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What if Generative AI Can Generate Biology? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Political Leaning
They should focus on it returning correct answers on internet searches before taking this on. Refinement in image generation would be another area to focus on. I can't say I'd want AI creating anything biological when it gives people 5 fingers when generating an image.
Whoever empowers an AI to 'create biology' should have very deep pockets. From a new crop which gives people cancer, to a new virus which kills millions of people, someone has to pay for "mistakes." Hell, there should be an option of prison for humans who empower an AI that way.
Generative AI can't actually generate anything. Right now, only biochemists can do that.

It would be required to connect Generative AI to a vastly sophisticated, totally automated biological lab for it to achieve anything approaching that. Right now, all it can do is produce new theory.
Whoever empowers an AI to 'create biology' should have very deep pockets. From a new crop which gives people cancer, to a new virus which kills millions of people, someone has to pay for "mistakes." Hell, there should be an option of prison for humans who empower an AI that way.

I guess the evil SkyNet computer in the Terminator movies was too stupid to think of wiping out the pesky humans with a biological virus, and that's why it had to come up with armies of robots to do things the hard way. AI was much dumber back in the 80s.

Generative AI can't actually generate anything. Right now, only biochemists can do that.

It would be required to connect Generative AI to a vastly sophisticated, totally automated biological lab for it to achieve anything approaching that. Right now, all it can do is produce new theory.

There are DNA synthesis machines which can create oligonucleotide sequences. We're talking desktop machines. Just google:

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I guess the evil SkyNet computer in the Terminator movies was too stupid to think of wiping out the pesky humans with a biological virus, and that's why it had to come up with armies of robots to do things the hard way. AI was much dumber back in the 80s.
Indeed. Shooting and explosions always played better to a cinema audience. There are at least 2,000 war movie shoot-em-ups for every biological weapons tale brought to the silver screen. Viruses don't produce as compelling a soundtrack as automatic weapons fire.
There are DNA synthesis machines which can create oligonucleotide sequences. We're talking desktop machines ...
... which somebody would still have to connect to an AI source for it to fulfill the OP's proposition.
I guess the evil SkyNet computer in the Terminator movies was too stupid to think of wiping out the pesky humans with a biological virus, and that's why it had to come up with armies of robots to do things the hard way. AI was much dumber back in the 80s.

There are DNA synthesis machines which can create oligonucleotide sequences. We're talking desktop machines. Just google:

That such devices are readily available generates legitimate concerns.
The next COVID-like pandemic might very well come from someone's garage in the middle of anywhere, be it located in a Western nation, a non-Western nation, or a terrorist stronghold.

It's like 'Have humans completely lost their minds???'
That such devices are readily available generates legitimate concerns.
The next COVID-like pandemic might very well come from someone's garage in the middle of anywhere, be it located in a Western nation, a non-Western nation, or a terrorist stronghold.

It's like 'Have humans completely lost their minds???'

DNA synthesis technologies were developed long before COVID appeared, and long before Generative AI had appeared.

Will it be an Age of Miracles, or an Age of Horrors? (Or Both?)
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AI can't even play Operation ffs
DNA synthesis technologies were developed long before COVID appeared, and long before Generative AI had appeared.
True, and wasn't any sort of assertion that I was making in my post.

Will it be an Age of Miracles, or an Age of Horrors? (Or Both?)
As with all technologies, it's in how it's used. Check history, plenty of examples.
Also true, it may not be the individual technologies, but how they are combined and exceed the capabilities of any one individual technology.

What I'm thinking is DNA synthesis directed by humans would have a pattern recognition capability limited by the humans.
Bring on AI, which would not only be able to iterate faster through experiments, it would also have perfect recall of all the previous experiment's data to far more quickly recognize patterns from which the results which the AI directed to achieve, and, since it's an AI generated solution, humans may not even be able to comprehend the full impact of those results, much less how AI arrived at them.

I'm seeing red flags all over this combination of AI and DNA synthesis as well as just the DNA synthesis part.

Have humans arrived at the level of understanding, wisdom, and self restraint to use these technologies in a safe manner?
I'd have to very much say no, just looking at the state of the world which humans have created and have been able to create.
Here's another approach which may yield major advances in medical diagnostics:


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