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While We're Toppling Offensive Symbols, What About The Democratic Party? (1 Viewer)

Dems receive on average 1.4 million more votes in those elections, they already have a higher turnout. What they don't have is unlimited dark money to throw at state legislatures around census time to get favorable districts drawn.

The three states that gave Trump the election, Hillary Clinton did worse than Obama in all 3 states.

Had the voters come out for Obama like they did Clinton in those three states, Trump would have lost.
The three states that gave Trump the election, Hillary Clinton did worse than Obama in all 3 states.

Had the voters come out for Obama like they did Clinton in those three states, Trump would have lost.

And Trump did worse than Romney, who lost...

And the reason he won more electorals is the winner take all system those states use. Without that neither would have hit 270, but Hillary would have been closer to the mark.
We've done his dance before. Why should republicans pander to black Americans for votes when they have voted as a bloc for the rat party since the 30s?

The Conservative idea of doing things for people is to create an environment where they can succeed. The rat mentality is to keep their voters crippled and dependent.

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And why should have the African Americans voted any differently? 1932-45: Franklin Roosevelt essentially adopts most of the old Progressive platform and in June 1941, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, which created the Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC). It was the most important federal move in support of the rights of African-Americans. FDR, with the help of Eleanor, prohibited the discrimination by any government agency, including the armed forces and it immediately created better paying jobs for African Americans. This was progression for African Americans and by 1940 the African-American vote had largely shifted from Republican to Democrat. However, FDR's EO was not law so another Democrat, JFK, created EO 10925 which is better known as affirmative action which made it law. Then in 1964 Lyndon Johnson makes the divorce with southern whites official by making the Civil Rights part of the Democratic platform and passed the historic 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act. The republicans lose basically all of what was left of their black constituencies - which had been a significant part of their remaining progressive vote in northern urban areas. While the democrats gained significant grounds in the northern urban areas they started to hemorrhage southern whites rapidly which would inevitably turn the Southern states Republican. Then Carter comes along and tries close the wealth gap between whites and people of color. He developed initiatives to give minority-owned businesses a boost. “These programs focused primarily on increasing the government’s procurement of goods and services from minority business, as well as through requirements for procurement by federal contractors from minority firms, the CRDTCA. The government also maintained a program to help minority-owned exporters gain footholds in foreign markets. This was never done before. President Clinton signed the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century into law on June 9, 1998. The Act protects the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, a program that ensures that minority and women-owned businesses have an opportunity to compete for transportation projects.

Republicans (conservatives) during that time span? Ha........Even in the late 1980's Reagan did not support many civil rights bills throughout the years. He opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. ... In 1988 he vetoed the Civil Rights Restoration Act, but his veto was overridden by Congress. G.H Bush did nothing, however G.W. did create a Federal ban on racial profiling. At least he did something.....

"The Conservative idea of doing things for people is to create an environment where they can succeed" Since 1930? You mean "white people" succeed.....And you wonder why African Americans vote Democrat? Know your history!
And why should have the African Americans voted any differently? 1932-45: Franklin Roosevelt essentially adopts most of the old Progressive platform and in June 1941, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, which created the Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC). It was the most important federal move in support of the rights of African-Americans. FDR, with the help of Eleanor, prohibited the discrimination by any government agency, including the armed forces and it immediately created better paying jobs for African Americans. This was progression for African Americans and by 1940 the African-American vote had largely shifted from Republican to Democrat. However, FDR's EO was not law so another Democrat, JFK, created EO 10925 which is better known as affirmative action which made it law. Then in 1964 Lyndon Johnson makes the divorce with southern whites official by making the Civil Rights part of the Democratic platform and passed the historic 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act. The republicans lose basically all of what was left of their black constituencies - which had been a significant part of their remaining progressive vote in northern urban areas. While the democrats gained significant grounds in the northern urban areas they started to hemorrhage southern whites rapidly which would inevitably turn the Southern states Republican. Then Carter comes along and tries close the wealth gap between whites and people of color. He developed initiatives to give minority-owned businesses a boost. “These programs focused primarily on increasing the government’s procurement of goods and services from minority business, as well as through requirements for procurement by federal contractors from minority firms, the CRDTCA. The government also maintained a program to help minority-owned exporters gain footholds in foreign markets. This was never done before. President Clinton signed the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century into law on June 9, 1998. The Act protects the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, a program that ensures that minority and women-owned businesses have an opportunity to compete for transportation projects.

Republicans (conservatives) during that time span? Ha........Even in the late 1980's Reagan did not support many civil rights bills throughout the years. He opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. ... In 1988 he vetoed the Civil Rights Restoration Act, but his veto was overridden by Congress. G.H Bush did nothing, however G.W. did create a Federal ban on racial profiling. At least he did something.....

"The Conservative idea of doing things for people is to create an environment where they can succeed" Since 1930? You mean "white people" succeed.....And you wonder why African Americans vote Democrat? Know your history!

That's an awesome cut and paste job. And yet. Black Americans in every democrat controlled city have been devastated. Your blather will never overwhelm the facts. Black Americans have been used by the rat party. They are and have been "political chumps".

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"The Conservative idea of doing things for people is to create an environment where they can succeed" Since 1930? You mean "white people" succeed.....And you wonder why African Americans vote Democrat? Know your history!
By the by...its probably lost on you that there are more new millionaires of all races succeeding in the US every year. Its also most likely similarly lost on you that many of the protests are being launched by successful black Americans on college campuses across the country including the highest most sought after institutions in the land. But you go ahead and keep clinging to the poor black people cant succeed in America bull****. Its serving you REALLY well.
The census happened in 2010, the shift happened in 2012. How could they have won first, and gerrymandered, if they didn't take control until 2 years after the census?

Answer, they couldn't. What they did do, was shove a bunch of money at state legislatures, and got them to do it. State legislatures whose elections have notoriously low voter turnout, btw.

So you're saying Democrats shoved a bunch of money at state legislatures to gerrymander for Republicans? Or are you saying that Republicans shoved a bunch of money at Democratic state legislatures to gerrymander tor Republicans?
Democrats do have a message.

"Trumps vision of American carnage is a blight upon our political system and undermines the morality of our nation. A nation that values individual liberty and equality must champion the individual rights of all Americans, regardless of race, gender, religion, political ideology, and economic status."

Sooo, the Democrat message contains Trump's name? Uhmmm, okay.

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