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Where are all the people who have "overcome" homosexuality? (1 Viewer)

You're showing the wrong end of them to make that determination.

And, assuming you were 12-14 y/o, that other end would matter to you to determine your attraction?
Did that study also include masculine individuals who engage in homosexual sex?

It didn't say anything about individuals, male or female, who try to deny their homosexuality or who remain celibate. It is about sexual orientation, not behavior.

I tried to copy a relevant paragraph, but got a black screen asking me to do something using words that must have been Klingon or something, all about HTLMs and crap. You'll just have to read the link I gave.
And, assuming you were 12-14 y/o, that other end would matter to you to determine your attraction?

No, and yes. I'm saying that looking at their faces/upper bodies (without covering) isn't ever going to inform you accurately as to their gender.
I'm sorry to interrupt my own thread...but am I to believe that on this forum there is not a single individual who has "overcome" homosexuality? Given how I hear about the "thousands" of people who manage to do so, you would think that we would happen to have at least one who would submit their story, particularly given that their anonymity is protected here.
I'm sorry to interrupt my own thread...but am I to believe that on this forum there is not a single individual who has "overcome" homosexuality? Given how I hear about the "thousands" of people who manage to do so, you would think that we would happen to have at least one who would submit their story, particularly given that their anonymity is protected here.

OK, then, let's hear from one of those "thousands." Who here was once gay, and has "overcome" it and is now a heterosexual.

anyone, anyone?????

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