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While MSM Panned GOP Convention As 'Dark' - Six Times As Many Viewers Watched (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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Well of course. This is not going well for the Liberalcrats

Monday night's C-SPAN livestream of the first night of the Republican National Convention attracted nearly six times as many viewers as the start of the Democratic National Convention, with 440,000 watching the GOP stream vs. 76,000 for the Democrats, according to The Hill.

While MSM Panned GOP Convention As 'Dark' - Six Times As Many Viewers Watched C-SPAN Livestream | Zero Hedge

Republican National Convention Night 1 Down on DNC in Early Numbers
Well of course. This is not going well for the Liberalcrats

Monday night's C-SPAN livestream of the first night of the Republican National Convention attracted nearly six times as many viewers as the start of the Democratic National Convention, with 440,000 watching the GOP stream vs. 76,000 for the Democrats, according to The Hill.

While MSM Panned GOP Convention As 'Dark' - Six Times As Many Viewers Watched C-SPAN Livestream | Zero Hedge

Morbid fascination...with the total moral and intellectual decline of a major political party. The Republican Party doesn't even have a documented platform this year. They have absolutely no policy proposals over the next 4 years. Total absurdity. They are simply nothing but pitiful prostitutes and a cult of personality for Donald Trump.

It's both fascinating and terrifying to watch the Republican Party morph into the Nazi Repug Trump Party.

This country is so ****ed if Trump and the Repugs steal this election.
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Morbid fascination...with the total moral and intellectual decline of a major political party.

It's both fascinating and terrifying to watch the Republican Party morph into the Nazi Repug Trump Party.

This country is so ****ed if Trump and the Repugs steal this election.

What we always since the beginning of time is "WIN or LOSE Elections" Stealing is a red herring from 2016
Well of course. This is not going well for the Liberalcrats

Overall viewership of night one was lower for the Republican Convention than the Democratic Convention.
Well of course. This is not going well for the Liberalcrats

Monday night's C-SPAN livestream of the first night of the Republican National Convention attracted nearly six times as many viewers as the start of the Democratic National Convention, with 440,000 watching the GOP stream vs. 76,000 for the Democrats, according to The Hill.

While MSM Panned GOP Convention As 'Dark' - Six Times As Many Viewers Watched C-SPAN Livestream | Zero Hedge

Yes, people have a macabre need to slow down and look at car wrecks.
Overall viewership of night one was lower for the Republican Convention than the Democratic Convention.

On C-Span 440K watched RNC with 76K for the Demonrats.
A lot of people slow down to watch car wrecks.

That is indeed a fact which is also true. Two words Ole Plantation Joe sees great contrast
On C-Span 440K watched RNC with 76K for the Demonrats.

Wow, on C-Span? Cool.

Overall, viewership for the GOP convention was 14% lower than viewer of the Dem convention.
The title contains a lie by omission about the number of veiws.

The first night of the Republican National Convention was down a touch in total viewership on the first night of the Democratic National Convention, at least according to early numbers.

Across the three broadcast networks, the RNC night 1 drew around 4.9 million total viewers, a 14% drop from last Monday’s DNC first night which drew 5.7 million.

Looking at the networks individually, ABC scored the largest total viewership (as it did for the DNC), drawing 1.8 million viewers. NBC was right behind with 1.7 million, followed by CBS with 1.4 million.

Republican National Convention Night 1 Down on DNC in Early Numbers - Variety
Your link says 28.9 million people streamed Monday night of the Dem convention. But congrats on the 440K.

Again. This thread is about the beatdown on C-Span. Unarguably ugly sign for the Democrats. Their hurt runs deep
Again. This thread is about the beatdown on C-Span. Unarguably ugly sign for the Democrats. Their hurt runs deep

Except more people watched the Dem convention. Millions more, apparently!
Except more people watched the Dem convention. Millions more, apparently!

That may very well be. Research the data for us and get a thread up.
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That is indeed a fact which is also true. Two words Ole Plantation Joe sees great contrast

That didn't make any sense.
Everyone is tired of hearing the same liberal talking points from the MSM. They're anxious for something different and not so anti-american and leftist. Trumps ratings should stay high for all night.s

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