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What threatens National Security more? (1 Viewer)

What threatens National Security more?

  • Leaking the name of a CIA operative, whose status was classified

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • Leaking the secret wiretapping that the White House was doing

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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Political Leaning
What I find interesting is that the Bush Administration is willing to leak the name of a CIA operative, but then cries when a person leaks the secret wiretapping.

Hmmmmmm.....double standard?
aps said:
What I find interesting is that the Bush Administration is willing to leak the name of a CIA operative, but then cries when a person leaks the secret wiretapping.

Hmmmmmm.....double standard?

C'mon, aps! You know better than that! There is quite a significant difference between one classified (not covert, hence not illegal to do identify) CIA person and endangering a program that has the potential to save many lives.

It is certainly ok to question the legality of the NSA surveillance program, and/or Bush's motives or whatever, and its ok to go whereever one's impressions take one in regard to the Plame affair, but lets keep a proper perspective on the relative seriousness of the two.

But thats just my opinion - YMMV!
oldreliable67 said:
C'mon, aps! You know better than that! There is quite a significant difference between one classified (not covert, hence not illegal to do identify) CIA person and endangering a program that has the potential to save many lives.

It is certainly ok to question the legality of the NSA surveillance program, and/or Bush's motives or whatever, and its ok to go whereever one's impressions take one in regard to the Plame affair, but lets keep a proper perspective on the relative seriousness of the two.

But thats just my opinion - YMMV!

I do not know better than that. How dare you talk to me in such a condescending manner. ;) I'm kidding, my conservative friend.

I just don't like seeing Bush get his panties in a wad over the leaking of information when his administration has no qualms about leaking classified information.

P.S. What does YMMV mean?
oldreliable67 said:
There is quite a significant difference between one classified (not covert, hence not illegal to do identify) CIA person and endangering a program that has the potential to save many lives.

How did leaking the existence of such a program "endanger" it? If there's nothing morally or legally wrong with the program, then public knowledge of the program won't endanger it.
Kandahar said:
How did leaking the existence of such a program "endanger" it? If there's nothing morally or legally wrong with the program, then public knowledge of the program won't endanger it.

I agree. Would anyone being wiretapped know that they were being wiretapped if a court order was obtained? I didn't think so.....

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