction against Congress as it crafts U.S. sanctions that the White House fears may go too far.

Administration officials have begun negotiations with congressional leaders, who are working on versions of House and Senate bills that would punish companies that sell refined petroleum products to Iran or help the country's oil industry.

Unlike the U.N. measures, congressional action would pertain only to U.S. policies and agencies and would not be binding on other countries. Other countries and groups of nations also are considering adopting measures to augment the U.N. action.

The sanctions are aimed at forcing Iran to giving up its nuclear program, which Western nations fear is geared toward developing nuclear weapons. Iran insists it is only interested in peaceful energy projects.

U.S. sanctions have strong support in Congress, and the administration backs them in principle as a way to strengthen the mild strictures adopted on Wednesday by the U.N. Security Council.

But the administration fears that the legislation also could damage relations with Europe, Russia and China, all of whom cooperated with U.S. efforts on the U.N. sanctions.

To avoid that possibility, the administration wants authority to waive U.S. punishment against companies from countries that have cooperated on Iran.

White House works to ease Iran proposal in Congress - latimes.com

What exactly is "too far"? Most reviews identify the new U.N. sanctions lack teeth to change Iran's behavior. The U.S. Congress discussion surrounds taking on further sanctions to punish Iran which ONLY come from the U.S. If the U.N. sanctions do not go far enough, is it appropriate for country's to take on their own individual sanctions as those country's deem appropriate?
Let's not offend the Muslim community now. :roll:

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