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When the attempted insurrection came, it came from the Republican Party (not the libbie/socialist pigs). (1 Viewer)


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Aug 4, 2017
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Everything they accuse others of...

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Ginni Thomas and Mark Meadows texted about efforts to overturn 2020  election - CBS News

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Chicago isn't in DC. Neither is Minneapolis. They weren't attacked by anyone on January 6 trying to stop the Congress from certifying the election, unless you have evidence to the contrary.

It appears you stumbled into the wrong thread.

The OP didn't specifically refer to DC or 1/6, and the people in this country don't all live in DC. Huge parts of the country being held hostage where they work and live by thousands of violent lunatics for months on end is no less of an insurrection than a few hundred chuckleheads storming a building where nobody lives.
The OP didn't specifically refer to DC or 1/6, and the people in this country don't all live in DC. Huge parts of the country being held hostage where they work and live by thousands of violent lunatics for months on end is no less of an insurrection than a few hundred chuckleheads storming a building where nobody lives.

If you don't know what "the insurrection" is by now, nobody with a working brain should attempt to help you.
If you don't know what "the insurrection" is by now, nobody with a working brain should attempt to help you.

I know what YOU and yours claim it is, because you only want to blame others for bad things they do. There can be more than one insurrection.
I know what YOU and yours claim it is, because you only want to blame others for bad things they do. There can be more than one insurrection.

Who is "mine"?

The only picture of an actual insurrection event he posted was from outside of the Capitol on January 6.

Like I said, if you don't know what "the insurrection" is by now, none of us should waste our time educating you.
Who is "mine"?

The only picture of an actual insurrection event he posted was from outside of the Capitol on January 6.

Like I said, if you don't know what "the insurrection" is by now, none of us should waste our time educating you.

Yawn. He said that "the attempted insurrection" came from Republicans, not "libbie/socialist pigs." He's obviously implying that the only insurrection we've experienced was the one reflected in his pictures. If we accept your take on the OP, then it's nothing more than a meaningless truism. Yes, "the insurrection" that some Republicans did on 1/6 came from Republicans, not "libbie/socialist pigs." If he's not implying that no insurrection ever came from "libbie/socialist pigs," then so what?
i honestly didn't think i'd have to explain that part given the PICTURES in the OP.


So what's your point? That the attempted insurrection by some Republicans on 1/6 came from Republicans, and not Democrats? That's it? How profound!
The BLM riots and the Capitol riot were both insurrections, but the valid comparisons pretty much end there.

One tried to compel improvements to the criminal justice system based on video proof. The other tried to overthrow American democracy based on lies.

One of these is much more American than the other.

That so many in this country somehow cannot figure out which is which is an embarrassment.
Yawn. He said that "the attempted insurrection" came from Republicans, not "libbie/socialist pigs." He's obviously implying that the only insurrection we've experienced was the one reflected in his pictures. If we accept your take on the OP, then it's nothing more than a meaningless truism. Yes, "the insurrection" that some Republicans did on 1/6 came from Republicans, not "libbie/socialist pigs." If he's not implying that no insurrection ever came from "libbie/socialist pigs," then so what?

Wake up and show us evidence of the "libbie/socialist pigs" who were storming the Capitol on January 6, carrying the flags of Confederate traitors, screaming to hang the Vice President, and attempting to stop Congress from performing their Constitutionally-required duty of certifying the election.
Yawn. He said that "the attempted insurrection" came from Republicans, not "libbie/socialist pigs." He's obviously implying that the only insurrection we've experienced was the one reflected in his pictures. If we accept your take on the OP, then it's nothing more than a meaningless truism. Yes, "the insurrection" that some Republicans did on 1/6 came from Republicans, not "libbie/socialist pigs." If he's not implying that no insurrection ever came from "libbie/socialist pigs," then so what?
An insurrection includes the overthrow of a government. BLM was not that. It was definitely riots at times. And attacks on police stations and courthouses. But it was not in any way an attempt to seize power in defiance of the will of the people.

Further, BLM was in response to a real thing, long in need of addressing.

January sixth was an attempt to commit election fraud by fraudulently claiming the election was fraudulent. Full stop.

Not even distantly similar.
and that attempted insurrection of our federal government and our democracy, was tried so this guy could make more $$$$...

Trump Family Photograph | Snopes.com
Wake up and show us evidence of the "libbie/socialist pigs" who were storming the Capitol on January 6, carrying the flags of Confederate traitors, screaming to hang the Vice President, and attempting to stop Congress from performing their Constitutionally-required duty of certifying the election.

Feel free to respond to what I actually wrote instead of doubling down on your own stupid point.
Feel free to respond to what I actually wrote instead of doubling down on your own stupid point.

You had no point. You are telling us all that you don't know what "the insurrection" on January 6, 2021 was. You want us to educate you. We won't. You should know what's being discussed when you pop into a thread.
An insurrection includes the overthrow of a government. BLM was not that. It was definitely riots at times. And attacks on police stations and courthouses. But it was not in any way an attempt to seize power in defiance of the will of the people.

Further, BLM was in response to a real thing, long in need of addressing.

January sixth was an attempt to commit election fraud by fraudulently claiming the election was fraudulent. Full stop.

Not even distantly similar.

An insurrection is "an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government." "Revolting against" does not necessarily involve "overthrow." But I'm not interested in quibbling over the definition of a word. I'm interested in pointing out the obvious selective outrage of the OP.

The BLM riots involved the use of violence and intimidation against the government and others to achieve a political goal. So in a sense, the word "terrorism" might be a better descriptor for it. You got me there.

Both 1/6 and pretty much all of the the BLM riots were based on lies, so you don't get to use special pleading on that front.
You had no point. You are telling us all that you don't know what "the insurrection" on January 6, 2021 was. You want us to educate you. We won't. You should know what's being discussed when you pop into a thread.

Yessir. I get it now. The one insurrection done by Republicans was done by Republicans, not Democrats. And water is wet. Your wisdom never ceases to amaze me.
So what's your point? That the attempted insurrection by some Republicans on 1/6 came from Republicans, and not Democrats? That's it? How profound!
of course the point is that when the attempted insurrection of the US came it didn't come from the dirty libs (as republican media has preached or alluded to for decades). it simply came from the regular ole Republican Party.

the dirty anti-american republican party pigs.

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