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What's up with the Cross? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 22, 2005
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United States
Political Leaning
Why do some people say that the "cross" is a symbol of Jesus Christ? I would think that if he returned, that would be the Last thing he would want to see.
kal-el said:
Why do some people say that the "cross" is a symbol of Jesus Christ? I would think that if he returned, that would be the Last thing he would want to see.

The Messiah died on a stake, not a cross, and yes, there is certainly no reason for anyone to ever look toward one again.

Some people say the cross is a symbol of Jesus Christ as part of (or because of) Christianity's deception of those very same and even other people.
leejosepho said:
The Messiah died on a stake, not a cross, and yes, there is certainly no reason for anyone to ever look toward one again.

Some people say the cross is a symbol of Jesus Christ as part of (or because of) Christianity's deception of those very same and even other people.

I feel that a cross is Not the Christ. A piece of wood in the shape of a cross means nothing. I don't believe that you have to bow down and worship a worthless piece of wood or metal to follow Jesus. Or for that matter, belong to a church. As these religious teachers are simply modern day "pharisees" and "saducees."
The cross simply represents the sacrifice of Jesus, it's just a reminder for believers of his death for their sins.
gdalton said:
The cross simply represents the sacrifice of Jesus, it's just a reminder for believers of his death for their sins.

Yea sure, if Jesus were murdered by a slit throat, people would carry around a knife on their knecks. The fact is over 10,000 people were crucified on crosses or stakes during Christ's lifetime.
The point is people who believe in Jesus and his sacrifice use the cross as a reminder of what he did for them. It has nothing to do with how many people died or by what means, it's simply a reminder for the faithful. Look, during the time of Jesus the church’s were run quite differently then today, for instance if you wanted to make tithing you had to exchange your money for blessed money or the church wouldn't except it and in order to be forgiven of you sins you could not ask god yourself (because you were a sinner) you had use a priest as an intermediary (because they told everyone they were pure) there for given all power of forgiveness over to the church. Jesus died so his followers would have a direct link with God and would never need to use a priest to ask for forgiveness. Although a lot of church goers today are ignorant of this history they still use the cross as a symbol of what Jesus did.
gdalton said:
The point is people who believe in Jesus and his sacrifice use the cross as a reminder of what he did for them ...

So sad, I say, and so morbid.
I personally prefer the image of the buddy Christ myself.


  • incomics_1855_10691818.gif
    18.1 KB · Views: 11
... the image of the buddy Christ ...

Click on the picture just above and take a closer look, folks!

Why, the beared lady has now gone "mod"!
gdalton said:
The point is people who believe in Jesus and his sacrifice use the cross as a reminder of what he did for them. It has nothing to do with how many people died or by what means, it's simply a reminder for the faithful. Look, during the time of Jesus the church’s were run quite differently then today, for instance if you wanted to make tithing you had to exchange your money for blessed money or the church wouldn't except it and in order to be forgiven of you sins you could not ask god yourself (because you were a sinner) you had use a priest as an intermediary (because they told everyone they were pure) there for given all power of forgiveness over to the church. Jesus died so his followers would have a direct link with God and would never need to use a priest to ask for forgiveness. Although a lot of church goers today are ignorant of this history they still use the cross as a symbol of what Jesus did.

Tithing is a common misconception among Christian fundamentalists. According to the Church, 10% of your yearly income should be donated to it as the church sees fit. Some take in a 2nd tithe, which is used to support a festival or a conference for a total of 20%. Some also take a 3rd tithe (they use the adage that its for the poor), which again they use as they see fit, for a total of 30% of your income. In the Bible it cleary states that 10% of your food yeild should be saved and used for a feast and changed into cash for a spending spree each year. Every 3rd year you have to take 10% of your food yeild and feed the priests and the poor. If the church was a tabernacle, which it definetly isn't, and ministers were priests, who they surely are not, and were doing the things clearly laid out to them in scripture, which they drastically don't, all they could legally recieve was 10% of your income every 3 years to feed the needy. But that is according to the Scriptures. Who goes by the Bible?
kal-el said:
I feel that a cross is Not the Christ. A piece of wood in the shape of a cross means nothing. I don't believe that you have to bow down and worship a worthless piece of wood or metal to follow Jesus. Or for that matter, belong to a church. As these religious teachers are simply modern day "pharisees" and "saducees."

the Cross isnt the symbol of Christianity, the Crucifix is. the one with the body on. its a morbid reminder of jesus dying and what for...
sitegod said:
the Cross isnt the symbol of Christianity, the Crucifix is. the one with the body on. its a morbid reminder of jesus dying and what for...

You could have fooled me. I was born at night, but not last night, ok? How come every single place of worship has a cross centered directly on top of the building?
kal-el said:
You could have fooled me. I was born at night, but not last night, ok? How come every single place of worship has a cross centered directly on top of the building?
yeah well... Crucifix is the whole "official" symbol.. the cross is just an identifier of what it is..
Ive got a new necklace I will sell. It has a Thorn circlet, Whip, and a spear on it. To bad he did not die of AIDS. Then we could all wear naked women on our necks to church. If he was shot to death would you wear a gun on your neck?

I think he died because your a piece of ****. All human kind is **** equally.
He just htought that just because your a piece of **** you should not go to hell.

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