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What the hell is the matter with Merrick Garland? (1 Viewer)


The tolerant left? I'm the intolerant left.
DP Veteran
Dec 11, 2020
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This sleepy son of a bitch redefines 'inert.' Shit, I've seen rocks rolling uphill making more progress than this guy.

Trump and his merry band of traitors ALL should be facing criminal charges of treason and sedition by now.

The AG position should have gone to Preet Bharara. That guy's phenomenal and tough as nails. Biden needs to give Garland a one way ticket to the nearest assisted living facility and appoint Mr. Bharara to the post immediately.

Barr and Sessions were predictable ass lickers. I expected far, far better from Garland. I've rarely been more disappointed.
Sounds good. Garland was the *Republican* recommendation for the Supreme Court.
This sleepy son of a bitch redefines 'inert.' Shit, I've seen rocks rolling uphill making more progress than this guy.

Trump and his merry band of traitors ALL should be facing criminal charges of treason and sedition by now.

The AG position should have gone to Preet Bharara. That guy's phenomenal and tough as nails. Biden needs to give Garland a one way ticket to the nearest assisted living facility and appoint Mr. Bharara to the post immediately.

Barr and Sessions were predictable ass lickers. I expected far, far better from Garland. I've rarely been more disappointed.
Don't blame him. Garland is just doing what he's told to do.
The DOJ is no diff than other law enforcement, such as the NYDP, or the entire Exec Branch and other of the like. They do not correct themselves over past authority oversteps and they do not give up power gained or exercised in that overstep. Mistakes get swept under the rug. They might be able to use those moves, so keep them in reserve. In doing so, they are protecting themselves as much as those in the past.
This sleepy son of a bitch redefines 'inert.' Shit, I've seen rocks rolling uphill making more progress than this guy.

Trump and his merry band of traitors ALL should be facing criminal charges of treason and sedition by now.

The AG position should have gone to Preet Bharara. That guy's phenomenal and tough as nails. Biden needs to give Garland a one way ticket to the nearest assisted living facility and appoint Mr. Bharara to the post immediately.

Barr and Sessions were predictable ass lickers. I expected far, far better from Garland. I've rarely been more disappointed.

If he's smart, and I think he is, he will wait to ensure he has a rock solid case. Bringing charges now, if he doesn't have all he needs, will only result in nothing happening.

Trump, fat as he is, isn't going anywhere for now.
I think Garland is building a case against Trump and others. He is one to hold his cards close to the chest. You can be sure whatever the January 6th Committee knows he knows that and more. He has access to all sorts of information we know nothing about. A case against Trump must be ironclad and he is proceeding knowing full well this is going to be huge and must be undeniably winnable. I hope I am wrong because Trump needs to pay a huge price for what he did to American democracy. Be patient.......and God I hope I am right!!!!!
If he's smart, and I think he is, he will wait to ensure he has a rock solid case. Bringing charges now, if he doesn't have all he needs, will only result in nothing happening.

Trump, fat as he is, isn't going anywhere for now.
This sleepy son of a bitch redefines 'inert.' Shit, I've seen rocks rolling uphill making more progress than this guy.

Trump and his merry band of traitors ALL should be facing criminal charges of treason and sedition by now.

The AG position should have gone to Preet Bharara. That guy's phenomenal and tough as nails. Biden needs to give Garland a one way ticket to the nearest assisted living facility and appoint Mr. Bharara to the post immediately.

Barr and Sessions were predictable ass lickers. I expected far, far better from Garland. I've rarely been more disappointed.
The 1/6 committee is about to put Garland in a cleft stick. He's afraid to charge tRump and co. I assume because of the political implications but it's becoming more and more obvious that it's gotta happen.

Or maybe I'm completely wrong and he's been quietly building a case all along and is waiting for the committee to catch up.
I think Garland is building a case against Trump and others. He is one to hold his cards close to the chest. You can be sure whatever the January 6th Committee knows he knows that and more. He has access to all sorts of information we know nothing about. A case against Trump must be ironclad and he is proceeding knowing full well this is going to be huge and must be undeniably winnable. I hope I am wrong because Trump needs to pay a huge price for what he did to American democracy. Be patient.......and God I hope I am right!!!!!
I hope you are too.
This sleepy son of a bitch redefines 'inert.' Shit, I've seen rocks rolling uphill making more progress than this guy.

Trump and his merry band of traitors ALL should be facing criminal charges of treason and sedition by now.

The AG position should have gone to Preet Bharara. That guy's phenomenal and tough as nails. Biden needs to give Garland a one way ticket to the nearest assisted living facility and appoint Mr. Bharara to the post immediately.

Barr and Sessions were predictable ass lickers. I expected far, far better from Garland. I've rarely been more disappointed.
He will wait until the commission finishes before we see anything from DOJ.
If he's smart, and I think he is, he will wait to ensure he has a rock solid case. Bringing charges now, if he doesn't have all he needs, will only result in nothing happening.

Trump, fat as he is, isn't going anywhere for now.

On the flip side, imagine how realistically we would have managed our expectations if we had watched Mueller just…reading a newspaper…drinking coffee…watching Cheers re-runs. At least then we would have known to expect nothing.
He will wait until the commission finishes before we see anything from DOJ.
Nobody will admit it, but yes, I think this is what's happening. Garland isn't going anywhere, and what may look like fear to some is actually smart politics. The mid-terms are one thing, which the select committee has under control. Garland is wise to save his ammunition for '24.
I don't think Garland is a political creature but it makes sense to let the January 6th Committee finish their work. I think the bomb will drop, hopefully there is one, right after the midterms if not it would have to be well before in order not to be seen as political. He has done it in early 2023 before the national election steps up in earnest and before Trump declares a run for the WH. Garland has lots of issues to balance. If nothing else I know he is a man of integrity and a patriot who views the 6th as a monumental attack on democracy. If he can make a case he will.
Nobody will admit it, but yes, I think this is what's happening. Garland isn't going anywhere, and what may look like fear to some is actually smart politics. The mid-terms are one thing, which the select committee has under control. Garland is wise to save his ammunition for '24.
I don't think his schedule is on the political calendar. Just think he waits until the commission is done so DOJ has all commission info before acting. Silly to act in tandem and do many things twice.
This sleepy son of a bitch redefines 'inert.' Shit, I've seen rocks rolling uphill making more progress than this guy.

Trump and his merry band of traitors ALL should be facing criminal charges of treason and sedition by now.

The AG position should have gone to Preet Bharara. That guy's phenomenal and tough as nails. Biden needs to give Garland a one way ticket to the nearest assisted living facility and appoint Mr. Bharara to the post immediately.

Barr and Sessions were predictable ass lickers. I expected far, far better from Garland. I've rarely been more disappointed.

Agreed totally - Garland is a huge disappointment. I wish Obama had never nominated his sorry ass.
He will wait until the commission finishes before we see anything from DOJ.

He didn't need to wait. It's going to be 'political' no matter the process. We need an AG who will conduct legit investigations and not give a **** about how it looks in the process. Waiting for optics is a fool's errand - optics can change due to circumstances well beyond anyone's control. Garland had - has now - all kinds of prima facia evidence of criminal activity. He needs to go for the jugular and the clock is ticking.
If he's smart, and I think he is, he will wait to ensure he has a rock solid case. Bringing charges now, if he doesn't have all he needs, will only result in nothing happening.

Trump, fat as he is, isn't going anywhere for now.

That may be true regarding Jan 6. However, that's not true regarding Trump's phone to Raffensperger and his attempt to steal Georgia.

Garland should not allow that to stand and he is letting down the country.

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