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Where is the Health Care Plan that Trump Promised (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
On July 31st, Trump promised that a new health care plan was going to be unveiled within 2 weeks. It is now 4 weeks later and no new health care plan has been unveiled. What do you call this? I call it incompetence and or a pure bare faced lie!

Commentary about it.

What do you call it?
It's all about the anger not about promises of healthcare. That took a back seat a very long time ago.
Here it is:
"Replacing Obamacare will force insurance companies to compete for their customers with lower costs and higher-quality service. In the meantime, the President is using his executive authority to reduce barriers to more affordable options for Americans and U.S. businesses."
or not.:lamo

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President Trump has not produced or released his plan yet. Another broken promise.

He is truly a “day-trader!” Tell whatever they need to hear to keep the wolves from the door today. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow......
I don't want his healthcare plan. I want him voted out.
our President is a massive liar.
It's hilarious how trump supporters avoid this topic like the plague.
The ultimate Grifter.
On July 31st, Trump promised that a new health care plan was going to be unveiled within 2 weeks. It is now 4 weeks later and no new health care plan has been unveiled. What do you call this? I call it incompetence and or a pure bare faced lie!

He hasn't come up with one in four years, it's a tall ask to expect him to come up with one in four weeks.

The reality is, Trump and the GOP have nothing to offer on health care, other than their quest to bring back pre-existing conditions.
Pivoting to healthcare while cities are in ruin? Don’t go there.

There's a pandemic on and the GOP is trying to take health care away from tens of millions of Americans. Trust me, nobody ever pivoted away from health care. (Well, except for the GOP, but they threw in the towel on doing any constructive over a decade ago.)
You do know that the other guys have been in power a lot too yet ultimately no solution?

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