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When a crime figure is made president (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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People who don't know anything think it's 'partisan', they'd think it's hyperbole if they know the word, they think it's 'extremist' or 'hate' to say:

trump is essentially interested in nothing about the presidency, but using the power of the office representing the greatest nation on Earth to see how he can get things for his personal benefit - compliments, money, power, protection for his crimes, attacking enemies, and so on.

That can't be right can it? I beg to differ, it appears right.

We have a legion of insiders who have said he is a danger to the country, that he has no interest in the nation's needs.

What we know he HAS spent his time on are corrupt projects, it appears any he can find. Hey, there's this country Ukrains Biden's son has a connection to. Can we get them to lie against Biden? Well, they get military aid from us - use that to get them to lie.

Hey, the British have a huge golf tournament, the British open. Have the ambassador ask, on behalf of the US, for them to move that to a trump property.

Hey, Putin has all kinds of corrupt money floating around - be very very very nice to him, see what rewards he'll give.

Hey, the election will depend on the mail - can we get our people put in charge to break it to try to win the election? Here's this guy, big trump donor, have him do it. Clean out the management that will 'protect the post office'.

That's what he does all day. Every corrupt scheme he can find. And watch tv news to see what they say about him. And tweet. And set a record number of golf trips to his properties sending tax dollars to himself. That's what he does.

Now, the uninformed person might ask, 'how do we know what he does all day? Maybe he's spending his time on cancer research or visiting hospitals and keeping it quiet.' So, imagine you could be an 'insider' who actually saw.

Here's what you would see, according to a senior official in Homeland Security, longtime Republican and Chief of Staff to the Secretary, who just endorsed Joe Biden and "accused [trump] of repeatedly using his office for political purposes, including directing officials to cut wildfire relief funding to California because voters there overwhelmingly opposed him in 2016."

"What we saw week in and week out, for me, after two and a half years in that administration, was terrifying. We would go in to try to talk to him about a pressing national security issue -- cyberattack, terrorism threat -- he wasn't interested in those things. To him, they weren't priorities," Taylor says in the video.

That's what trump is. A criminal in the presidency, who has no interests but his own, using the power of the office to benefit himself, while telling tens of thousands of lies to the American people.

It's not easy to staff an administration with cronies who will be loyal to him instead of the country, and that's why it's taken time, while a record number of offices are unfilled, and he has staff whose job it is to replace good public servants with cronies, and he's made progress over three and a half years, creating a swamp in the government.

Americans have a choice to see him build on that corruption and go 'full dictator', probably for life, or whether to remove him as the only check on his power short of civil war.

The only shocking thing about this is how he still has the support he does from some voters. It shows they have absolutely no legitimate standards or principles for the president or the government, and actively support a dictator for America, as long as they like him.
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The only shocking thing about this is how he still has the support he does from some voters. It shows they have absolutely no legitimate standards or principles for the president or the government, and actively support a dictator for America, as long as they like him.

The alternative is worse.
The alternative is worse.

Far far worse. This sounds like a screed a former supporter of Hugo Chavez would declare. Recall how many Democrats loved Hugo Chavez and now they love Maduro.
The alternative is worse.

That is no argument at all. It is essentially giving your guy carte blanche to do as he pleases.

Say, that it an interesting avatar you have. Is it the new Republican logo?

But a critical insight into the mind of the cult - how they are blinded to recognizing that their leader is a massive criminal, because they are so indoctrinated to fear and hate Democrats, that they don't consider any problems in 'their side'.
But a critical insight into the mind of the cult - how they are blinded to recognizing that their leader is a massive criminal, because they are so indoctrinated to fear and hate Democrats, that they don't consider any problems in 'their side'.
Fair point.


'It's easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled.'

- Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
Fair point.


'It's easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled.'

- Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

Hadn't heard that quote, but agree and been saying the same a long time. My version is closer to saying a con man's most passionate defenders are his victims.

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