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When asked... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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I noticed this morning when several republicans were asked what they thought about woodward's book, they basically all responded the same way, I haven't read it. Ok, neither have I. However, do these republican politicians, including mitch, not have tv's in their offices? Do they not have tv's at home? No radio, no internet, no newspapers?

Someone please tell me how I as an everyday citizen seem to know more about woodward's book even though I too have not read it?

These guys are scared to death of trump's cult and don't dare speak out. This is leadership?
I noticed this morning when several republicans were asked what they thought about woodward's book, they basically all responded the same way, I haven't read it. Ok, neither have I. However, do these republican politicians, including mitch, not have tv's in their offices? Do they not have tv's at home? No radio, no internet, no newspapers?

Someone please tell me how I as an everyday citizen seem to know more about woodward's book even though I too have not read it?

These guys are scared to death of trump's cult and don't dare speak out. This is leadership?

First of all, just because it is in a book does not mean it is factual. Second, in this day and age, most of us are smart enough to understand that what is said on TV, radio, or the leftist print media is seriously biased against our president. Therefore it is not to be believed either.
I noticed this morning when several republicans were asked what they thought about woodward's book, they basically all responded the same way, I haven't read it. Ok, neither have I. However, do these republican politicians, including mitch, not have tv's in their offices? Do they not have tv's at home? No radio, no internet, no newspapers?

Someone please tell me how I as an everyday citizen seem to know more about woodward's book even though I too have not read it?

These guys are scared to death of trump's cult and don't dare speak out. This is leadership?

Ignorance is bliss for the already ignorant.
First of all, just because it is in a book does not mean it is factual. Second, in this day and age, most of us are smart enough to understand that what is said on TV, radio, or the leftist print media is seriously biased against our president. Therefore it is not to be believed either.

True, but two things come to mind, one is that this is not the only book, there are many others from those who worked with trump and even family members, and the other is that specific damning statements were made by trump on tape, namely that he downplayed the virus, to the point of calling it the flue and that it would just fade away, while all the while knowing the facts proved that was untrue. Real hard to hide from four years of Lies they are they for all to see, whether you want to ignore them is your choice, does not change the facts.
True, but two things come to mind, one is that this is not the only book, there are many others from those who worked with trump and even family members, and the other is that specific damning statements were made by trump on tape, namely that he downplayed the virus, to the point of calling it the flue and that it would just fade away, while all the while knowing the facts proved that was untrue. Real hard to hide from four years of Lies they are they for all to see, whether you want to ignore them is your choice, does not change the facts.

Let's just face the facts. You are going to believe what you want to believe. You hate the man and are ready to accept anything and everything other leftists can conjure up. He continually gets himself in trouble because he is not a two-faced career politician. He is man enough to say what he thinks is right regardless of the blowback from his sworn enemies.
Let's just face the facts. You are going to believe what you want to believe. You hate the man and are ready to accept anything and everything other leftists can conjure up. He continually gets himself in trouble because he is not a two-faced career politician. He is man enough to say what he thinks is right regardless of the blowback from his sworn enemies.

He gets in trouble because he cannot keep his big mouth shut and in doing so Lies and says chit that anyone that cares about this Nation would be disgusted by, but then again you see what you want. My dislike for the POS is only due to what He himself says and does, that is the difference between us, I have known what he is since the beginning and you still don't have the slightest clue.
He gets in trouble because he cannot keep his big mouth shut and in doing so Lies and says chit that anyone that cares about this Nation would be disgusted by, but then again you see what you want. My dislike for the POS is only due to what He himself says and does, that is the difference between us, I have known what he is since the beginning and you still don't have the slightest clue.

NO!!!!! The truth is that I am objective and can look past the flaws for the good of the country. You, and your cohorts just suffer from blind hatred and would throw the baby out with the bath water.
Every time that The donald has screwed up, no one in the GOP has ever known anything about the matter.

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