1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
7. (for class) Island of the Blue Dolphins (this may have been in middle school), Stanley Yelnats, The works of Robert Frost, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
7. (for pleasure) 1-4 of the wheel of time series by Robert Jordan, pretty much anything by Robert Heinlein, the encyclopedia my parents had in the upstairs hallway, The bunnicula series, the tao te ching, arabian nights, the bible, zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, naked lunch, tao of winnie the pooh, the te of tigger, the works of confucious, the foundations and robot series from asimov, do androids dream of electric sheep, pretty much everything by David Eddings, pretty much anything by Terry Goodkind, Xanth series, anything related to AD&D 2e and Palladium Rifts games, anything Tolkien, probably some other stuff (this is just what I remember at the moment),
Current society reflects none of those books.
1. Is literally impossible given human nature, the drive that many have to be individualists would make this scenario impossible.
2. Requires advanced genetic engineering, so that's not happening with the current technology
3. I don't hear any ball-peen hammers, do you?
4. I have three books I can reach right now
6. There was never a communist revolution where all were equal that then got perverted, as far as I know, in the history of the world