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Where is the ban on Embryonic Stem Cells in the Private Sector? (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2004
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Here's another example of sincere religious people being mislead by the politicians in the Republican party. If this is an issue of conscience, concerning the taking of one human's life in pursuit to help another, then where is the proposed total ban on Embryonic Stem Cell research? How appalling is it, that the current debate and proposed legislation is focused solely on federal funding. In fact, a few of the opponents of Federal Funding allude to the ongoing research in the private sector. Their argument is basically that federal funding is not necessary BECAUSE of the private funding. My approach as usual is for honesty, a belief in science, and ultimately what is the right thing to do.

These embryos are not human beings. They are human cells belonging to human beings. They are not deserving of Constitutional protection. In fact, currently they are often thrown away. It seems odd that otherwise intelligent people debating an issue could avoid the "elephant in the room" so easily. If Conservatives and Republicans decry the use of these "humans" for research, where is the outrage and moral stance of them being discarded routinely?

This is what is so dissapointing. Taken at face value, I could respect their position in favor of the "culture of life", but once context and a fuller understanding develop, it is clear politics is the main priority. Specifically, how can the Republicans cater to a Religous base, and still sound moderate enough to stay in power.

We need mainstream politicians and political parties to assume consistent, defensible positions on key issues. We need all of the facts available, and then as a mature nation make the best decisions.

On this issue (finally!), the Democrats are on the side of Science, and progress.

We are correct.

Craig Farmer

making the word "liberal" safe again!
craigfarmer said:
Here's another example of sincere religious people being mislead by the politicians in the Republican party. If this is an issue of conscience, concerning the taking of one human's life in pursuit to help another, then where is the proposed total ban on Embryonic Stem Cell research? How appalling is it, that the current debate and proposed legislation is focused solely on federal funding. In fact, a few of the opponents of Federal Funding allude to the ongoing research in the private sector. Their argument is basically that federal funding is not necessary BECAUSE of the private funding. My approach as usual is for honesty, a belief in science, and ultimately what is the right thing to do.

These embryos are not human beings. They are human cells belonging to human beings. They are not deserving of Constitutional protection. In fact, currently they are often thrown away. It seems odd that otherwise intelligent people debating an issue could avoid the "elephant in the room" so easily. If Conservatives and Republicans decry the use of these "humans" for research, where is the outrage and moral stance of them being discarded routinely?

This is what is so dissapointing. Taken at face value, I could respect their position in favor of the "culture of life", but once context and a fuller understanding develop, it is clear politics is the main priority. Specifically, how can the Republicans cater to a Religous base, and still sound moderate enough to stay in power.

We need mainstream politicians and political parties to assume consistent, defensible positions on key issues. We need all of the facts available, and then as a mature nation make the best decisions.

On this issue (finally!), the Democrats are on the side of Science, and progress.

We are correct.

Craig Farmer

making the word "liberal" safe again!

I'm not a Republican, and I do not really care how many embryo's are destroyed or how they are destroyed. It isn't the governments place to fund it, with our money.

So far, all the "side of science" has proved with ESC's is that they capable of runaway growth as in cancer cells. The science so far doesn't look very promising, at least not as promising as ASC research is. But then the private researchers and their funding sources already knew that, which is why they would fund ASC research and not ESC research. Either way, it's not for the government to use our money on this, but I guess they have gotten used to spending in areas in which they have no business.
craigfarmer said:
Here's another example of sincere religious people being mislead by the politicians in the Republican party. If this is an issue of conscience, concerning the taking of one human's life in pursuit to help another, then where is the proposed total ban on Embryonic Stem Cell research? How appalling is it, that the current debate and proposed legislation is focused solely on federal funding. In fact, a few of the opponents of Federal Funding allude to the ongoing research in the private sector. Their argument is basically that federal funding is not necessary BECAUSE of the private funding. My approach as usual is for honesty, a belief in science, and ultimately what is the right thing to do.

These embryos are not human beings. They are human cells belonging to human beings. They are not deserving of Constitutional protection. In fact, currently they are often thrown away. It seems odd that otherwise intelligent people debating an issue could avoid the "elephant in the room" so easily. If Conservatives and Republicans decry the use of these "humans" for research, where is the outrage and moral stance of them being discarded routinely?

This is what is so dissapointing. Taken at face value, I could respect their position in favor of the "culture of life", but once context and a fuller understanding develop, it is clear politics is the main priority. Specifically, how can the Republicans cater to a Religous base, and still sound moderate enough to stay in power.

Republicans can cater to a Religous base and still sound moderate by doing exactly what you don't want them to do. By not wanting an all out ban on stem cell research, only the funding for it, is making them sound pretty moderate... at least to me. The religous people are fine with just the ban on funding, while the science people are fine that they can study or whatever they do... with their own money. Maybe if the media makes some of your points, then things will change. However, stem cell research seems to be on the back burner to things like terror, social security... and now (thankfully) illegal immigration.

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