liberal1 said:
Freedom of people would we nonexistant without government or politics. True, governments are large, bulky, and ineffective but they do provide protection (to some degree at least) for it's citizens. Without government, there would be no order, and no gurantee of rights or protection. To think that everyone has the sense to peacefully live without any kind of government (and therefore no consequences or punishments) is folly.
Without government there would be a DIFFERENT order. A different order, is not the same as "no order." The Sun and Earth move orderly, and no government tells them to do so. Brids fly south for the winter, and no government tells them to do so. People plan trips across baren landscapes and no government tells them to do so. In fact, all too often, governments were so ignorant, that they needed to hire people to figure out what was there.
Is government the ONLY source of conseuqence or punishement? When a man invests $20,000 in a bad business, is he not punished for being stupid by losing his money? If I put my hand on a hot stove, isn't the consequence often a burn?
Government does not make the Sun set or rise. it does not make people, people. It may, from time to time, for short periods, aid the people in fostering civilizations. That changes once governments start controlling EVERYTHING.
You realize, the FIRST law written, the Code of Hamurabi, actually dictated the price of food? This was the first effective act of a real government, and subsequent starvation occured. Happened in Egypt, Rome, China, Russia/USSR, Germany, France, Britian, the US. If governmnet is so necessary, why does it kill so many people as a result of ineptitude and greed?
The arguement is we need government, otherwise people will die, then why do governments kill people so much? It doesn't make sense to use a tool, that doesn't work. It may happen, if you look a few fleeting instances, in isolation of all other factors, that the governments of the world, may have done good. Of course, that's just plain dumb. ALL actions of the state, or all actions of all states, must be looked at.
The arguement is that we need government, because it creates a better order. Prove it. Don't pretend there is any real difference between government either. It's all the same, some just behave a little better than others from time to time. Governmnet is governmnet is government, and you can't have the "benevolant" governments of ______ (i don't really know one, so you can fill in the blank). Without the destructive governments of the USSR, China, Babylon, and Mongolia.
One of the things that the US was MOCKED for, with the establishment of the Consitution, was it damn near made government useless. Remeber what the old order was, the King sets the price of food, the King tells the weavers how to weave, the king deicded the value of a sheckle, a dinar, a pound sterling. Divine right of rule, Kings were decendants of gods, or chosen by God, or gods themselves. Americans were laughed at because we said: "Umm.. no. See liberty, society, order, and coopoerations ALL PREEXIST GOVERNMENT."
Natural LAW.
Let me ask you a question. If government is NECESSARY to create order, how did people become organized enough, to establish governmnets? (Unless you mean to think, there was a government before there were people, which is OBVIOUSLY absurd. How can an institution of men, exit befor emen do?)
Government is a tool for Ignorant, Impatient, Imperfect and Impotent men. PERIOD