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What really happened on 9/11? (1 Viewer)

What do you think really happend on 9/11?

  • The government had received specific information on the attacks but could not have prevented them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The government had to have at least some involvement in the attacks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The government actively planned and carried out the attacks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 19 hijackers out of a cave defeated our multi billion dollar defense department.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 18, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I just want honest opinions from everyone. Ive tried to make it so theres a lot of valid choices. Thanks
Blah said:
I just want honest opinions from everyone. Ive tried to make it so theres a lot of valid choices. Thanks

Blah-From a guy who is not this administration's biggest fan, and usually not a name caller, you are a jackass.
that there are already two moonbats who believe the government carried this out is enough to make me want to hurl. :screwy :screwy
I cant believe how many ignorant people still think the United states government planned the 9/11 attacks! :roll: Not even worth debating over..
Personally, I do not think the Government was involved in the attacks. But, I do think they were relatively negligent and had information which "Might" have helped prevent this from happening.Are they to blame...No. No more than the administration before them carries guilt in this, they were however complacent.
My issue is in the way we, as a counrty have reacted to this. There are simply far too many unanswered questions underlying Government action in the aftermath. Much of my dissatisfaction could be put to rest if an open inverstigation into our failures were conducted, which sadly wont happen until power changes hands.
It does little to quell the fears of a poulation, already distrustful of its government, when walls are placed to prevent a clear view of what is happening inside the machine. It leaves one to draw conclusions based on limited Data, which are likely incorrect. The kicker is....what choice does a thinking mind have but to form conclusions that paint a less than pleasant picture, or to simply not think on it at all.
Please god no. Don't tell me theres another tin foil hat crew memner they let off the stupid farm to chase down the perptraitors of the WTC attacks. Ok ... We did it. We faked the whole thing. Then we faked all the cell calls on the plane and the people the family members they had. And while nobody was looking we hollowed out 2 skyscrapers off the structual steel so that it would pancake.

I hate being caught....:rofl
tryreading said:
Blah-From a guy who is not this administration's biggest fan, and usually not a name caller, you are a jackass.

No reason for that. If you think they had nothing to do with it, then the first choice would apply to you. I just asked an opinion. Thanks.
tecoyah said:
Much of my dissatisfaction could be put to rest if an open inverstigation into our failures were conducted.

I 100% agree with you. The problem is we need a totally unbiased group to investigate. Its going to be hard to find people who dont already have their minds made up. Theres just too many things that dont work. If the government had answered the questions, and been honest with the information from the get go, they wouldnt have all of us "conspiracy theorists"
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Calm2Chaos said:
Please god no. Don't tell me theres another tin foil hat crew memner they let off the stupid farm to chase down the perptraitors of the WTC attacks. Ok ... We did it. We faked the whole thing. Then we faked all the cell calls on the plane and the people the family members they had. And while nobody was looking we hollowed out 2 skyscrapers off the structual steel so that it would pancake.

I hate being caught....:rofl

You are quite the jokester. Now, do you mind explaining how 80+ floors pancake, yet fall at free fall speed, creating much dust, and seperating the steel into even segments near 30 feet in length? Ok, ok, so planes hit the building, and there are BIG fires. And this causes the building to gradually fall. Even if the building had resisted on lets say 40 of its floors for .5 seconds per floor we're looking at a 20 second fall. But no, this building falls near free fall speed, which means there was little or no resistance, which would be the case in controlled demolition.

The problem with accepting that the buildings were leveled with controlled demolition are major as well, however. To accept this we need to accept

1) The explosives needed to be put in the buildings in advance (there was a 36 hour down time in the week previous to september 11th in one of the buildings, google it if you dont believe me)
2) to accomplish this, people had to buy and install explosives, so at least a few people have been keeping a large secret.
3) The trouble we would have to have gone through to demolish the buildings would be a) quite a lot and b) traceable proof that the buildings were leveled by controlled demolition.

So although the buildings appeared to fall from controlled demolition, what is the motive? Why, if this was an inside job, werent the planes enough? Why risk the fact that people could prove it was a controlled demolition? ( If FEMA didnt scoop up the steel )

My admission is there is a major problem with any 9/11 theory. No matter what you believe, our government would have to be incredibly stupid.


1. They carried out attacks, then left a bunch of questions unanswered, gave us 'facts' that werent physically possible, and used 19 arab guys as scapegoats....our government would have to realize we wouldnt settle for this....right?....our government cant be that stupid?

2. They all got stupid on the same day, and our multi hundred billion dollar defense department was beaten by 19 arab guys (led by a guy in a cave on dialysis.)

3. They provoked attacks/saw it coming, and did nothing to stop it, but this doesnt explain the explosives in the controlled demolition and the cover up at the pentagon.

Either way you have to look at who has overall benefitted from 9/11......it certainly isnt the terrorists.

Another major problem is that these terrorists seemed to plan everything perfectly, but got minimal casualities. They were cold and pre planned? But attacked the WTC when most people werent yet at work? They attacked a newly renovated part of the pentagon with no high ranking officials? They didnt attack a school full of children and the president even though his whereabouts were announced?

Well I hope someone actually read this. If you did, you would see that I think on both sides, but nothing adds up.
For the Six who voted

"The government had received possible warnings but nothing specific enough to take action "

Think on this, arent possible warnings still enough for your military to be ready? Once 9/11 started everything after the first plane crashing into the WTC smells of compliance.
Blah said:
For the Six who voted

"The government had received possible warnings but nothing specific enough to take action "

Think on this, arent possible warnings still enough for your military to be ready? Once 9/11 started everything after the first plane crashing into the WTC smells of compliance.

nope-what was the other option. air to air missiles from an F-14? based on one suicide crash into the WTC?
I personally believe the government had nothing to do with 9/11 (though it would make for some good fiction if they did) but I do think that they seized this as an opportunity to pass the patriot act and Bush also used it to his political advantage.

the type of things Bush did in order to take advantage of 9/11? Why did so many people vote for bush in 2004? Cause he was the type of leader who appeared to make people feel safe. By Bush acting like such the bold leader standing on top of the rubble, fireman dude around his arm and making a speech. Of course, its all bullshit and preplanned but because the media ciculated this image over and over etc. well thats the image that Bush created to show himself as a strong leader and ultimately thats how Bush won the election. Not to mention the fact that Bush kept mentioning 9/11 in all of his speeches just to remind us of how brave and noble he was. Every time he said 9/11, his approval rating went up.

Oh yeah and just a fun fact my Dad went to elementary school with that fireman.
In response to many comments here forgive me for my parsing.

Calm2Chaos said:
Please god no. Don't tell me theres another tin foil hat crew memner they let off the stupid farm to chase down the perptraitors of the WTC attacks. Ok ... We did it. We faked the whole thing. Then we faked all the cell calls on the plane and the people the family members they had. And while nobody was looking we hollowed out 2 skyscrapers off the structual steel so that it would pancake

In your naive and flatulent attempt to be extremely subjective you forgot to mention the part about the "black helicopters". You're not quite the right wing, semantical terrorist that you are subconsciouscly striving to be.

blah said:
I just want honest opinions from everyone. Ive tried to make it so theres a lot of valid choices. Thanks

I commend you on the choices you present as it serves to stir the intellect. It is clear that you have taken an objective approach in terms of independent thought in your presentation of choices. Well done. Sincerely.

AKconservative said:
I cant believe how many ignorant people still think the United states government planned the 9/11 attacks! Not even worth debating over..

Myself... , I am glad there are still people out there capable of realizing that they don't actually "know" the truth. People whom can consider the radical and extreme option and dispell them rationally. You, You're not one of them and I pity your intellectual handicap.

tryreading said:
Blah-From a guy who is not this administration's biggest fan, and usually not a name caller, you are a jackass.

So are you just calling him a democrat or are you insulting him directly (re:jackass)? I suppose you pre-emptively position yourself as the non-name callng name caller. Very righteous of you. Perhaps you should try doing as you say, not as you do.
Actually, just before the Cuban Missle Crisis, the US government drew up plans to attack and kill innnocent American citizens and then turn around and blame it on Cuba so that they would have a pretext to invade and remove Castro. This plan was entailed in a US government document called "The Northwoods Document."
Calm2Chaos said:
Please god no. Don't tell me theres another tin foil hat crew memner they let off the stupid farm to chase down the perptraitors of the WTC attacks. Ok ... We did it. We faked the whole thing. Then we faked all the cell calls on the plane and the people the family members they had. And while nobody was looking we hollowed out 2 skyscrapers off the structual steel so that it would pancake.

I hate being caught....:rofl
Don't sweat it Calm, I'm on the case. You'll enjoy my next post on this thread. Wanna bet I can drive this guy off this site?
Blah said:
I just want honest opinions from everyone. Ive tried to make it so theres a lot of valid choices. Thanks

You know Blah, of all the peole on this site you had to go and pick me to pizz off. Now I'm known to be just as compasionate and caring as the next guy. But it's all in good fun most of the time. With you it's differant. You also had to choose the master of copy/paste. Let's take a look at some of your earlier work shall we? A little something you wrote to me. Forum "War on Terror". Thread "9/11 was an inside job'. Post #882.

Blah said:
People like you should have been the ones inside the WTC or on those planes on 9/11.

Now that's not a nice thing to say is it?

Every time you say something stupid I'll be there to drop this in. Matter of fact I'm gonna go drop this in my TT thread for easy reference.

You're not very good at this are you?

Have a nice friggin day.
Okay copy paste master? I'm not here to make friends? Im not going to be driven off of this site in 'fear' because a bunch of people dont like me. I expected that coming in. But I wanted to share views and hopefully open a few minds before I moved on. I wont be here forever, and I already apologized for my personal comment, but your inability to think was really getting old with me. Now, can we move on please? Thank you.
TimmyBoy said:
Actually, just before the Cuban Missle Crisis, the US government drew up plans to attack and kill innnocent American citizens and then turn around and blame it on Cuba so that they would have a pretext to invade and remove Castro. This plan was entailed in a US government document called "The Northwoods Document."

Yes they did suggest this. Want proof? Here it is directly off the George Washington University/NSA website. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/northwoods.pdf
FinnMacCool said:
I personally believe the government had nothing to do with 9/11 (though it would make for some good fiction if they did) but I do think that they seized this as an opportunity to pass the patriot act and Bush also used it to his political advantage.

the type of things Bush did in order to take advantage of 9/11? Why did so many people vote for bush in 2004? Cause he was the type of leader who appeared to make people feel safe. By Bush acting like such the bold leader standing on top of the rubble, fireman dude around his arm and making a speech. Of course, its all bullshit and preplanned but because the media ciculated this image over and over etc. well thats the image that Bush created to show himself as a strong leader and ultimately thats how Bush won the election. Not to mention the fact that Bush kept mentioning 9/11 in all of his speeches just to remind us of how brave and noble he was. Every time he said 9/11, his approval rating went up.

Oh yeah and just a fun fact my Dad went to elementary school with that fireman.

The PNAC (Project for the New American Century) really, really, wanted and needed something like 9/11 to happen. They exploit 9/11 so frequently on their website its sick.

Conflict = valid point maker.
Blah said:
The PNAC (Project for the New American Century) really, really, wanted and needed something like 9/11 to happen. They exploit 9/11 so frequently on their website its sick.


The government has no loyalty to the people. That was something that I tried to explain before.
Im just trying to spread the notion that

I dont know, in fact, none of us know what the hell really happened on 9/11.

Im looking at facts, and the facts show the government HAS done a massive cover up. The question is why? Im not trying to convince anyone that George Bush had a remote control in his hand to blow up the towers or anything crazy like that. But if everyone looked at the evidence, they would see how much doesnt add up. I have made an admission that neither theory, official or the 'conspiracy' appears to be 100% correct. I believe it is somewhere between the two. But I can tell you I am 100% sure that the official account is a lie. So go ahead, call me your names. I hope it makes you feel better. But I have shown sources for some of the things I have ranted about. I have given facts and detailed descriptions of why the official account is wrong but have not received criticism on that, only on the fact that I'm a 'cooky ooky' conspiracy master. Well, I best be off, I have to find a way to blame Wilma on Bush.
Blah said:
Im just trying to spread the notion that

I dont know, in fact, none of us know what the hell really happened on 9/11.

Im looking at facts, and the facts show the government HAS done a massive cover up. The question is why? Im not trying to convince anyone that George Bush had a remote control in his hand to blow up the towers or anything crazy like that. But if everyone looked at the evidence, they would see how much doesnt add up. I have made an admission that neither theory, official or the 'conspiracy' appears to be 100% correct. I believe it is somewhere between the two. But I can tell you I am 100% sure that the official account is a lie. So go ahead, call me your names. I hope it makes you feel better. But I have shown sources for some of the things I have ranted about. I have given facts and detailed descriptions of why the official account is wrong but have not received criticism on that, only on the fact that I'm a 'cooky ooky' conspiracy master. Well, I best be off, I have to find a way to blame Wilma on Bush.

I don't think that the US government planned or intentionally allowed September 11 to happen, I just think that when it did happen, they used it as an opportunity to ram down legislation, that they wouldn't have been able to ram down before, and that this legislation was designed more for social control rather than "fighting terrorists." Their was plenty of laws already on the books to deal with terrorists, so their was no need to have new laws. The appropriate response to this attack would be holding Bush accountable, along with agencies of the US government for failure to uphold the laws of the land and to prevent the terrorist attack rather than passing new laws to supposedly "fight terrorists." It sort of reminds of the Reichstag incident where Hitler used it for siezing more power. You see, government is the enemy of freedom and also the enemy of the people, yet we still need the government to protect personal and property rights. It is quite natural for governments to seek as much power as possible when given the opportunity so we must follow in the American tradition of being very sucipicious of government. They do have the worst of intentions and they also will destroy freedom if we allow them to do so. The American Revolutionary War was about overthrowing and replacing a government that had too much power and replacing it with a new government that had less power and was less imposing in people's lives. The more government is involved in people's lives, the worse off in the long term people will be. The government has sought to slowly and gradually evolve away from a government that the founding father's set up and more towards a government that our founding fathers kicked out of the colonies.
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Even Hitler was elected by the people and he turned around and destroyed the democracy in Germany. It can happen here in America too.

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