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What if Tiger wins the Masters??? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Political Leaning
Would that be one of the greatest achievements in sports history given how old he is and him recovering from a car accident?
Would that be one of the greatest achievements in sports history given how old he is and him recovering from a car accident?

Phil won a major at 50, Tiger is younger and significantly more talented.

As for the car wreck, you don't get pity points from a self inflicted intentional injury
I would just be happy if he plays and does not hurt himself. I think any talk of him winning is ridiculous. It would make for a great story, but there is zero chance of that happening.
I would just be happy if he plays and does not hurt himself. I think any talk of him winning is ridiculous. It would make for a great story, but there is zero chance of that happening.

But if it did, where would it rank?
Would that be one of the greatest achievements in sports history given how old he is and him recovering from a car accident?
It seems he has a noticeable limp from the bad leg when shown on t.v. I'd call if a win if he makes the cut. It would definitely rank as one of his most impossible wins but don't know about greatest achievement in all of sport.
I think his biggest challenge is walking the course over 4 days of play.
It would be a hell of a story if he just makes the cut, however I highly doubt that he will.

What if Tiger wins the Masters???​

tiger will leave wearing a green sport coat

what did i win?
e$pn pushing their plus + as they focus on Tiger’s group. Ratings should be high. Local golf clubs need this weekend. Tiger gently parring each of the first three holes. Up and down …
This would absolutely be one of the greatest achievements in sports.
Would that be one of the greatest achievements in sports history given how old he is and him recovering from a car accident?
If the Lakers made the playoffs this year....that would have been an achievement....
I took Tiger at an elevated boost of 10 to 1 to make the top ten at the PGA Championship in Oklahoma.

Better winds early and late.
More players than the Master’s.

Tiger will be playing some on the European tour.

Too bad for Phil.

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