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What I would love to hear in the state of the union speech (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 30, 2006
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Los Angeles
Political Leaning
OK, OK, I know that its just a fantasy....but GWB could earn a lot of points with me if I heard him say any of the following in his speech tonight:

1. I made a mistake in IRAQ - I relied on information from advisors in my administration that had an ulterior motive for invading Iraq. I accept fully responsibility for being mislead and I apologize to the American people.
But now that I have gotten us into this mess I am working on a plan to get us out of Iraq.

2. I will be meeting with the generals to discuss an exit strategy for Iraq. I recognize that in the past I have not implemented their suggestions. Again, I was mislead by people in my administration who not only mislead me, mislead the American people. I will work with the generals and both houses of Congress, Democrats and Republicans to formulate a strategy for leaving Iraq.

3. I want to Unite the country. I recognize that I have been unduly influenced by the religious right. In my final years I will work to implement a more moderate agenda that reflects the interests of this country.
I'd like to hear Bush say:

1: To Hell with the democrats! Let's get shiz done right for a change.

2: Victory is our only strategy; Defeatism isn't. In fact, if one more liberal windbag says something about withdrawing from Iraq before our job is done, I'll have Dick Cheney box em' on the ears.

3: Ted Kennedy is a fat, ol' dinosaur.

4: Anyone else who compares our brave troops to Nazis will be drug through the streets of Washington by their entrails.

5: Hillary Clinton is a stupid c**t.
As your Prez I am truning over all power to Cherokee.
He is your new leader...Thank you very much, Goodnight.

Hey you said fantasy soo...:cool:

PS. I love the Ted remark!
cherokee said:
As your Prez I am truning over all power to Cherokee.
He is your new leader...Thank you very much, Goodnight.

Hey you said fantasy soo...:cool:

PS. I love the Ted remark!

Awesome. Too bad I didn't think of that. The transfer of power to me would be awesome. I would be the most powerful man on earth! Muwahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Just a quick reply to donkey:

1: To Hell with the democrats! Let's get shiz done right for a change.

The republican party has had control of congress and the whitehouse for 5+ years now and have yet to "get shiz done right for a change".....just a hint.....if it hasn't happened yet I doubt its going to. In order to effectuate positive change you have to have sound policies. In five years the Republican party has bankrupted this country, finanacially and morally.

2: Victory is our only strategy; Defeatism isn't. In fact, if one more liberal windbag says something about withdrawing from Iraq before our job is done, I'll have Dick Cheney box em' on the ears.

Again....Bush declared victory months ago.....whatya think....a little premature. It was part of a republican "spin" strategy that worked a little at the time but has come back to bite them in the end.

3: Ted Kennedy is a fat, ol' dinosaur.

You are obviously showing your immaturity here. Intelligent debate does not lend itself to childish personal attacks.

4: Anyone else who compares our brave troops to Nazis will be drug through the streets of Washington by their entrails.

Aside from some fringe groups I haven't heard people comparing our troops to Nazis. What I have heard is Dick Cheney and Condeleeza Rice arguing that we should have a right to use torture and trying to scoot around the Geneva convention. The criticism has been directed at our morally bankrupt administration not at the soldiers.
The vast majority of our troops are hardworking brave men and women. However, it is the few gone astray that hurt us in the eyes of the world and is a reflection of the Cheney/Rumsfield war machine (which incidentally involved several key players from the Vietnam war)

5: Hillary Clinton is a stupid c**t.

See #3 above - Dude....posting things like this make YOU look like a stupid.........

Finally.... a couple more things that I would love to hear Bush say.

4. I recognize that I have manipulated the fears of the American people by engaging in "politics of fear" for my own personal political gain. I am sorry that I have done that. I want to win back your trust. There are very real threats out there to our way of life and I will direct my focus and resources into combatting those threats rather than cowtowing to my advisors who have misdirected me.
I promise to never have the enemy in my sights again and lose focus.

5. I admit once and for all that we mislead you when we argued time and time again that Iraq and 9/11 have a direct connection.

6. Its time for America to come together. This time when I say this its not just rhetoric and I will prove this by taking the first step myself. Its time for the religious right to stop trying to infiltrate every aspect of public life with christianity. I believe in the separation of church/state. At the same token, its time for liberals to recognize religion plays a big role in our nations history.

As you know....I am against Abortion. I think we all as a country can come together and agree that we must do whatever it takes to reduce the number of abortions. However, I recognize that reproductive functions are the most primary personal matters and so I pledge to you that I will protect a woman's right to make that personal choice but I call upon all American's pro-choice and anti-choice alike to come together and work to improve programs so that every child born in the United States is born into a wanted place.

What would I like to hear?

1. Nuclear power will be our power source, no ands, ifs, or buts.

2. We'll dig ANWR

3. Ethonal/ Methanol will lead the near term future of our transportation needs for gasoline engines. Bio diesel will start being sold all over the USA as well.

4. A plan for producing bio fuels

5. Manadatory figure for all consumer vehicles to get 40 MPG Hwy 35 city

6. Debt control legislation.

This would all be nice..
We'll hear what we always hear from Bush, grand, patriotic words no one could disagree to get standing ovations. Bush knows how to push all the emotional patriotic, get a tear in your eye and and a lump in your throat buttons. It's good theater from a '50's movie, but then he does just the opposite in policy! Last State of Union he stuck his finger in his opponents eyes because his poll numbers were up. Now they are down so he's the Mr. Peacemaker again! So will he be the arrogant, give them the finger, know it all we saw leading up to the war, or will he be the grand peacemaker? Will the real Bush stand up! What a joke, it's all :spin:
disneydude said:
Just a quick reply to donkey:

1: To Hell with the democrats! Let's get shiz done right for a change.

The republican party has had control of congress and the whitehouse for 5+ years now and have yet to "get shiz done right for a change".....just a hint.....if it hasn't happened yet I doubt its going to. In order to effectuate positive change you have to have sound policies. In five years the Republican party has bankrupted this country, finanacially and morally.

2: Victory is our only strategy; Defeatism isn't. In fact, if one more liberal windbag says something about withdrawing from Iraq before our job is done, I'll have Dick Cheney box em' on the ears.

Again....Bush declared victory months ago.....whatya think....a little premature. It was part of a republican "spin" strategy that worked a little at the time but has come back to bite them in the end.

3: Ted Kennedy is a fat, ol' dinosaur.

You are obviously showing your immaturity here. Intelligent debate does not lend itself to childish personal attacks.

4: Anyone else who compares our brave troops to Nazis will be drug through the streets of Washington by their entrails.

Aside from some fringe groups I haven't heard people comparing our troops to Nazis. What I have heard is Dick Cheney and Condeleeza Rice arguing that we should have a right to use torture and trying to scoot around the Geneva convention. The criticism has been directed at our morally bankrupt administration not at the soldiers.
The vast majority of our troops are hardworking brave men and women. However, it is the few gone astray that hurt us in the eyes of the world and is a reflection of the Cheney/Rumsfield war machine (which incidentally involved several key players from the Vietnam war)

5: Hillary Clinton is a stupid c**t.

See #3 above - Dude....posting things like this make YOU look like a stupid.........

Finally.... a couple more things that I would love to hear Bush say.

4. I recognize that I have manipulated the fears of the American people by engaging in "politics of fear" for my own personal political gain. I am sorry that I have done that. I want to win back your trust. There are very real threats out there to our way of life and I will direct my focus and resources into combatting those threats rather than cowtowing to my advisors who have misdirected me.
I promise to never have the enemy in my sights again and lose focus.

5. I admit once and for all that we mislead you when we argued time and time again that Iraq and 9/11 have a direct connection.

6. Its time for America to come together. This time when I say this its not just rhetoric and I will prove this by taking the first step myself. Its time for the religious right to stop trying to infiltrate every aspect of public life with christianity. I believe in the separation of church/state. At the same token, its time for liberals to recognize religion plays a big role in our nations history.

As you know....I am against Abortion. I think we all as a country can come together and agree that we must do whatever it takes to reduce the number of abortions. However, I recognize that reproductive functions are the most primary personal matters and so I pledge to you that I will protect a woman's right to make that personal choice but I call upon all American's pro-choice and anti-choice alike to come together and work to improve programs so that every child born in the United States is born into a wanted place.


#1: Just because the stuff that Bush wants to get done, doesn't go along with your leftist ideaology, it doesn't mean that they aren't sound policies. And if nothing got done, it's because of those "progressive" democrats stopped the "progress" with filibusters and such.

#2: That whole "Victory" banner wasn't Bush's idea. That banner was placed on that carrier without his knowledge, and Bush already explained that. Besides, we've had many victories since then anyhow: Saddam is gone from power, Iraqis can now vote for who ever they want, we've won Falluja, the terrorists are now fighting each other, etc. There are more victories, but you probably don't want to hear about those.

#3: So, it's immature to have fun? It's immature to joke around and play? Obviously you don't get out much, do you?

#4: Dick Durbin calls our troops Nazis, but you must've been off in "LaLa Land" when he said that. Howler Dean says "We can't win". Hey, these are your "heroes" who supposedly support the troops. Yet they say Bush invaded Iraq "illegally".
So, if Bush invaded Iraq "illegally", then that makes Bush a criminal. And Bush is using the military to "commit this crime". So then the troops are criminals (guilty by association) because most of em' willingly follow Bush's lead. So that would make Bush a "Mob Boss" while the US Military is his group of "Thugs". So much for supporting the troops. But if they did support the troops, then they also support Bush, and then they also support crime. Which they support crime anyway (liberal judge in Vermont who only gave child molester 60 days in jail; is one example).

#5: See #3 above.

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