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What do you think of Humans? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
since this seems to be have dominated by religion...I'll throw something different out.

What do you think of humans?

Do you think we're evil, ignorant, selfish, destructive, and unkind (Hobbes rings a bell)

or do you think we are capable of the greatest wonders if we are left alone to do what we will. (Locke, maybe?)

Or maybe something in between here!
I am not much of a science dude but I'll try my best. In my opinion, no person is born evil. They only become evil because of the way they are brought up and the society in which they live in.

Men are a species. We gradually evolved when it became neccesary to. Because we were not on earth with anything in particular that would help us like a tiger or some kind of predator like that so we used tools instead. With these tools and weapons, we were able to conquer the world. However, we will eventually die out, like all species eventually do. That is my opinion on humans.
I believe that we are born with innocence. The only thing that is a downside that we are born with is original sin, and that is if you believe in it.

However, growing up you become aware of what you have, what others have, and you try to better your self. It is human nature to better yourself and be better than others. Because of this, you could call us greedy and selfish. But, I do believe that we are capable of great things. People who realize this, and others who apply themselves can achieve anything within reason. So I guess, I am somewhere in the middle, always finding the happy medium.
I do not believe we were evil or sinful at birth, but we each surely seem to begin life with “empty brains”, so to speak, or simple ignorance of everything. For example, and when my second grandson was born, I was quite surprised to learn that human babies do not always “latch on” correctly when first attempting to suckle. And in this little guy’s case, the fact that he had sucked on his tongue rather than his thumb while in the womb made matters even worse. For the first few weeks, my daughter had quite a challenge trying to encourage him to “Keep trying, oh please!” after she would have to “pull away” and use her finger to teach him to extend his tongue to achieve a working connection. In other words, it seems we are at the very least in great need of each other from birth until death.
I love John Locke. :mrgreen:

My personal opinion is that humans are born good. Some exceptions for sociopaths or other organically-caused mental disorders. But overwhelmingly we are good.

The rest is environment.
I have come to think that human nature is internally evil, something born within the human being. It is the emotions such as love, care, and devotion that are assimilated throughout our lifetime. Jealousy, insecurity, manipulation, these are not feelings that are taught, these are natural. Evil is more of an instinct than anything else, a defense mechanism to you will. It is up to the individual to suppress these feelings, rise above them.
Timequake said:
I have come to think that human nature is internally evil, something born within the human being. It is the emotions such as love, care, and devotion that are assimilated throughout our lifetime. Jealousy, insecurity, manipulation, these are not feelings that are taught, these are natural. Evil is more of an instinct than anything else, a defense mechanism to you will. It is up to the individual to suppress these feelings, rise above them.

Are you evil?
Snoozin said:
Are you evil?

Every person has evil qualities. I get jealous when someone does something better than me, I get insecure when I feel neglected. These things root from the evil inside us. Now am I malicious? I’d like to think not, but then who ever wants to admit to that? Being evil is one thing, and acting on it is another, we have the choice.
Timequake said:
Every person has evil qualities. I get jealous when someone does something better than me, I get insecure when I feel neglected. These things root from the evil inside us. Now am I malicious? I’d like to think not, but then who ever wants to admit to that? Being evil is one thing, and acting on it is another, we have the choice.

I agree with you, I just view humans as basically good, and when we do something bad, it's just a mistake. Granted some are bigger than others. I was just curious why you defined humans as evil, as is the evil aspect of us is inherently stronger than the good aspect of us. ?? Just curious, that's all.

I don't have much kid experience, but I've watched my nephew grow up (he's 4 today), and he just so full of kindness and compassion for other people. He doesn't know prejudice or hatred (yet). That's why I tend to believe we're born good, and then life can get the better of us at times. :)
Snoozin said:
I agree with you, I just view humans as basically good, and when we do something bad, it's just a mistake. Granted some are bigger than others. I was just curious why you defined humans as evil, as is the evil aspect of us is inherently stronger than the good aspect of us. ?? Just curious, that's all.

I don't have much kid experience, but I've watched my nephew grow up (he's 4 today), and he just so full of kindness and compassion for other people. He doesn't know prejudice or hatred (yet). That's why I tend to believe we're born good, and then life can get the better of us at times. :)

I understand what you’re saying, it makes sense. I just believe that people are born evil, it's an instinct, it's just there hibernating until recognized or provoked. Human nature is selfish, controlled by the pleasure-ego, wishing to obtain everything they desire. Evil is there to help you cope when these things aren’t obtained. Your nephew is too young to make sense of these thoughts. For example, when he feels jealous when he has to wait for the swing, how is his evil helping him cope? Most likely by crying, this is the only reaction he knows, as he grows older he will find that there are other ways to act out this jealousy, saying the swing is dumb, pushing the kid off the swing so he can go, etc. But as he grows he is also learning love, care, courtesy, and kindness, all suppressing these urges to act upon his evil.

Does that make sense to you? Hopefully that gave you a better idea of what I am trying to convey. Sorry if using you’re nephew as an example offended you.
Timequake said:
I understand what you’re saying, it makes sense. I just believe that people are born evil, it's an instinct, it's just there hibernating until recognized or provoked. Human nature is selfish, controlled by the pleasure-ego, wishing to obtain everything they desire. Evil is there to help you cope when these things aren’t obtained. Your nephew is too young to make sense of these thoughts. For example, when he feels jealous when he has to wait for the swing, how is his evil helping him cope? Most likely by crying, this is the only reaction he knows, as he grows older he will find that there are other ways to act out this jealousy, saying the swing is dumb, pushing the kid off the swing so he can go, etc. But as he grows he is also learning love, care, courtesy, and kindness, all suppressing these urges to act upon his evil.

Does that make sense to you? Hopefully that gave you a better idea of what I am trying to convey. Sorry if using you’re nephew as an example offended you.

Heheh. No offense. Actually, he doesn't have a jealous bone in his body (yet). Notice I keep saying *yet.* I understand what you are saying. I had a biology teacher who was talking about instinct once. He said the highest instinct is to stay alive. The second highest is to keep those you love alive (family). The third highest instinct is to keep your species alive. All of this boils down to self-survival. I must live. My family must live so I can procreate. My society must live because they help me to survive. So these instincts are indeed very selfish. But here in the US, for most of us, we have all our needs met. We don't wonder where our next meal is coming from. We have the luxury and time to try and *evolve* past these instincts and help others. Help animals. Help the planet (environmentally). They are not immediate instincts, but if you look at the world globally, trying to preserve everything on the planet is good for our continued survival.

Anyway, yes, everyone has some evil (although that's kind of a harsh word) attributes. I get jealous, enviously, petty, and want to act on those, but I don't. I think most people are like this. I've only met one person who is entirely self-absorbed to the point I think he is a true sociopath.
Snoozin said:
Anyway, yes, everyone has some evil (although that's kind of a harsh word) attributes. I get jealous, enviously, petty, and want to act on those, but I don't. I think most people are like this. I've only met one person who is entirely self-absorbed to the point I think he is a true sociopath.

Please don't say Bush...
Timequake said:
Please don't say Bush...

LOL! No, I don't know him personally. I'm talking about a work colleague who despises he family and who is utterly without compassion for anyone even in his immediate circle of friends.

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