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When rhetoric gets ahead of reality: ‘It would be a disaster:’ Florida lawmakers discuss repealing Disney’s Reedy Creek government (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
The Florida GQP is gonna face reality...

“If you ask me whether it’s politically possible to take these privileges away from the Disney company, I don’t think so,” Foglesong said. “I think that cooler minds will prevail and that this is really a shot across the bow to try to bring the Disney company, Mickey Mouse if you will, into line with Governor DeSantis. I thought it was more of March Madness of the political kind, the thought that the Republican Party, which used to be the party of business, would want to take on of their biggest donors.”

Never happen. Republicans don't engage in cancel culture.

Man, this reminds of what I see from China in the battles between corrupt government and companies they try to demand not say things they don't like. If you like the CCP, you'll like the Republican Party.
Now DeSantis has decided to **** with the mouse.

Messing with Disney in FL might not be such a great idea. DeSantis didn't do so well with the cruise lines. It is amazing to watch the party of free enterprise try so hard to control businesses. People like DeSantis are all about control which they cloak as freedom....and the sheeple actually buy it!
The Florida GQP is gonna face reality...

“If you ask me whether it’s politically possible to take these privileges away from the Disney company, I don’t think so,” Foglesong said. “I think that cooler minds will prevail and that this is really a shot across the bow to try to bring the Disney company, Mickey Mouse if you will, into line with Governor DeSantis. I thought it was more of March Madness of the political kind, the thought that the Republican Party, which used to be the party of business, would want to take on of their biggest donors.”

Wow. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face...

Ron DeSantis signals support for stripping Disney of special self-governing status as feud escalates​

After DeSantis signed the bill into law earlier Monday, the Walt Disney Company wrote in a statement that its “goal” was to get the law repealed or defeated in the courts.
DeSantis previously said Disney “crossed the line” with that statement. On Thursday, DeSantis went further, suggesting Disney’s “special privileges” could be lifted.

Where is "crossed the line" in the freedom of speech clause in the constitution? This is a conservative? Please.
Messing with Disney in FL might not be such a great idea.
If anyone's getting messy in all this, it's Disney. People are sick and tired of Disney getting so damn political.

Disney has no moral ground to stand on anyway. They are China appeasers.

1. Faced 3 China-related controversies regarding it's 2020 movie "Mulan":
The 1st: The lead actress, Liu Yifei, supported the police crackdowns in Hong Kong.
The 2nd: Some of the movie's scenes were filmed in Xinjiang Province.
The 3rd: During the final credits, Disney gave "special thanks" to several Chinese gov't entities, including the Public Security Bureau & the Publicity (Propaganda) Department.
2. Disney dropped a "The Simpsons" episode which referenced the Tiananmen Square Massacre from it's Disney+ in Hong Kong.



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