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Which politician would have the most success at women? (1 Viewer)

Which politician would get the most ass if he were young & single?

  • G.W. Bush

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  • Ronald Reagan

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  • Joe Biden

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  • Ron Paul

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  • David Cameron

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DP Veteran
Sep 14, 2012
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So. If the politicians put in the list would be in their 20s', single, and have no financial worries, who do you think would have the most success at picking up women just based on their charisma and their social skills.

It is multiple post and public. If you select more than one person, please put a ranking or something of the sorts.

Alternatively, if you want, you can consider the question as being:

When you go out to pick women, who would you rather have as a wingman?

And if you are a woman, you can alter the question to: Which of these men would you rather go out with?

But specify which question you are answering or else it is the general one.

Remember... all of them in their 20's (unless you prefer it otherwise if you change the question), all of them with the personality they have now and all financially well-off. The only difference is their looks and their personality.
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Which politician would get the most ass if he were young & single?
1. Vladimir Putin. Hands down... he could walk in a club and just point his finger at any woman there.
2. Bill Clinton - He's got the voice and the face that women usually fall for... guy looks like Elvis Presley in a way.
3. Romney - He can lie all the way to 3rd base even if they were to be tied to a lie detector all the way.

Which would I use as a wingman? I don't usually use wingmen to pick up chicks but if I had to pick: Romney. He can lie for the both of us and prop me up.

The only thing left for Democrats to campaign on is to avoid all issues, avoid any even hint at why to vote for Obama, and just shout liar! liar! liar! at Romney.

The entire core issue of Obama is a lie. Same lie as in 2008. He raged in 2008 how he would let the Bush tax cuts expired. Then, after election, not only signed the renewal of the Bush tax cuts, but endorsed the Bush tax cuts urging Democrats in Congress to vote to renew them.

Now, in 2012 he is making exactly the same promise. I do not believe it more possible an actual promise made (hundreds of times as his central campaign pledge) and his then actual record.

And then there's closing Gitmo.
And his vow to create a government civil work force the size of the military to rebuild American infrastructure, that he never again mentioned after the election.
And then there's...

To understand what Obama will do, you only need figure what he promised and know he'll do the opposite.
What? Are you quoting the right post?

Bill Clinton is the only male politician that comes to mind as particularly seductive, but I don't think looks have much to do with it, it is that smooth voice.

Lots of women go crazy over Barack Obama but, it is hard for me to see why exactly, maybe that is because Michelle is more who I think is attractive, but usually I can see why other women think some guy is hot but, I don't get it with Obama.

If you want a wingman get someone who makes you look good, so either Dick Cheney or Karl rove, both would make just about anyone look good.
Speaking from strictly my own viewpoint, based on looks and personna, and ignoring character flaws and ideologies, Putin is leading the race.

Ok, but who do you think will have the most success with the ladies?
Clinton understood the working person and thier struggles, he understood the separate issues of women and worked hard to make things easier for them. He was a charismatic person and speaker and was able to get his message across in enough detail to make it understood. So I think he was well liked by both genders. If he wasn't how come he was elected twice by large majorities?
BTW the impeachment thing was a farce even many Reps today say so.

I forgot who said it, but I remember a Bill Maher guest saying that Clinton was a great politician for the same reason he was lucky with women, he listens.

No JFK? I'm disappointed.

I know right!

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