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What does Mueller's failure to provide leaks on the investigation mean to YOU? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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The one thing I would suggest that everyone could agree on with the Mueller investigation is that there have been few if any leaks about what is going on until there is an indictment. This fact seems to mean something different to those on each side of thee investigation. To most of those who support Trump we constantly hear, "see, no evidence of collusion". Because there have been no leaks those against trump say that "look at the indictments and they point to several crimes committed by Trump including collusion". I look at what happening and the lack of leaks and think, Mueller is making sure that no one who is investigated and not guilty of anything will be found guilty by either political party and the public and this is as it should be. And as far as the guilt of those who committed crimes, well we shall find that out when the Mueller's report comes out or they are indicted. I will let the talking heads from both sides talk, not that any of their talking means much. So what do you think that the lack of leaks means as far as the guilt of anyone involved?
I don’t consider the absence of leaks from Mueller and his team a “failure”. To have such a complex investigation with so many issues, people to interview, and evidence to gather in our multimedia 24 hour news world without leaks is a miracle. When the investigation is over, Mueller could make a fortune teaching other groups how to do the same.

As for what the absence of leaks means to me about the investigation as a whole? Nothing at all.

Only fools and partisans (redundant?) make anything of it. Trump, with all his “witch hunt” and “no collusion” ranting only makes himself look more guilty.
The one thing I would suggest that everyone could agree on with the Mueller investigation is that there have been few if any leaks about what is going on until there is an indictment. This fact seems to mean something different to those on each side of thee investigation. To most of those who support Trump we constantly hear, "see, no evidence of collusion". Because there have been no leaks those against trump say that "look at the indictments and they point to several crimes committed by Trump including collusion". I look at what happening and the lack of leaks and think, Mueller is making sure that no one who is investigated and not guilty of anything will be found guilty by either political party and the public and this is as it should be. And as far as the guilt of those who committed crimes, well we shall find that out when the Mueller's report comes out or they are indicted. I will let the talking heads from both sides talk, not that any of their talking means much. So what do you think that the lack of leaks means as far as the guilt of anyone involved?

I take this as a sign of the professionalism of the team he has assembled. Compare that to Trump's failure of a WH team, where senior officials are writing op-eds explaining Trump is a moron who needs to be babysat.
The one thing I would suggest that everyone could agree on with the Mueller investigation is that there have been few if any leaks about what is going on until there is an indictment. This fact seems to mean something different to those on each side of thee investigation. To most of those who support Trump we constantly hear, "see, no evidence of collusion". Because there have been no leaks those against trump say that "look at the indictments and they point to several crimes committed by Trump including collusion". I look at what happening and the lack of leaks and think, Mueller is making sure that no one who is investigated and not guilty of anything will be found guilty by either political party and the public and this is as it should be. And as far as the guilt of those who committed crimes, well we shall find that out when the Mueller's report comes out or they are indicted. I will let the talking heads from both sides talk, not that any of their talking means much. So what do you think that the lack of leaks means as far as the guilt of anyone involved?

There are only a few things we "know" about the subject of whether Mueller and his team have leaked anything or not. They essentially boil down to "we don't know for sure".

1. We do know that Andrew Weissmann, one of Mueller's top team members, has an extensive relationship with the media. It is even alleged that he consulted with them BEFORE he was even a member of Mueller's team regarding Manafort.

2. We know there were leaks to the media going back to early 2017 that likely could have only come from someone associated with Mueller.

3. But the most important thing we know is that there has been NO actual investigation of leaks coming from Mueller or his team.

So...bottom line...I won't be so quick, as you seem to be, in concluding that Mueller and his people haven't leaked stuff to the media.
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“Failure to provide leaks”? That’s an interesting (and bizarre) way to put it, since it implies that Mueller was under some obligation I’m unaware of to leak to the press.

Well, what his...failure...to provide leaks means to me is that it signals a near 100% competence and professionalism on the part of him and his team. This has got to be at least somewhat disconcerting to a legal team (Trump’s) that is defined by anything but professionalism and competence.

It means a second thing to me: I am now driven crazy on a daily basis by an endless parade of speculation from news personalities about who’s going to get indicted next, and they’re almost never right because, again, Mueller isn’t leaking to the press.
The one thing I would suggest that everyone could agree on with the Mueller investigation is that there have been few if any leaks about what is going on until there is an indictment. This fact seems to mean something different to those on each side of thee investigation. To most of those who support Trump we constantly hear, "see, no evidence of collusion". Because there have been no leaks those against trump say that "look at the indictments and they point to several crimes committed by Trump including collusion". I look at what happening and the lack of leaks and think, Mueller is making sure that no one who is investigated and not guilty of anything will be found guilty by either political party and the public and this is as it should be. And as far as the guilt of those who committed crimes, well we shall find that out when the Mueller's report comes out or they are indicted. I will let the talking heads from both sides talk, not that any of their talking means much. So what do you think that the lack of leaks means as far as the guilt of anyone involved?

What planet are you on? The Witch Hunt has been leaking from DAY ONE, and we still haven't been told how Mouthenatti obtained Cohen's PRIVATE BANKING IFO which was in the WITCH HUNT'S POSSESSION, have we?
The one thing I would suggest that everyone could agree on with the Mueller investigation is that there have been few if any leaks about what is going on until there is an indictment. This fact seems to mean something different to those on each side of thee investigation. To most of those who support Trump we constantly hear, "see, no evidence of collusion". Because there have been no leaks those against trump say that "look at the indictments and they point to several crimes committed by Trump including collusion". I look at what happening and the lack of leaks and think, Mueller is making sure that no one who is investigated and not guilty of anything will be found guilty by either political party and the public and this is as it should be. And as far as the guilt of those who committed crimes, well we shall find that out when the Mueller's report comes out or they are indicted. I will let the talking heads from both sides talk, not that any of their talking means much. So what do you think that the lack of leaks means as far as the guilt of anyone involved?

Don't care. Most of the leaks have been a desperate attempt at distraction by Ghouliani and other Trump henchmen that all prove to be false.
The one thing I would suggest that everyone could agree on with the Mueller investigation is that there have been few if any leaks about what is going on until there is an indictment. This fact seems to mean something different to those on each side of thee investigation. To most of those who support Trump we constantly hear, "see, no evidence of collusion". Because there have been no leaks those against trump say that "look at the indictments and they point to several crimes committed by Trump including collusion". I look at what happening and the lack of leaks and think, Mueller is making sure that no one who is investigated and not guilty of anything will be found guilty by either political party and the public and this is as it should be. And as far as the guilt of those who committed crimes, well we shall find that out when the Mueller's report comes out or they are indicted. I will let the talking heads from both sides talk, not that any of their talking means much. So what do you think that the lack of leaks means as far as the guilt of anyone involved?

All it means is Mueller is doing that part of his job well. It doesn't have anything to do with anyone's guilt or innocence.
What planet are you on? The Witch Hunt has been leaking from DAY ONE, and we still haven't been told how Mouthenatti obtained Cohen's PRIVATE BANKING IFO which was in the WITCH HUNT'S POSSESSION, have we?

Please provide a link to "all of the leaks" or admit I have written the truth.
There are only a few things we "know" about the subject of whether Mueller and his team have leaked anything or not. They essentially boil down to "we don't know for sure".

1. We do know that Andrew Weissmann, one of Mueller's top team members, has an extensive relationship with the media. It is even alleged that he consulted with them BEFORE he was even a member of Mueller's team regarding Manafort.

2. We know there were leaks to the media going back to early 2017 that likely could have only come from someone associated with Mueller.

3. But the most important thing we know is that there has been NO actual investigation of leaks coming from Mueller or his team.

So...bottom line...I won't be so quick, as you seem to be, in concluding that Mueller and his people haven't leaked stuff to the media.

Nice rant but I want a link to the leaks you talk about .
There are only a few things we "know" about the subject of whether Mueller and his team have leaked anything or not. They essentially boil down to "we don't know for sure".

1. We do know that Andrew Weissmann, one of Mueller's top team members, has an extensive relationship with the media. It is even alleged that he consulted with them BEFORE he was even a member of Mueller's team regarding Manafort.

All of which equals zero.

2. We know there were leaks to the media going back to early 2017 that likely could have only come from someone associated with Mueller.

You don’t know that.

3. But the most important thing we know is that there has been NO actual investigation of leaks coming from Mueller or his team.

You don’t know that, nor do you know if there are any leaks to be invtestigated.

So...bottom line...I won't be so quick, as you seem to be, in concluding that Mueller and his people haven't leaked stuff to the media.

Bottom line is everything we do know suggests Mueller’s team has been remarkably leak free.
It means they are professionals who know the high stakes of this investigation, and have made it clear to their trustworthy team that if something does leak, heads will roll.

Yes, like all professionally handled endeavors, it is a stark contrast to to the president's ad-hoc, lie-based charade.
"Failure to provide" ?

From your article:

"But the only reason we know the truth is not because our corrupt media broke this bombshell story (the biggest of the year) but because Trump had the guts to play chicken with his leaking, lying FBI Director James Comey; because Trump had the brass balls required to fire that perjuring piece of sleaze."

I stopped reading there. Do you have anything not written by a raving nutcase?

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