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What ole Joe has accomplished/signed... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
Five bucks says most people won't read or understand the list. Or, you know, how zoom works...

Five bucks says most people won't read or understand the list. Or, you know, how zoom works...

Nearly all these "accomplishments" are just spending taxpayer money. I'm not seeing the achievement in that

"gas prices!"


These are the things Tucker is talking about, so these are the things Biden's opposition are interested in.
Yep, I just turned on OAN, the entire world is covering the war but not OAN. They think the lead story is Psaki testing positive for Covid.
The vaccine does not work is the narrative (even though few get seriously ill.)
Seems the vaccine is a giant conspiracy. However, they are unable to explain how or why this conspiracy was put together.

Glad they are about to go bankrupt.

I can't imagine the strange reality the folks that watch this trash live in.
Five bucks says most people won't read or understand the list. Or, you know, how zoom works...

Ah, but the Trumpist GOP can defeat that list of accomplishes by saying it is fake news.

Nearly all these "accomplishments" are just spending taxpayer money. I'm not seeing the achievement in that

Because achievements are free or...? What?

Doing things costs money. Government cannot do things without money. We pay taxes with the intent that government spend the money to do things that benefit society in general. It's the social contract. It's why there are things like a command to provide for the general welfare. Investors should realize that the problem is not that investments cost money, it's just that you have to make sure you elect people intent on genuinely investing.
Five bucks says most people won't read or understand the list. Or, you know, how zoom works...

If anything Biden has done was worth a damn, his poll numbers wouldnt be in the toilet and his party wouldnt be heading for a landslide defeat in November. But keep up the cheer leading
What a good lesson in how facts stand little chance against the loud volume of propaganda, of liars who con people to parrot 'Let's Go Brandon'.
Joe turned the US from energy independent into a net oil importer overnight with a few executive orders. Then he spent trillions on the "infrastructure" bill causing what's known as runaway inflation. Poor people on fixed incomes hit hardest,.
Yep, I just turned on OAN, the entire world is covering the war but not OAN. They think the lead story is Psaki testing positive for Covid.
The vaccine does not work is the narrative (even though few get seriously ill.)
Seems the vaccine is a giant conspiracy. However, they are unable to explain how or why this conspiracy was put together.

Glad they are about to go bankrupt.

I can't imagine the strange reality the folks that watch this trash live in.
The good news is that these people are fairly easy to take advantage of, when it comes to making a quick buck.
What a good lesson in how facts stand little chance against the loud volume of propaganda, of liars who con people to parrot 'Let's Go Brandon'.
the average american can process facts if it's more than a sentence or two.

we are literally a bumper sticker country.
Doing things costs money. Government cannot do things without money. We pay taxes with the intent that government spend the money to do things that benefit society in general.

They don't benefit society in general. Each one of his "accomplishments" benefits some special interest group at the expense of society in general.

It's the social contract.

Well my copy of the social contract says otherwise. Shall we compare your copy to mine in order to find out which one of us is correct? Oh we can't, because the "social contract" is nothing but a big pile of imaginary bullshit.
Joe turned the US from energy independent into a net oil importer overnight with a few executive orders. Then he spent trillions on the "infrastructure" bill causing what's known as runaway inflation. Poor people on fixed incomes hit hardest,.
Raising federal minimum wage isn't a good thing for people with past criminal history seeing as that'll just make employers more selective. A good portion of the list is full of hollow accomplishments that amount to needless tax spending (which is a big factor in ridiculously high gas prices). Though he is giving people who aren't on unemployment welfare more job opportunities, but that means little when they can be fired with ease now that employers are required to pay more.
Raising federal minimum wage isn't a good thing for people with past criminal history seeing as that'll just make employers more selective.
it's certainly a good thing for parents trying to support their families.

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