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Where are you, Joe? (1 Viewer)


America First Populist
DP Veteran
May 5, 2019
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San Diego
Political Leaning
Some WaPo reporter talked to Biden today and only printed a three word quote. “Are you ready?”. So the old fart didn’t say anything else that made sense or they would have printed it.
C’mon, Joe, no comments on Trump’s EA? Off the meds today, buddy?

Man, it will be weird to have a stuffed shirt strawman like Biden in the WH.
Some WaPo reporter talked to Biden today and only printed a three word quote. “Are you ready?”. So the old fart didn’t say anything else that made sense or they would have printed it.
C’mon, Joe, no comments on Trump’s EA? Off the meds today, buddy?

Man, it will be weird to have a stuffed shirt strawman like Biden in the WH.
Already in the acceptance stage. Good for you, pappy. :thumbs:
Some WaPo reporter talked to Biden today and only printed a three word quote. “Are you ready?”. So the old fart didn’t say anything else that made sense or they would have printed it.
C’mon, Joe, no comments on Trump’s EA? Off the meds today, buddy?

Man, it will be weird to have a stuffed shirt strawman like Biden in the WH.

is this before your PM nap?
If Biden stays in the basement, your side will lose for sure.
My side is America.

Biden is most definitely not my first choice, but I’ll take him over Trump any day.
Some WaPo reporter talked to Biden today and only printed a three word quote. “Are you ready?”. So the old fart didn’t say anything else that made sense or they would have printed it.
C’mon, Joe, no comments on Trump’s EA? Off the meds today, buddy?

Man, it will be weird to have a stuffed shirt strawman like Biden in the WH.

Some WaPo reporter talked to Biden today and only printed a three word quote. “Are you ready?”. So the old fart didn’t say anything else that made sense or they would have printed it.
C’mon, Joe, no comments on Trump’s EA? Off the meds today, buddy?

Man, it will be weird to have a stuffed shirt strawman like Biden in the WH.

Where was Trump today?
Oh yeah, he was at one of his resort golf courses again costing taxpayers yet more money and putting that taxpayer money into his own pocket by charging the Secret Service and other aides normal resort rates.
Must make you very proud, eh?
Some WaPo reporter talked to Biden today and only printed a three word quote. “Are you ready?”. So the old fart didn’t say anything else that made sense or they would have printed it.
C’mon, Joe, no comments on Trump’s EA? Off the meds today, buddy?

Man, it will be weird to have a stuffed shirt strawman like Biden in the WH.

You prefer an incompetent lying adulterous petty buffoon?
Sorry, I don't.
Some WaPo reporter talked to Biden today and only printed a three word quote. “Are you ready?”. So the old fart didn’t say anything else that made sense or they would have printed it.
C’mon, Joe, no comments on Trump’s EA? Off the meds today, buddy?

Man, it will be weird to have a stuffed shirt strawman like Biden in the WH.

He's busy not being president yet.

The Trumpist doesn't notice that he's calling for action from Biden, not POTUS


That's the best bit, but,

No link, like always. I bet he doesn't subscribe to WaPo. Anyone wanna look up which talking head said what he is repeating? Remind him to when he throws a general attack without quoting me?
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Where was Trump today?
Oh yeah, he was at one of his resort golf courses again costing taxpayers yet more money and putting that taxpayer money into his own pocket by charging the Secret Service and other aides normal resort rates.
Must make you very proud, eh?

Biden was busy going to church, the guy that the eternal golfer says hurts God.
Biden was busy going to church, the guy that the eternal golfer says hurts God.

Good point. The guy that uses religion and church as nothing more than a political prop by clearing out peaceful protestors with tear gas (with the help of his enforcer Barr) and holding a Bible aloft for a photo op.
He's busy not being president yet.

The Trumpist doesn't notice that he's calling for action from Biden, not POTUS


Not action. Just something. Anything. A statement. Unfortunately, there's nothing there. Even you can see it.
the modern day Confederates feel like time is running out on their last hope.

hell, many are 50-80yo. they can't wait any longer.,
Some WaPo reporter talked to Biden today and only printed a three word quote. “Are you ready?”. So the old fart didn’t say anything else that made sense or they would have printed it.
C’mon, Joe, no comments on Trump’s EA? Off the meds today, buddy?

Man, it will be weird to have a stuffed shirt strawman like Biden in the WH.

Where is Joe? He's not in his basement, he's living rent-free in trumpists' heads. I love that it bothers trumpanzees that trump continues to make a both a fool of himself and a mockery of his office every day.
the modern day Confederates feel like time is running out on their last hope.

hell, many are 50-80yo. they can't wait any longer.,

Still no statement from Joe. Slavery ended in 1865. That was a hell of a long time ago. You need to copy a better talking point from somebody. Not Joe, though. He's effing brain dead.
If Biden stays in the basement, your side will lose for sure.

Really? Because that's not what's happening. Biden attended John Lewis' funeral, while trump was complaining that Lewis didn't show up to his inauguration. That must be pretty embarrassing for anyone not a total racist prick - like trump.
Really? Because that's not what's happening. Biden attended John Lewis' funeral, while trump was complaining that Lewis didn't show up to his inauguration. That must be pretty embarrassing for anyone not a total racist prick - like trump.

Ya, racist, misogynist, bla, bla, bla. Heard that before. :bs:
Reality? The DNC effed up yet again, cause they suck, just like the whole damn stupid pack of liars in the Democrat Congress. These people couldn't run a lemonade stand, much less the country.
Biden for the most part is doing the right thing strategically. When your opponent makes blunders nearly every day, as Trump has been doing, you don't distract from that.
Ya, racist, misogynist, bla, bla, bla. Heard that before. :bs:
Reality? The DNC effed up yet again, cause they suck, just like the whole damn stupid pack of liars in the Democrat Congress. These people couldn't run a lemonade stand, much less the country.

Really? I'll take the peace an prosperity during the past 2 democratic administrations over the war a chaos of the past 2 Repugnant ones. But I don't want to bore you with actual history vs. your paranoid rants with no connection to reality.
Ya, racist, misogynist, bla, bla, bla. Heard that before. :bs:
Reality? The DNC effed up yet again, cause they suck, just like the whole damn stupid pack of liars in the Democrat Congress. These people couldn't run a lemonade stand, much less the country.

It’s not us it’s them!!!?

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