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What is the point of a debate forum? (1 Viewer)


Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida
Political Leaning
Recently I bounced a couple posts back and forth on the point that some people just debate to show the size of their supposed intellectual pricks and not actually answering issues. Do you find the use of "bigger" words shows more intelligence, or do you feel that is shows a persons desire to over compensate for not actually making a point, and/or losing the point to an opponent? Personally, I find it the highest form of BS to throw around semantic arguments and arguing about the type of arguments, be they logical fallacies, straw men, or circular arguments when you are smart enough to know what that person means. Can you actually argue points, or do you have to insist on using tactics that attack the semantics of a conversation? Not everyone in here has a degree in philosophy, religion or English. Do you feel it your need to belittle the opinions of people because they don't throw Latin around in a sentence? Some people in here use that language consistently, and in some cases (Tasha) it is done very informative and polite. Those posts don't spout lofty, arrogant, condescending points of view. At least they didn't from my perspective, as I can't speak for the targets of those posts. :2razz:
Isn't the point of a debate to get your point across to everyone? If you speak like that, how do you expect everyone to understand you? I think it is more important for people to understand what you are saying than it is for you to spout $50 words and look intelligent. But then again, that could just be me.
Datamonkee said:
Recently I bounced a couple posts back and forth on the point that some people just debate to show the size of their supposed intellectual pricks and not actually answering issues. Do you find the use of "bigger" words shows more intelligence, or do you feel that is shows a persons desire to over compensate for not actually making a point, and/or losing the point to an opponent? Personally, I find it the highest form of BS to throw around semantic arguments and arguing about the type of arguments, be they logical fallacies, straw men, or circular arguments when you are smart enough to know what that person means. Can you actually argue points, or do you have to insist on using tactics that attack the semantics of a conversation? Not everyone in here has a degree in philosophy, religion or English. Do you feel it your need to belittle the opinions of people because they don't throw Latin around in a sentence? Some people in here use that language consistently, and in some cases (Tasha) it is done very informative and polite. Those posts don't spout lofty, arrogant, condescending points of view. At least they didn't from my perspective, as I can't speak for the targets of those posts. :2razz:
Isn't the point of a debate to get your point across to everyone? If you speak like that, how do you expect everyone to understand you? I think it is more important for people to understand what you are saying than it is for you to spout $50 words and look intelligent. But then again, that could just be me.
Well, if you can't keep up, shut the hell up.

There. One syllable word a piece, I hope you can understand that.

And excuse us who know how to debate, whose vocabulary isn't "shallow and pedantic", who are here to learn. Once you are able to argue with the big boys, come back to the regular forums.

If YOUR arguments don't hold water, or are you using shitty logic, don't come crying to the well of the retarded to say "I don't get it, wannnnnnnnnnnhhhh!!! They're using BIG WORDS. WAnnnnnnnhhhh. They're poking holes in my logic that you could drive a 77 Buick Skylark through.".

Take some time, learn a bit, and come back educated instead of wallowing in this quagmire of ignorance.
Ahh, the arrogance. I guess you don't hold to the old adage "Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
This is the basement, I don't have to be smart here. And I have two words for you...tuck in.
Datamonkee said:
Ahh, the arrogance. I guess you don't hold to the old adage "Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
I get it. You don't like people smarter than you. They make you feel inadequate. So sorry. Here's a cookie and the door.
ooooo a Coooookie! Thanks, ShamMol!

I don't mind people smarter than me. Infact, I enjoy surrounding myself with people smarter than I am, I learn things. What I can't stand is people that THINK they are smarter than everyone. Those people are in serious need of some good old fashioned sex! The legnth of words in a conversation is inversely proportional to the time spent actually being liked by people.
Datamonkee said:
ooooo a Coooookie! Thanks, ShamMol!

I don't mind people smarter than me. Infact, I enjoy surrounding myself with people smarter than I am, I learn things. What I can't stand is people that THINK they are smarter than everyone. Those people are in serious need of some good old fashioned sex!
Old fashioned sex? No thanks, more ways than missionary for me.

Datamonkee said:
The legnth of words in a conversation is inversely proportional to the time spent actually being liked by people.
Good thing this is a debate and not a conversation.
I got a 1560 on the old SAT, does that make me better than people...oh wait, yes it does.

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