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When did America start its downward spiral towards socialism/fascism? (1 Viewer)

When did America start its downward spiral towards socialism/fascism

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Rule of Two
DP Veteran
Oct 17, 2006
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Under Obama
Under Bush II
Under Clinton
Under Reagan/Bush I
Under Nixon
Under FDR
Under Lincoln
To call America socialist is really quite funny.. fascist on the other hand it looks more like. It started much earlier but Bush part duh, amplified the fascism. Just saying.
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When did it start? Probably around the time of FDR, maybe a little before with welfare, etc. When did it really get rolling? During the 60s when America took an annoying turn for the liberal. Today, most people think they ought to be rewarded just for waking up in the morning, that's why we're a nation of consumers, not producers. We think we deserve neat stuff because we're alive, not because we've actually earned it.
The FDR administration's lapdog judges created incredible expansions of power for FDR and subsequent administrations. The abuses of the federal government that took place in the last 60 years could not have happened without the foundation laid by FDR
Another no vote..
Why do you think that socialism is a downward spiral?
Have you ever wondered why so much of the world's population embraced communism at one time?
Have you ever studied the politics of other nations?
They are far more socialistic than we are..
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I think it's counter productive to use such labels to describe our country.
(Admittedly I've done it before, I'm making a honest attempt to end it.)
It's an appeal to emotion.

We should be focusing on what works and what doesn't.
There are a lot of things that don't work.
When families started to fall apart, when it became socially acceptable to have babies out of wedlock, when drugs became so pervasive, when we lost control of our borders, when an accident became an opportunity to make money, and when we began to be polarized into a "left" and a "right", each with the goal of keeping the other out of power.

That's when we started to fall apart.

It might not be too late, but we'll have to do some serious work to put the family back in place as the basic unit of society.
I'm going to say Lincoln, because he truly believed in socialism. He created a non-cabinet position for the USDA in order to spend money on subsidies to farmers. He believed in internal improvements, corporate welfare, and wealth redistribution.
I'm assuming socialism means the welfare state. Also, I am surprised Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson are not on this list. Does international fascism count?

I believe that as long as people hold steadfast to agendas that are not for liberty or freedom there will always be fascism.

I think Wilson deserves to be mentioned with the federal income tax, federal reserve, and the U.S. entering WWI (including his censorship surrounding the war) all taking place during his time as President. Though I will give him credit for women's suffrage.
The U.S. is not on a downward spiral towards socialism or communism. Its overblown rhetoric used to ignore reality and promote emotional thinking. When Eugene Debbs won 6% of the vote in 1912, you could justifiably say the United States is moving towards socialism. When the red scare promoted the persecution of American citizens and violations of civil liberties, you could say the United States is moving towards fascism. Put in that perspective, nothing in recent times is even close. People need to learn to say "i don't like the healthcare bill' or "warantless wiretapping should be illegal" without turning to absurd comparisons to make their point.
Ever since the media starting misusing those words. In reality though, neither are happening.
No later than Teddy Roosevelt.


In 1901, President William McKinley was assassinated, and Roosevelt became president at the age of 42, taking office at the youngest age of any U.S. President in history.[4] Roosevelt attempted to move the Republican Party in the direction of Progressivism, including trust busting and increased regulation of businesses. Roosevelt coined the phrase "Square Deal" to describe his domestic agenda, emphasizing that the average citizen would get a fair shake under his policies. As an outdoorsman and naturalist, he promoted the conservation movement. On the world stage, Roosevelt's policies were characterized by his slogan, "Speak softly and carry a big stick".

Also, Teddy's decision to run as turd party candidate with his Bull Moose Party ensured the election of the worst president in American history, the socialist...er "progressive" Wilson, and there's no doubt whatsoever that Woody coated the slide with teflon and smeared it with grease.
I think it's counter productive to use such labels to describe our country.
(Admittedly I've done it before, I'm making a honest attempt to end it.)
It's an appeal to emotion.

We should be focusing on what works and what doesn't.
There are a lot of things that don't work.
Agree, also hold that "excessive socialism" does not necessarily work., not any more than reactionary conservatism works.
We need balance, and we need to listen to people with triple digits IQs.
Another no vote..
Why do you think that socialism is a downward spiral?

Hmm.....let's see....

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics murdered more than fifty million of it's own citizens, created environmental nightmares such as Chernobyl and the Aral Desert, not to mention the manufacture of thousands of pounds of hemorragic smallpox virus and the means to deliver them via ICBM over populated cities.

The Germans invented National Socialism. That worked out well.

The Chinese invented their own form of socialism under Mao. Mao murdered some 60 million chinese.

Cambodia had some socialism for a while there. Pol Pot and the Kmer Rouge killed fifty percent of Cambodia's population in the name of socialism.

Cuba's socialism is doing so well Cubans try to sail the Strait of Florida in rubber inner tubes and cardboard boxes to spread the news of how wonderful it is.

Zaire's experiment in socialism includes the printing of novelty 100,000,000,000,000,000 (I got enough zero's yet? I've lost count) dollar bills. this week. Next week they'll add some more zeroes.

North Korea is socialist. They've evolved a species of human that eats grass there.

South Korea is not very socialist. They've evolved a species of human that sells cars to other countries, there.

Socialism sucks the vitality out of every nation that's stupid enough to fall into that trap. The United States is no different, except that it has to violate it's Constitution to implement anything as stupid as a socialist plan.

Have you ever wondered why so much of the world's population embraced communism at one time?

No. Gullibility is a natural human trait.

What's more interesting is why a nation that avoided socialism and successfully destroyed the Evil Empire would turn around and start buying the lies from the con-men who sold communism to those other countries.

A whole LOT of lying to very young children had to happen there to make them believe they could steal their way into prosperity, when it's never worked before.
No later than Teddy Roosevelt.

Also, Teddy's decision to run as turd party candidate with his Bull Moose Party ensured the election of the worst president in American history, the socialist...er "progressive" Wilson, and there's no doubt whatsoever that Woody coated the slide with teflon and smeared it with grease.
According to Fox News or PBS ??
You can always tell who the sane and knowledgeable people are; they don't use those flashy buzz words shouted by pundits.
You can always tell who the sane and knowledgeable people are; they don't use those flashy buzz words shouted by pundits.

They also don't pretend to be know it alls about countries they don't even live in either
Personal view is that we are in fact in an accelerating downward spiral. Began in the days of LBJ when an underlying perception of "inherent entitlement" began to creep into our social fabric.

Just one opinion among the many.....;)

Oh looks like I struck a nerve. :)

not at all, I do find it amusing that I have never been on a board discussing Canadian politics because, frankly, it doesn't matter nor does it affect me.
Yeah, socialism and fascism, the exact same thing.

How can anyone take these kinds of polls seriously?

Here's a clue, since you need one: There are two different words because they mean two different things. And, in fact, the two different things cannot co-exist.

I know, a difficult concept for some here. Those of us with a dictionary -- or an 8th grade education in government -- see things a bit differently.

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