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What do you think of Scientology? (1 Viewer)

No. Scientology has no merits. It is a completely false religion that is known to have been created for the pure reason of making a profit. Its creator is Hubbard, who said he wanted to creation a religion because that's where the money is at.

Scientology is a world-wide pyramid scheme in which the people who are on the lower runs get screwed. It's as business, not a religion, and its tenets are completely bullshit.

E-meters are worthless nonsense
There are no such things as Body Thetans
The Universe is not under the control of the Evil Emperor who nuked earth.

Anyone who actually believes Scientology is crazy, lying, or just trying to **** you off.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
Anyone who actually believes Scientology is crazy, lying, or just trying to **** you off.

HaHa, look at Tom Cruise, he denounces pharmesetucal drugs to treat depression, while at the same time, jumps on couches. Is this behavior civilized?
kal-el said:
HaHa, look at Tom Cruise, he denounces pharmesetucal drugs to treat depression, while at the same time, jumps on couches. Is this behavior civilized?

I don't know what's going on with Cruise but I just wonder about those psychiatric drugs. I've known people who've said they didn't do anything for them and they gave them side effects like weight gain and other things. I just wonder if the pharmacutical companies are just trying to make money or what.
George_Washington said:
I don't know what's going on with Cruise but I just wonder about those psychiatric drugs. I've known people who've said they didn't do anything for them and they gave them side effects like weight gain and other things. I just wonder if the pharmacutical companies are just trying to make money or what.

Sure, some of the drugs probably do little to nothing, but remember even 10 years ago, we didn't even have some of them available. Until we can come up with better treatments, drugs will suffice.
NOt all drugs work the same for every individual. We don't have tailor-made medicines yet. You shouldn't expect any drug to be a wonder cure or one that's free of any side-effects. Drugs DO help the problems though; they don't necessarily cure them.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
NOt all drugs work the same for every individual. We don't have tailor-made medicines yet. You shouldn't expect any drug to be a wonder cure or one that's free of any side-effects. Drugs DO help the problems though; they don't necessarily cure them.

Of course they don't offer cures, they're simply treatments. Look, now I believe type 2 diabetics can take oral medication opposed to injected insulin to control blood glucose. Even 20 years ago, this was unheard of! People were condemned to live a horrible life of taking injections. And what about AIDS/ HIV? Years ago, you were definetly considered a goner if you were unfortunate enough to contract either of these. "You had 1 foot already in the coffin." But now,on the other hand, there's various pills and treatments out there that anyone with HIV/AIDs, can basically live a normal life! And what about Cystic Fibrosis? Decades ago, a person with this unbearable illness was requried to consume 100s of pills when they ate, in order to digest food properly, but now, they may only take less than a handful! And all this progress is only the beginning!
Um....lemme see here, I wrote what I think of scientology down once.....uh....oh, here it is:

HAHAHA>>>>hehehehehhhehheheh.....oh my freakin god....you gotta be kidding.....heh
its garbage to control the masses ,make profits , score political brownie points
evangelist baptists all the same rubble ,with another mask.
when it fails, invent a new one, and through benevolence capture your prey.
kal-el said:
HaHa, look at Tom Cruise, he denounces pharmesetucal drugs to treat depression, while at the same time, jumps on couches. Is this behavior civilized?

Lets set up an experiment. Give Tom a club and place a helpless woman near by..if he bashes her over the head and hauls her off to the nearest cave we'll know the answer.
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
Lets set up an experiment. Give Tom a club and place a helpless woman near by..if he bashes her over the head and hauls her off to the nearest cave we'll know the answer.

Yea,:lol: From what I gather about them, they believe in not 1 "God", but several. And I think they believe Jesus was just a nice, ordinary man.
This is a funny story. I was walking my a University last week and this guy asked me if I wanted a free, "Stress Test". So I just said ok. Then I sat down and he gave me what looked like to be two recycled cola cans to hold on to, which were attatched to this weird device with a meter on it. He said I was under a lot of stress and tried to get me to buy Ron Hubbard's book for 8 bucks.

I was like, "Dude, I heard Scientology was a cult." He tried to deny it and I was really trying hard not to burst out laughing.
kal-el said:
Yea,:lol: From what I gather about them, they believe in not 1 "God", but several. And I think they believe Jesus was just a nice, ordinary man.

Actually from what I understand scientology advances the belief that aliens (yes, from outter space) crash landed on our planet and all died out then became part of the earth. Then they say that we were made from the earth and have parts of the aliens inside of us which gives certain people special abilities and if you pay them x amount of money they will teach you how to use them. :rofl It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I don't understand how a neadrethal could fall for something like that let alone a modern human.
It really wouldn't be so bad if they backed it up with scientific evidence and not just the word of Ron Hubbard.

I will say however that one thing they advocate, reincarnation, is something I'm not totally close midned to. I think reincarnation is an interesting theory.
George_Washington said:
Actually they believe Jesus had reached a higher level of consciousness along with other smart people.

O, I'm not an expert in Scientology.
It really wouldn't be so bad if they backed it up with scientific evidence and not just the word of Ron Hubbard.

I will say however that one thing they advocate, reincarnation, is something I'm not totally close midned to. I think reincarnation is an interesting theory.

They cannot back it up, because it's completely made up. Hubbard wanted to make a religion, so he took one from his science fiction novels. You cannot substantiate something you dream up.

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