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What did Trump think Woodward would do with the tapes? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Trump and his cronies are saying that he was set up by Woodward, guess he knows how Pielosi feels, but it is not true. I mean Trump must have realized that Woodward was a journalist and wrote books. Did Trump think in his arrogance that he could stop Woodward from using the material he got from what, 18 interviews? This was not a set up, it was 18 interviews given freely by Trump to Woodward who is free to use the material as he wants. Woodward like everyone else wants to earn money from a book and he can do so without Trump's permission. I do not think set up but stupidity when I hear Trump and his cronies complain about the release of both tapes and the book. And if Trump says he did not know he was being taped, then he is really, really stupid.
Trump thinks he's the smartest man in the room and can talk his way out of anything. Plus, he craves attention.

He's really just a dumb ass (as his own family knows).
Trump thinks he's the smartest man in the room and can talk his way out of anything. Plus, he craves attention.

He's really just a dumb ass (as his own family knows).

Trump wouldn't be the smartest man in the room even if said room was empty.
Trump’s brain is damaged so he can’t really remember what he said from one day to the next.
What did Trump think

There's the important part. He doesn't waste a lot of time on that, I'd guess.
Trump and his cronies are saying that he was set up by Woodward, guess he knows how Pielosi feels, but it is not true. I mean Trump must have realized that Woodward was a journalist and wrote books. Did Trump think in his arrogance that he could stop Woodward from using the material he got from what, 18 interviews? This was not a set up, it was 18 interviews given freely by Trump to Woodward who is free to use the material as he wants. Woodward like everyone else wants to earn money from a book and he can do so without Trump's permission. I do not think set up but stupidity when I hear Trump and his cronies complain about the release of both tapes and the book. And if Trump says he did not know he was being taped, then he is really, really stupid.

Trump has unlimited faith in his own charm. He thought he was winning Woodward over.
Trump once again showing why his top confidants are family members, no one else would put up with his stupidity and carelessness.
Trump thinks too much of Himself. That He is the smartest in the room, so far above every one and every thing, He can say anything and get away with it. Remember just one of the many revealing of what Trump has said is that "The Art of the Deal" was the best book ever written, written by Him, though the book was ghost written by Tony Schwartz, then in the same sentence said was second only to the Bible. Knows more than the generals. The list goes on...

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