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What to see in Napa Valley wine country? (1 Viewer)


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May 1, 2013
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Hi all. Heading to Napa with my 82 yr old mom next week. She's always wanted to go and we both enjoy wine.

Flying in to SFO and going to drive to Golden Gate Park because she wants to see the GG bridge. Not taking the time to go to Fisherman's Wharf area unless someone thinks we "HAVE" to see it. She doesnt really care. But is there anything else we should check out before we head to Napa? Hotel that night is in Napa.

So in Napa area...we are taking wine tours the first 2 days. That way I can drink and not worry about driving, for one thing.

Any recommendations for restaurants? Must-see places? Shops? Mom's pretty mobile...we shopped all day long for 2 days, in Santa Fe last yr...at 7000 ft.

Should we drive out to the coast one day?

Recommendations are appreciated!
Hi all. Heading to Napa with my 82 yr old mom next week. She's always wanted to go and we both enjoy wine.

Flying in to SFO and going to drive to Golden Gate Park because she wants to see the GG bridge. Not taking the time to go to Fisherman's Wharf area unless someone thinks we "HAVE" to see it. She doesnt really care. But is there anything else we should check out before we head to Napa? Hotel that night is in Napa.

So in Napa area...we are taking wine tours the first 2 days. That way I can drink and not worry about driving, for one thing.

Any recommendations for restaurants? Must-see places? Shops? Mom's pretty mobile...we shopped all day long for 2 days, in Santa Fe last yr...at 7000 ft.

Should we drive out to the coast one day?

Recommendations are appreciated!

First of all....
:peace to you.

IF you love red wine, and are a steak lover, I highly recommend Galpao Gaucho Brazilian Steakhouse

Have fun on your trip with mom.

The coast is not far... Sausalito is fun, beautiful, and an eclectic experience. Husband and I enjoyed this compared to suffering the same old traffic jams in SF the last time we were in Napa.
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Hi all. Heading to Napa with my 82 yr old mom next week. She's always wanted to go and we both enjoy wine.

Flying in to SFO and going to drive to Golden Gate Park because she wants to see the GG bridge. Not taking the time to go to Fisherman's Wharf area unless someone thinks we "HAVE" to see it. She doesnt really care. But is there anything else we should check out before we head to Napa? Hotel that night is in Napa.

So in Napa area...we are taking wine tours the first 2 days. That way I can drink and not worry about driving, for one thing.

Any recommendations for restaurants? Must-see places? Shops? Mom's pretty mobile...we shopped all day long for 2 days, in Santa Fe last yr...at 7000 ft.

Should we drive out to the coast one day?

Recommendations are appreciated!

There are a number of great restaurants.

If you don't mind splurging, then go to - The French Laundry - expensive as hell ($200.00+ per person), but hey, you only live once (get a reservation before you leave Seattle).

For other great food, not cheap, but you don't have to mortgage the kids just to pay for dinner: The Brass Rabbit in Healdsburg, or if you'd like some authentic Spanish cuisine that tastes like your in Barcelona, then try: Bravas Bar de Tapas also in Healdsburg.

Just about any of the vineyard tours are good. Pick the one that you like their wine and go there first.

One thing I like to do is... just drive around. It's a beautiful place to just take in.

If you have the time, drive south over the bay to Half Moon Bay. You won't regret it. It's an amazing place, and the dichotomy of climate from one side of the mountains to the other, from the freeway side over the mountain (big hills really) to the ocean side is amazing. The clouds that drape the hills and the drop in temperature will amaze you, well maybe not, but it amazed me. There's a state park there that you can get out and walk to the ocean - I think it's $10.00 a car to park. There's fresh fish markets that also have restaurants there to eat great seafood.
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Hi all. Heading to Napa with my 82 yr old mom next week. She's always wanted to go and we both enjoy wine.

Flying in to SFO and going to drive to Golden Gate Park because she wants to see the GG bridge. Not taking the time to go to Fisherman's Wharf area unless someone thinks we "HAVE" to see it. She doesnt really care. But is there anything else we should check out before we head to Napa? Hotel that night is in Napa.

So in Napa area...we are taking wine tours the first 2 days. That way I can drink and not worry about driving, for one thing.

Any recommendations for restaurants? Must-see places? Shops? Mom's pretty mobile...we shopped all day long for 2 days, in Santa Fe last yr...at 7000 ft.

Should we drive out to the coast one day?

Recommendations are appreciated!

i hope that you both have a great trip.
First of all....
:peace to you.

IF you love red wine, and are a steak lover, I highly recommend Galpao Gaucho Brazilian Steakhouse

Have fun on your trip with mom.

The coast is not far... Sausalito is fun, beautiful, and an eclectic experience. Husband and I enjoyed this compared to suffering the same old traffic jams in SF the last time we were in Napa.

Thanks, I prefer white wine because I dont like the tannins in red wine and only the older and more $$$ reds are mellow enough for me. But I dont mind trying them. THey are making more and more red blends with minimal tannins.

Sausalito sounds fun and we both like steak so we'll inquire about Gauchos at the hotel.

There are a number of great restaurants.

If you don't mind splurging, then go to - The French Laundry - expensive as hell ($200.00+ per person), but hey, you only live once (get a reservation before you leave Seattle).

For other great food, not cheap, but you don't have to mortgage the kids just to pay for dinner: The Brass Rabbit in Healdsburg, or if you'd like some authentic Spanish cuisine that tastes like your in Barcelona, then try: Bravas Bar de Tapas also in Healdsburg.

Just about any of the vineyard tours are good. Pick the one that you like their wine and go there first.

One thing I like to do is... just drive around. It's a beautiful place to just take in.

If you have the time, drive south over the bay to Half Moon Bay. You won't regret it. It's an amazing place, and the dichotomy of climate from one side of the mountains to the other, from the freeway side over the mountain (big hills really) to the ocean side is amazing. The clouds that drape the hills and the drop in temperature will amaze you, well maybe not, but it amazed me. There's a state park there that you can get out and walk to the ocean - I think it's $10.00 a car to park. There's fresh fish markets that also have restaurants there to eat great seafood.

Yeah, the French Laundry sounds a bit much for us but the others sound good.

And I would love Half Moon Bay, I'll check that out.

Hi all. Heading to Napa with my 82 yr old mom next week. She's always wanted to go and we both enjoy wine.

Flying in to SFO and going to drive to Golden Gate Park because she wants to see the GG bridge. Not taking the time to go to Fisherman's Wharf area unless someone thinks we "HAVE" to see it. She doesnt really care. But is there anything else we should check out before we head to Napa? Hotel that night is in Napa.

So in Napa area...we are taking wine tours the first 2 days. That way I can drink and not worry about driving, for one thing.

Any recommendations for restaurants? Must-see places? Shops? Mom's pretty mobile...we shopped all day long for 2 days, in Santa Fe last yr...at 7000 ft.

Should we drive out to the coast one day?

Recommendations are appreciated!

Just over the bridge in Marin County on the way to Napa is the Muir Woods- an easily accessible redwood stand.

Muir Woods National Monument (U.S. National Park Service)

The walk thru the redwoods is fairly easy, and if your mom can walk a half mile, it’s a really incredible place.
You may encounter some smoke from the Camp Fire. See updated smoke map at:

California Smoke Information

Yes I know. Not only might the airports close due to smoke/visibility, but I cant expose her to a high level of smoke, so things are not looking good for our trip. This is another terrible time for Californians...I spent some time last Oct with people who had evacuated fires in their towns.
Yes I know. Not only might the airports close due to smoke/visibility, but I cant expose her to a high level of smoke, so things are not looking good for our trip. This is another terrible time for Californians...I spent some time last Oct with people who had evacuated fires in their towns.

If you do make it out there, definitely go though the Redwoods to the coast. The views driving along route 1 up there are worth the trip by themselves. Spectacular.
I did end up postponing our trip. And am very glad, as things are still terrible down in CA. My heart goes out to all those who have lost their homes and their animals and I cant believe how many people are still missing :-(

The airlines and hotel all waived change fees due to the fires and I rescheduled for first week of Dec. Hopefully the worst will be over for CA and our tourist $$ welcomed. I think it will be nice with everything all Christmas themed and there will be a lights festival down on the river walk in Napa.

Your recommendations are still welcome!
Hi all. Heading to Napa with my 82 yr old mom next week. She's always wanted to go and we both enjoy wine.

Flying in to SFO and going to drive to Golden Gate Park because she wants to see the GG bridge. Not taking the time to go to Fisherman's Wharf area unless someone thinks we "HAVE" to see it. She doesnt really care. But is there anything else we should check out before we head to Napa? Hotel that night is in Napa.

So in Napa area...we are taking wine tours the first 2 days. That way I can drink and not worry about driving, for one thing.

Any recommendations for restaurants? Must-see places? Shops? Mom's pretty mobile...we shopped all day long for 2 days, in Santa Fe last yr...at 7000 ft.

Should we drive out to the coast one day?

Recommendations are appreciated!

Chinatown was always a stop for us. Eating in a basement restaurant where you are the only English speaker is interesting.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

Berkeley always was fun for me.

OK, we've rescheduled our trip to Napa Valley for this coming week and I'm just asking again if anyone has suggestions for attractions and sights and restaurants in the area.

We've got winery tours scheduled for 2 days and then have some free days.

I think the River Walk will be nice in the evenings, they have it all lit up for the holidays. If we head out to the coast...is Point Reyes the place to go or are there other more dramatic beach areas?

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